In other dog-related news

Linus getting an exchange; what's going on with Hokk? And what happened to the Lucky guys?

Hate to break it to you anon... but LINU was always gonna mog the shit out of the other two. I still hope they wake up and do well but from the very beginning the drive and autistic energy and meme magic of LINU was 100x greater than for the other two

No clue on Lucky, I went to their telegram and it seems like a ghost town. Are they still working on the flip game or what?

He's asking about hokk and lucky not if linu was better or not anon. Everyone is happy Linu is doing great since most of us hold a comfy stack of linu. We're now discussing hokk and lucky in this thread. As for hokk idk whats going on... the volume is almost under 1k and the team has been working around the clock but not sure on what atm. they need some nice gentleman to come in and donate them $20k so they can get shit done. Linu got a nice donation that got them on citex so if hokk had that happen it'd help. Otherwise its running on like $50 in the fund wallet atm and alot of good plans but no money to do anything with it.

as for lucky the lucky dev and mantis both ran like lil bitches and ditched the project last I heard. No idea if they are coming back or let it die like soulless sissypussies too weak to handle a lil difficulty.

Fair. Wagmi homies

That's the advantage of being first mover. And the soap-opera angle is a pretty good marketing angle, ngl

$20k so they can get shit done

Why $20k? last I heard they got a top 30 CEX listing offer for $6k USD

Goddamn dude, all dogs are welcome.

They do. Or did. As far as I know that's still on the table.
I don't think even Linu had $20k at any point.

Believe it or not but I am the one who came up with TELINUVELA straight after the NFT money drama. I literally kept a sui stack in this shitcoin because the whole plot was just so fucking good kek

as for lucky the lucky dev and mantis both ran like lil bitches and ditched the project last I heard. No idea if they are coming back or let it die like soulless sissypussies too weak to handle a lil difficulty.

That sucks, would have been cool for all 3 biz dogs to make it

I actually do like that, It's too fucking perfect.

lucky inu is very welcome as is hokk and linu. the pupper triangle we all wanted. The problem is the lucky devs ran like lil bitches cuz boo hoo we had a lil difficulty and the coin isnt worth 5732462346 gorillion dollars. so mantis and lucky unless they come back and get back to work are coward sissypussies that ran from the project cuz a few things didnt happen exactly how they wanted it to. disgusting desu. just let the linu or hokk team take over lucky since the 2 devs for lucky are failed men in life

Why don't they do NFTs to pay for CEX like LINU did, then?

why not do NFTs then get scammed THEN get a chad donny of 10K in usdt, just follow linus footsteps

Lucky dev gave away lucky for free on biz as well as vpn passes. Mantis paid for the nfts and built the website. Meanwhile everyone in here did jack fucking shit to help out. It’s not like they started lucky, it was a dead coin that got revived. They were just people that started actually doing something after lucky took off. The only reason lucky died is because the threads got nonstop reported. If you faggots wanted to, you could take over lucky the same exact way, but we know you won’t use you’re too fucking lazy to do that.

The truth is that once a memecoin pumps, that’s it, it’s done. Lucky is dead, and the other two are in this stage where people think something magical will happen and it will take off. Like all of a sudden somebody will see it and go oh look at this forgettable dog coin, I should buy this even though the chart looks terrible! Nobody outside of biz cares about them. They won’t take off during the bull market, because people will just buy whatever is new and shiny. If you guys were smart, you would realize that there is nothing more ahead for Linu. The cex happened. The FOMO will dry up, and people will slowly start to sell.

The truth is that once a memecoin pumps, that’s it, it’s done

That's because the people behind it either lose faith and give up, or they've made their money and move on. But what happens if a memecoin keeps getting worked on over the long term?

Genuine question here, suppose HOKK gets a comic out, and there's enough people that like it that they are willing to donate to see the story continue, would you abandon HOKK even if they kept building on it for the long term?

lucky and mantis are sissypussies for running away like cowards from the project. and hey if you're so awesome you take it over and work on it big guy. Im already working on an obscure crypto with a small team so im not going to go work on lucky also til this coin is where it needs to be. how about instead of you throwing shade cuz you're probably luckybitch or mantispussy and seething you got called out for not being a man you go work on the coin and fix it from being dead like pepemmo. you wont and you are gonna talk a big game while being just as worthless. Im on a crypto project working on a coin you're shit posting like a big talk faggot on Anon Babble. you are inferior and always will be. run along luckybitch or mantispussy you arent welcome here anymore

lucky and mantis are sissypussies for running away like cowards from the project.

We don't really know that desu

oh well I dont see them talking in the chat nor posting updates I do see them being gone for a week or so now tho. so please tell me im wrong so I can laugh.

anyways lucky was supposed to be the 3rd coin but the devs fucked it all up and ruined that. now its linu and hokk.

I’m not either of them. I sold when it was pumping because I’m not retard. Nobody is going to buy your Jeet coin you esl faggot.

go work on the token luckybitch and stop posting here

i still kek at this im so sorry lucky bros but this guy got you good lol

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only you retards are ignoring the biggest dog news of all. Doginals. Makes literally all your dog shitcoins irrelevant. Doge coin and Doginals will be main crypto hub of everything dog related.

if you couldn't tell the difference between LINU and every other "no dev perfect distro" copycat you are in the worst part of the bell curve (the middle)

starts throwing shade at lucky devs

wasting time on here

says she can’t spend time on lucky, too busy with her other coin

says someone else is wasting time talking shit on here

continues to waste time on here

How fucking stupid are you? There is zero chance you’re a dev. Your job must be tg admin or something gay like that. Or you’re the guy that spam’s stickers to get the jeets all hyped up. No wonder you’re invested in this shit lmao


a do nothing nobody is seething I do work on a coin with some others and because im not acting how you think I should act you assume im some lowly position. Tells me more about how you view people than anything loser. stop shitting up the thread with your queer talk and weak mindset.

Shame there's people that'd rather focus on destroying the effort of a couple Anon Babble autists coming together, crab in a bucket mindset
Don't hold back, enlighten us poor low IQ plebs tell us your high IQ take, my kind stranger

No, I don’t think I will stop.

Someone in the TG talked to Mantis a few days ago, he's coming back and he's going to try to revive lucky or start a new project which will be airdropped to all lucky holders; so that no lucky holders get left behind.

I don't know the back story but if anything that would give lucky more attention because of how funny it is lol

Lucky was always going to have a tough row to hoe. As the last of the three, its community was almost exclusively anons looking for a quick pump and an exit who had already swung through linu AND hokk.

They were honestly trying, hopefully they come back

why? we already did that. Only idiots and geniuses understood.

You wont ever see because your lot in life is to be average. It's the best place to be normally when society is functioning. In times like this it only pays to be on the fringe, midwit.

why? we already did that. Only idiots and geniuses understood.

So you are saying you are not smart enough to explain it?

kek another pnd on linu. next would be FIRE 3rd coin of spyro

LUCKY can still make it.
If LUCKY hits HOKK levels you're talking about a 10x. I could care less about utilization.
Besides, I like their memes

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just because

Cool. Maybe LINU can replace USDC when it fails.


$20k? What do they need $50k for? Who in their right mind would donate a $100k?