Duel Mandate Edition

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Boomer Investing 101:




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Cash is king.

Man, I wish I wasn't poor AND retarded. I could probably handle one or the other.

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What the fuck is SPY doing?
Who controls this shit?

Why the fuck hasn't BYND dumped yet

What're you buying?

What're you selling?

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AI owes me sex

I would settle for dinner

40% short float, stupid retards sizing their short positions too large.
guy with a 10% allocation: oopsie I just lost 10% of my net assets and now my risk is 20%

Kenneth Spychalski is rumored to have cancer.

Buying npce
Selling not a damn thing

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Nothing. In addition to this being dead crab my indicator things also have never to say. Something has to break some way before i can trade

Hmm qui indeed.

for me, it's natural gas of the female variety


safe 20% return

doesn't exist

Tempted to get in on DELL earnings.

whats the market reach for this thing?
how many people get seizures?

KO AI announcment when?

Holding onto my NVDA puts like a nigger to his last crack rock. Nothing else matters.

I’m all in on LUNR
You’re welcome short sellers
It’ll now tank


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god imagine buying tbills and bonds in the 1980s

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I just personally have one, 1 in 25 have epilepsy. Works great for me and they have ad campaigns on meta products. With the rate cut tease it's just going up. Neurolink headlines help too because npce is the only competitor.

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so write some volatility or trade vix alway be profitin.

Nothing today. Tomorrow, I will buy the gentleman's share of SCHD and SPLG.

1:25 thats not a small number.

dude you're getting a dell

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Anons, shill me some defense stocks.

This is a schizo market fren

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Thanks dude.

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Hey baggot, sir.
Tiffany Haddish said that dipping kosher pickles into koolaid powder, is a jewish thing. Is this true? Do you approve of Ms. Haddish being a jew?


The future is now old man.

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Go DOW? Hell yeah industrial bros.

DAX gonna close 7th day outside daily bollinger

lol, lmao even.

Putting a little cash in my Roth is the only financial transaction I'll be making today.

The movements on COIN are extremely jewish

you too my dude, thanks. í´m going to check their finnancials

Even when a european war broke out the EU indices only dipped for 1-2 days outside the lower bollinger and now we pump and grind outside the upper on mememagic for days?

I'm gonna be real with you: I never check that shit. You know why? All those fuckers are getting paid. Oh sure sometimes some wacky shit like a little cheeky passenger aircraft decompression, but you know what, we fly on.

I made almost $30k buying a ROOT strangle spread on a whim

Why is BIG so low?
Their revenue per share dwarfs the price per share?

can anybody explain to me why this schizo got worked into a seething shoot when he heard that ONE person was being forgiven their student loan debts?
how come all of the lower millionaires get triggered into a seething wagerage whenever they hear of somebody either playing the system or being forgiven something? The Mannarino right there reminded me a lot of molymeme and the tantrums he threw when the topic arised.
they dislike when the government goes into debt for deficit spending, war and corporate bailouts BUT THEY REALLY GET THE PITCHFORKS OUT when the gov does something for the common person.
just listen to the mental gymnastics The Mannarino goes through explaining why this is a bad thing.
all the way to

if you had carried around your student loan debts you would have earned MORE MONEY than if it were forgiven to you

now that your degree is free and nobody has to go into debt for it any longer IT IS WORTH NOTHING [no idea how he came up with that one]


dude wtf they all get triggered by the same things while being filthy rich themselves...

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idk he's a mentally ill dude on the internet that acts goofy so people post him, it's fine though we're sending less than $100B to ukraine this year

CW also gets you URANIUM exposure indirectly

So who's ready for the government shutdown tomorrow? I reckon that's why the bitcoins be mooning, complete collapse of the US government is tomorrow.

The fuck is Jacob looking at?

collapses usually take 2 weeks to happen

wtf man, i literally bumped the price of my pennyscam +2% and cleared out all the asks at 0.63 cents, and i still have some bids at 0.62 for 25k shares (i got impatient and went up to asks at 0.63 for another 25k shares and it didn't even fulfill complete)
i just wanted to buy more but it's too fucking illiquid, it wasn't this illiquid last night


If you wage less than 80hrs a week, lower your tone when talking to me.

Baggie you little goofball lemme give you a smooch

Nothing, his ass is dead lmao.

So what you're saying is more puts

they won't let me pick up shifts BECAUSE NOBODY IS BUYING ANYTHING

so people pursuing a higher education are generally the stupid ones in your thinking?

i see the music is continuing, very well then.

hey thats the same pennystock im into

Remember this guy had his career destroyed cause he smoked weed? His character was a stoner bro and he still got cancelled for doing what everyone expected? Nowadays I really wonder what glowies are using to blackmail people when rampant faggotry and drug use is normalized.

There he is with that fag talk again

Sounds like you boys have been gatekeeping alpha!

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Bitfuck is going to zero.

I am actually impressed the BYND CEO found a way to get the stock to pump after suffering such a massive loss in a single quarter. Their gross margin is so bad that I don't think it's possible to turn the business around.

I’ve found more indicators of moral compass

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I really wonder what glowies are using to blackmail people

It's pedophilia, anon.

My ROTH port is undeniably amazing. My stock picks are actually better than anyone else’s on this board











i can help take ur bags off ur hands bro
im providing plenty liquidity for you, ill baghold for u bro come on redeem the shares

Not for long. What then ?

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No kidding, goes to show what a few empty promises about cutting costs does to people

you didn't read the laws. stupidity is independent of intelligence.
but suffice it to say, if you were insolvable on your loans, it shows at least 2 instances of harmful decision making. Not having career prospects before college, and dedicating yourself to serving debt you couldn't pay back. Biden voting is the nail in the coffin of the pattern of stupidity as determined by harmful decision making.

it think it´s always worth it checking those at a glance, I don´t want to be caught holding bags


even fucking defense stocks feel the need to give away their proffits to shareholders

fuck this gay shit

it's just money.
it's a made up thing.

the low volume on that is brutal, would take me a few weeks to sneak in and out.

Hmm.. I should investigate furtherance of these statistics, and find the whitest college I can find.

In all seriousness, while that is effectively my thesis, due diligence isn't a bad thing at all. I just say fuck it we're going.

Ritual murder.

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even if you could afford to pay a debt overnight, why pay it in full if the interest rate is low enough?
you basically have a free call option on lefties winning an election

Fuck YOU (the ticker)

oh I'm not paying back my loans and I'm in much more debt than these fools could hope to be in.

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Talk me out of going all in on LXU

ammonium nitrate producer

makes chemicals used to produce semiconductors

trading near 52wk low

earnings March 5th

historically does well in Q4 after bad Q3

I’m already holding 350 shares at $6.60 from three years ago. I have an order in for 300 more at $7.13 but it probably won’t hit. Anyways just wanna put it on your radar if anyone has a gambling account. Definitely not trying to shill it, more like the opposite. I’m gonna drop $3k on it today or tomorrow and see what happens.

Just went to take some screenshots to share and looks like my order will actually hit, nice? It’ll probably tank. Finna cancel this shit and wait, but it’s my order probably making the bots move

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Bitcorn bout to dip below 60k

DELL LEAPS/ short term PUTS

Give me your opinion guys

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absolutely, the only time you can sell large chunks is when news come out
the stock can go to 1m+ volume on news and fairly large for days after that, but outside of that, it's painful and it's no wonder why it's still 0% reported institutional ownership when none of them can really enter with a real amount despite the fact that it's already printing money (lumpy revenue but profitable and has ttm pe 13x and equally impressive peg to demonstrate the growth albeit again still very lumpy)

i should have bought more yesterday, easily filled 50k shares and only bumped price up 1 cent, now today i filled 10k shares and it already bumped up 1 cent, didn't think they'd announce completion of their data center today, im fucking FOMOing into this AI shit now especially if they're already demonstrating profit so early at the growth stage


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he thought he could escape








I boughted a little of TAKER's autoomootic desk co and croodstrookers. I boughted a few more things too.

I'm probs getting theta'd on autodesk but DELL is going to 120 or 80 tonight
No in between

>if you had carried around your student loan debts you would have earned MORE MONEY than if it were forgiven to you

Basically getting a job and performing well enough in a career will have set the person up to earn more money than they owed. Now that their debt is gone they statistically likely will be financially crippled due to not having an incentive to earn and do the same with the debt still present.

>now that your degree is free and nobody has to go into debt for it any longer IT IS WORTH NOTHING [no idea how he came up with that one]


The economy as it is right now is at its foundation partially a system of debt obligations. If you remove some debt like forgiving a loan, the economy doesn't have a reason to function for whatever that loan was for. Say you just give like 10000 people a degree tomorrow on the assumption that they do everything a person who gets a degree normally would. Do these 10000 people have meaningful degrees and careers? To the broader economy who doesn't know them personally, no. Maybe some of them will do their careers well, but the economy has no way to know this.

He’s saying that now that poors have access to education the value of that education will be diluted because every poor in the western hemisphere can get that same education without having to make sacrifices to get it. For something to have value there has to be scarcity. If it isn’t scarce then it isn’t valuable. Fresh air is more valuable when it’s in a scuba tank 60 meters under water than it is above sea level.

Blessed by the slop gods

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But what causes the theta and the gamma? The number of willing buyers and sellers?

why haven't you bought PANW?

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No movie was ever written by a woman as much as this movie was written by a woman.

any dilution funny business?

fuck sake man, i just want a nice round number of shares, i already sold an x amount of ETFs to buy a nice round number of shares and im going to be short now because i keep clearing out the asks

i was expecting to buy at 0.62 cents now it's 0.64 by my power alone, im not even a fucking whale and even if it's a pennyscam, it's still 50+ million market cap and im only buying 5-figures

Now that their debt is gone they statistically likely will be financially crippled due to not having an incentive to earn and do the same with the debt still present.

If you remove some debt like forgiving a loan, the economy doesn't have a reason to function for whatever that loan was for.




Think ahead.

ahhh what the fuck is happening to my bitcorns

I sold too early again...

The german Dax is hugely undervalued

I have and I'm losing money on it.

1 hours ago house reaches deal to avoid government shutdown

aaaannnnddd the bitcoins are dumping.

no i've watched several interviews and the CEO is very much against stock dilution (hence why he focuses a lot of bottom line so early on)

the only time it was ever in question was when the stock was trading at 50 cents in 2020 and they got an offer from some fund to dilute shares at $1 so they didn't refuse them right away
it didn't go through, and with COVID ruining k-12 (school bus) market, it dropped down hard until last year when school buses were back to signing contracts
rather it's kinda unusual it even went up in 2021 considering covid was in full force, but the whole TSXV had a massive bubble bullrun then. A lot of shit that were shilled here sitll havan't recovered like Cielo, only the ones who actually profit like my pennyscam are finally seeing a bullrun


female beer braps

Theta is simply time, gamma is simply change in delta as under lying moves. You're talking about IV.

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How do I profit from my burning hatred of Israel?

THE TINIEST FRACTION OF A TINY FRACTION ARE FORGIVEN THEIR STUDENT LOAN DEBTS (while they were actually participating in the economy all along, mind you)

He’s saying that now that poors have access to education the value of that education will be diluted because every poor in the western hemisphere can get that same education without having to make sacrifices to get it.




unironically gfy you fucking goodgoy bootlicker lot

christcucks.webm - 574x382, 1.24M

Short EIS? And ESLT in particular?

MCFNF has completed it's first well and is testing for the next 30 days before starting production

My bet is about to start paying off bros.

You know remember there are people who own MARA or, even worse, MARA calls

Oh, God.png - 379x425, 214.51K

shorting weapons manufacturer during a conflict

Yeah I'm not gonna do that.

Beautiful chart. Fracking in Europe has to be the most madlad play, so you've earned it.

How do I profit from my burning hatred of Israel?

Lean hogs?

it's really interesting seeing how my buys are actually affecting the price for everyone
although not all of the volume is being reflected on the main exchange, eventually my buys do clear out all the alternate trade systems

thats me at 12:23 pumping it up 1 cent :)

just bought calls. you better be right.

Convexity. They do well... so long as their facilities aren't burned down by US protesters or leveled by Hezbollah rockets.

convince the plebs to follow your trades

lead them into a slaughter with your couch change

Anyone else 100% index funds in here? I just don't have the energy to constantly research company financials and gamble any more. 401k and HSA are 100% VTI, IRA is 100% vtsax, and my taxable brokerage is 100% FXAIX. I still like reading these threads and checking in on stock prices and whatnot but I just can't be bothered to gamble anymore after I realized I was complete shit at it.

Lots of people actually think inflation has been beaten.

I see nothing wrong with that.
Someone has to loose so i can win?

yeah, looking real nice.

well yeah, we gotta get all those engineers and doctors who came across the southern border their certifications somehow

Yeah dude, the price of bread is crazy. It's not stoping man!

Yeah, fuck this, wtf man bread is too expensive. We can't have that in our data, it will fuck up the numbers!

Finally, the indexes differ in how they account for changes in the basket. This is referred to as the formula effect, because the indexes themselves are calculated using different formulae. The details can get quite complicated, but the gist of the matter is that the PCE tries to account for substitution between goods when one good gets more expensive. Thus, if the price of bread goes up, people buy less bread, and the PCE uses a new basket of goods that accounts for people buying less bread. The CPI uses the same basket as before (again, roughly; the details get complicated).

soxs is officially over

I bought my cryptoshart companies a year ago. You'd have to be really mentally unwell to do options on these

I was going to buy $100 for fun but vanguard told me to fuck off.

well there is debt, debt interest, and then there is kike usury

See baggot knows how badly they want to adopt European standards for social services over here


Do what you want
But I dont know why peple believe that will save them when the time comes

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i want to be 100% index funds eventually
ngl buying indivudal stocks is pretty fucking stressful, the highs make u literally high (i've had a full body rush before with GME just spiking out of nowhere when smg was gme general), but the lows man, the lows...

it makes u feel alive both ways but the lows really make u contemplate life lol

You're smarter than 99% of Anon Babble




if the Republicans in congress would just stop stonewalling theUkraine aid they could defeat Putin and end inflation. at this point the republicans are responsible for the inflation.

im 100% mstr
the only way to get rich is to take retard assymetrical risks
index funds are for 8 figurefags
may it crash 50%? of couuuuurse, but im already fucked so yeah gooo

It's the smart choice. I'm 99% index funds, 1% options for funsies (and bleeding dry from them)

Fuck bros what stocks should I invest in? I was thinking of putting 100 a month toward stocks that are cheap af right now but don’t know shit about the market.

Do you guys think that when jpow inevitably does not cut this year the market will tank? Or have we already priced in living with high rates?

it's all the same

Boxx and rotate some to VOO after every dip

im not quite crazy as you, but im also trading tax free so any gains will not be cucked by taxes

but any losses as well....

DELL earnings already priced in? This chart looks whack. I think it drops after earnings but then again this is schizo market

Based Shogun chad
JPow not cutting is impossible, anon. Stop living in pipe dreams.

nontaxible accounts should be dividend growers

taxable accounts should be 95% BRK.B and 5% speculative stocks

There you go

I need this gay nigger market to go down right now.

Market has priced in 3 rate cuts and that is one of the reasons for the market rally. Steepeners expected much more and lost a ton of money on that trade. Any more hesitancy to cut rates or inflation coming back would cause the market to panic like it did in 2022



What are you holding? Are you sure you wanna do that with FHSA space?

and I want this blissful trans market to go up right now

Anyone in AQST? They have some promising earnings and they have a competitor to epipen that's expecting phase 3 data by the end of next month.

If that was the case every hedge fund would be holding nothing but dividend stocks for equity exposure because they are tax advantaged.

were are you? I get fucked by taxes

You should invest in companies that share your values. Companies like BUD and TGT would be right up your alley.

no, I'll call the PPT

Smart enough to know you're fucked

Dumb enough to not fix it

Welcome to hell


stare stirner.jpg - 554x554, 30.95K

what website shows that info?

what are these tickers?

If that was the case every hedge fund would be holding nothing but dividend stocks

They almost all are doing this

implying hedge funds aren't just highly funded, AI assisted, and quant advised versions of /smg/ chasing da green numbah go up

It's hard to see the difference sometimes.

Now baby, listen baby, don't ya treat me this way
'Cause I'll be back on my feet some day
(Don't care if you do 'cause it's understood)
(You ain't got no money, you just ain't no good)
Well, I guess if you say so
I'll have to pack my things and go (that's right)

Was there a catalyst for AMD?

Anon if your dog won't listen to your schizo ramblings why even bother bringing them here.

A quick search on whalewisdom proves you wrong. Do you really think you can make shit up and people will believe you?

He's Canadian
Theyre accounts
TFSA = Tax Free Savings Account (tax free account)
FHSA = First Home Savings Account (deposits are tax deductible)

He's not buying KROS here

What are you, stupid and hate money?

Lisa opened an OnlyFans.

Virgin VTI vs Chad XLK

Are you sure you wanna do that with FHSA space?

i am putting all my hope into the AI dashcams pennyscam because i won't be able to afford a house anyways without a massive windfall

canada sucks but one saving grace is we get TFSAs which let us trade even options tax-free unless CRA decides you are using your TFSA as business income (would have to be literally daytrading/scalping constantly, not just swing trading)
i dunno if it makes up for living in canada but i'll make do, literally a few hours away down the border i could prob find the same job that pays me the 30% more if i move to the US


Energy weapons


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I’m right and you can’t prove otherwise. Hedge funds buy almost exclusively dividend stocks. Some very popular ones are MSFT and V

looking for rationality

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Can anyone provide an update on the Fag 7? Is it still pounding the rest of the market?

One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you

Yes please.

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Kek caltech has 0 black students. Proof the best stem university doesn’t accept blacks. Oh and checkout the cup forming on xlre


but i dont think it gives as much info on US stocks, probably have to pay
can only see last 10 trades for free, have to pay for more so as you can imagine, the free info is useless for anything that's not illiquid

they're all in the ai dashcams i just pumped 2 cents with low 5-figure buys
it's been outperformed by NVDA and AMD so it's nothing special but obviously im gambling and hoping for more in the future
been burned on it before but i averaged down lol

damn I kept scrolling and lol'd at the end.

Soxl sisters we believed and we won.
Christ and David Soxl is king.
Ticker: SOXL

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It turned into Spectacular Sex after TSLA got delisted from the group, but for now the only thing worth buying anymore is NVDA because of the AI craze. If the internet is a fax machine, ai is the internets, and NVDA is america online to the internet.

Leaf land is basically cucked. 10+ trades a month = business income for TFSA account.

10. You wanna buy KEK? Sure, that's one. Oh crap I actually wanted to buy SNED, sure sell KEK and now buy SNED. That's three.

See how fast it adds up?

unless you are mid 7 figures, there is no reason to be all in on index funds when you can have 90% of the security with far greater gains holding tech megacaps/mag 7 long

time to shovel the driveway and play some vidya. just bought the new final fantasy for my goystation 5. safe trading this afternoon frens

We shall eat the finest of tendies.

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if they actually cracked down that much we would be hearing more about it
and clearly 5-fig and 6-fig is too small for them to care about since there's probably 7-fig and maybe even 8-fig TFSAs after the 2018 weed bullrun + 2020 covid bullrun combined

so far I've even gone negative 3 times on my TFSA because im retarded with T+2 and T+21selling and buying repeatedly, paying interest for basically margin buys in a TFSA
several options trades too, and definitely 10+ swing trades per quarter at some point. CRA doesnt give a shit about me since im only 6-figs

definitely if I ever reach 7-figs I'll be mostly index funds by then, but right now i'm still trying to gamble and build wealths until it can turn into decent tax-free passive income

Sauce? I've done more than 10 on my TFSA and nobody cares

absolute fuckin bullshit market

What app is this?
I have a questrade account for my TFSA and am wondering if I should switch

Nah bro, just +0,4% mom on core, but it is in line with expectation, all fine and dandy

I think they will continue on long term growth (look at IBM), but short term who knows. They tanked after last earnings, and the quarter before that they popped.

I think the real (gambler's) question, is how they will bring in the A word. Their new xPu in the Latitude model could help sell things.

I'm gonna go calls.

When are we going to get some negative readings on the core so prices come back to Trump levels and we finally put all of this behind us?

thinks they only go after 7-fig + peeps

here's where you are mistaken and it's a common trap to fall into. They only go after small chumps because it's easy and most don't have lawyers or resources to fight it. They also need number of "convictions" to pad their numbers for their own internal KPIs so don't fall for it.

source: me

Can the fucking nascuck break a new ath already

it's wealthsimple, i only switched over because wealthsimple had a free iphone 15 promo if you transferred over $100k

$0 trading is nice but it sucks for US trading (can open US side but their system is not compatible with NG gambit so u have to pay 1.5% exchange rate fee for USD, or maybe u can negotiate a better rate with support like a bank if u have more to convert at once), i may have to open an IBKR account later for US trading and not rely on the CDR versions of AMD/NVDA etc

outside of that it's great, i have payroll depositing into it and I get paid 5% interest on my cash right now (+0.5% for having $100K+, and +0.5% for having payroll deposit)
a lot of great features to facilitate couchpotato investing too (automated investing off payday, fractional shares, DRIP, etc)

However, is interesting to note that puts expiring tomorrow are at the top of the options chain, volume-wise

Dell.png - 2367x208, 59.58K

Anon, I got you an appointment with a correspondent from the Wall Street Journal.

In the interview, I need you to mention AI in every other sentence that you give him.

im more of a swing trader with 3+ months so thats probably why i've been safe

all the options i've bought were LEAPS with 1+ year expiry, save for GME (that was i bougth with 5+ months expiry and sold for 10x before it went up 100x 2 weeks later lol)

The S&P literally doesn't move for several seconds

Wtf is this?

looks like my french cousin, when she was young, bright and full of life

a0f.jpg - 641x530, 25.07K

What happened, mon ami?

CELH chads keep winning

she became a white hating feminist that dated a vietnamese chud who beat her and had to take an abortion

Yikes. Sorry to hear fren.

Capcha: j0yjx

That's gotta be a squeeze with 23% short float. It'll come back down a bit. They did report good numbers though.

She also had bigger tits and was a total slut. I´m not, she served as a cautionary tale for her younger sister.

Sorry wasn't trading then, pee break

We need to protect our French female brokers.

French Tart.webm - 480x852, 1.87M

wouldnt MM want the stock to pump to crush those Puts?



Even the most skeptical of US military operators are embracing artificial intelligence to identify targets on the battlefield.

If they keep going, war could speed up faster than humans can think

Happy Leap Day everybody.


I´m not french, her parents are migrants to France, and I don´t care for the french nor any other european.

Checked. What do you care about ? Other indians or you signaling for some special race out there?

I care for Portugal and portuguese speaking people only.




Happy Leap Day! Maybe your gookfu will propose.

She's dying from gallstones disease of the gall bladder.

Baggie only marries 18yo virgin prime pussy

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Did Disney target or Budweiser go broke yet from going woke?

Supposedly their CEO had some plans to get rid of that woke shit, as stated in a letter to shareholders, if im not mistaken

Parameters of empathy are that they make Portuguese noises while communicating

That is nuanced. Heh Aim small miss small I guess brother. Good look out there buddy. Hope yall make it.

Are you watching Shogun, Portugalanon?

Probably scalp a little (ITM) after we fudge slightly past this resistance.

How tall is this lass? She appears very tall like my sister in law. 6 foot tall, got really in to crossfit and them competitive power lifting. Not cute, unfortunately. When she was in lifting shape I suspect she could have beaten me at arm wrestling.
TA roundup: no reading. All crab.


(ITM) meaning I'd buy a 508P instead of a 507P. Just stating for the few that have started recently. I ultimately know that no one cares.

Brokerage account is 100% IVV, 166 shares and I was thinking to sell some now to fuck around with… but… we all know how that goes

Rollover IRA, Roth and Trad IRA are all over the map. Rollover is materials; trad is 50% TECL and 50% SOXL (up 140% yoy, thank god); roth is my friends biotech company (they’re gonna cure cancer!), FNGU, and cash.

im about to liquidate my entire portfolio
we've been crabbing for a whole month, thats a bearish sign of things to come
talk me out of it if you can

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all cash, can't get repo'd

im half cash. do it faggot. hit sell

I just liquidated what I could but I have puts that are worthless now and will expire tomorrow. Down -80% on the week.

Work 401 is 100% vfiax. Roth is 70/30 schd/SPLG and my brokerage I lost 30k in and now just waiting for a good entry into spy or something and not trading. Turns out I'm not very good

LAAC over $5

Fuck. I didn't expect it to rise so fast and now my covered calls are gonna get executed.

fucked by taxes

just don’t submit them
if they come after you say you never got the paper work and didn’t think you had to

A good problem to have!

I will now

yeah, you too

Thanks for the feedback

I'm going to start selling off my portfolio, roughly worth $250,000USD

If I sold a month ago I would have had an extra couple of thousand, but id rather sell now then when March Madness begins and we drop 20%.

Experience tells me that a lot of negative news is going to start making its way in march, fed raising rates, swap limitations, failure to launch q1 2024 reports, etc.

I'm hitting sell boys

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If you sell everybody will start selling and people will get hurt. Don't sell, don't let people get hurt.

Can Bitfarms pump again so I can sell some more? I want to sell $40k and buy SOXL calls 2 months out

my friends biotech company (they’re gonna cure cancer!)

Which one?

Turns out I'm not very good

You'll fit in well here.

This is the future (((they))) are fighting against

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checked and peped

I was going to argue with you, but I can't argue against those digits!

Looks like a scandinavian Wakanda. Looks like Madeira in new year´s eve.

kek I have a higher net worth than you

I just sold LAC/LAAC a day before this rally because EV news for NA hasn't been good but I still have other lithium holdings. Kinda kicking myself, but lithium itself hasn't really moved in a month so I'm not trusting the current uptrend. I'm up on ALTM so whatever, if my mother would give the $800 i lent her back today I might FOMO into an index.

the jews are propping up the market today for their feb performance numbers
the dip being jewishly stopped was proof of this
tomorrow everything sells off 5%

Well, good. Rising tides and boats and all that.

It is often said that the female belch is the highest form of sexual energy. Bullish for KO

SPY is running nicely. Will help ease the anxiety as I hold DELL calls into earnings.

Fuck it, I'm buying more SOUN puts

net worth

off day change


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even SHOT is fucking rising today

my sqqq

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I need to smell her entire ass

I lost 2k GAMBLOOING options again.

I'm too ADHD for that shit - never again.

so maybe ur onto something because I have been BEARISH AF for TWO YEARS and now I am BUYING ERDAY.

Time to buy anime figures with my gains.

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Lol I remember watching it break into 6$ range

I have been BEARISH AF for TWO YEARS

how are you still alive?

just buy guys, just buy

All this defense stock talk and no mention of NOC, what's not to like?

Can someone please explain why AMD is pumping so hard? Worse guidance which got instaslurped. And it is pumping more on NVDA's earnings than NVDA. It's at PE of 350 for god's sake. Why isn't NVDA trading at PE of 350?
NVDA unlike AMD gave good guidance and a significantly better growth. Their products are trouncing AMD's.
So why is AMD pumping so much more? Shouldn't NVDA pump to AMD's level?
Just so weird

thanks for the liquidity.

Leveraged ETF's give me heartburn.

I mostly just swing NATGAS AND OIL so don't really give too much fucks what


do. I made enough last summer to just fuck around while waiting for shoulder season.

The B-2 slim is bullshit.

Had I sanity I’d sell something l of those and recoupe my cost basis, leave the rest to make money on. 506.7x target give or take. I’m lazy


Bullish or bearish for dell?

120 next week ez

What figgies are you gonna buy?

I just sold off my entire portfolio, made a 30% gain since October 2023, which Id say is a successful trade entry and exit.

I suspect we will crab downward until late april or may, negative news cycle, everything is topped off or at all time highs. Funds being vocal about selling, tech being vocal about downsizing employees, Fed being vocal about maintaining rates.

I'm out of the market until we get a sizeable correction, which hopefully is only a few short months away.

Going to spend my gains on a new car and some healthy food. Take care you degenerate gamblers, love you

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see you tomorrow faggot

Be prepared to lose money then. Interest rates won't be going up. People will be slowly shifting their assets from HYSA / Bonds to the stock market. Next few months we will continue to pump.

kick ass, BLESSED

'e sold?

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Hol up what kinda car?

All that is already priced in, you walnut

Pump it

My entire net worth is in investments.

SNOW oversold?

When I touch 2 million I'm buying one.
Good luck, whether you're right or not, I respect the strategy and the discipline. I understand protecting your gains after this steroid fueled market has gone bonkers. How much is your portfolio valued?

where's the anon who bought SNOW puts? fucker must be happy

Possibly - also why is U so bad.

A weinermobile?

Don’t buy it though, I only own it so we have something to talk about.


Pic related, Miku, and a couple Range Murata ones.

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Wow you have a lot of gains then anon
Im waiting for the new Kurisu maybe

I'm thinking of picking up another AMG to add to the fleet, haven't decided on which one, I got all the staples already G63 CLS63, I really want a Brabus but I'm not going to pay half a million dollars for some body kits and a tune.

My Portfolio was valued at $250,000USD, I made approx $70,000 in returns since buying in October, so the market has far exceeded my expectations in that time frame, seems unusually high which is why I decided on selling now then picking up the remaining pennies infront of the steamroller. There is still money left on the table I'm sure, but the past few weeks had me keeping an eye on my portfolio and I decided to cash in my chips and enjoy the spring while I wait for a new entry.

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You are a dumb nigger


holy based

I'm richer than you

You're goddamn right. A nigga in a weinermobile.


Do you get some sort of capital gains tax on that?



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Under PCE methodology, baker quality has never been better.

is Anon Babble fuckin broken right now or what

someone please bake for real

fuck the undocumented migrants, i'm staying here.

But that isn't SMG. It's your own gay bullshit.


I'm not fucking baking

huma abedin has been hooking up with Alex Soros, you're probably going to need more than 2 million for her.

What is a huma abedin? Is that like hummus?