Ethics and “defense” industry

My fiancé has been bitching at me because I have an offer for a defense contractor and I’m seriously considering taking it. She says I’d basically be a “murderer” making weapons, or anything remotely related to the DoD for that matter. I’m like 70% sure she’d leave if I actually took the job.

Does she have a point? Am I a bad guy for considering this role when tech jobs exist in other industries like healthcare or finance?

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na gs jobs are fucking sick, accept this red flag and move on with your life (and career)

women are such insufferable faggots, she probably simps for dead brown kids in palestine too

so glad im gay

dump that bitch
she probably donated to palestine, too

Sounds like a larp. In any case she wouldn't have even known it was a defense contractor if you just said the name of the company alone.

The fuck? Tell that bitch to take a hike, why would you want to be with a chick if she isn't ride or die

You're likely going to be doing a fake make work job for some component that's nowhere near any actual murder weapons. I have friends that work for defense contractors and all they do is email suppliers and engineers about where the certain parts for a radar component are. Healthcare and finance jobs are just as deadly to the population as defense jobs, who cares about some "noble" profession. You should thank your gf for telling the truth and dump her ass so you can enjoy the new pussy you get from playing kickball in a social league on the mall.

She is correct.

She clearly does not respect you and thinks that behaving based on moral principals will change the world. Someone else will take that job and you will miss out


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people love to have these moralistic positions while knowing absolutely nothing and fully enjoying the benefits of the US hegemony

same types of people that make arguments about city or state budgets and then start talking about how much money goes to defense. totally retarded

Defense industry jobs are fucking awesome dude.
I work on prototype guided large cal munitions for GD, pay's good, your job can't be outsourced to another country, benifits are good...
Plus I look at like population control, do we really need 8 billion people? no.

Only real downside is retards like your GF that can't comprehend that if it wasn't you it'd be someone else. And becoming a military target... But I figure if America's getting bombed Seattle's fucked anyways!

Hope this helps

Your girl is correct. She sounds like a principled woman. Count yourself blessed and move away from evil.

fully enjoying the benefits of the US hegemony


not an argument


You don't have the abstract thinking ability to understand how the American ability to enforce its trade/economic will anywhere on planet Earth has downstream benefits to you the loyal citizen wagie

women are such insufferable human beings, they all have the most brainrot disease we've ever seen in human history
literally the only thing woman needs to do is shut the fuck up and bear childrens
listening to a woman in finance is like listening to a random poojet on biz or beoble

She is right, but plenty of things are done at the expense of others. Sometimes you can't see it coming. General Motors made munitions used in Vietnam. Plus the million other companies that made everything from the fiber they wove my uniforms out of, every little piece of the trucks, the rations etc. War is a national endeavor. It's also evil and utterly pointless.

I said no to a short contract with BAE Systems on ethical reasons. The day after I said no, a better offer came in, and I was glad I said no. I had taken a short contract with the Navy a few years before and regretted it, so decide never to do it again.

If he doesn't contribute, someone else will. Better he does it than someone else who has zero ethics.

Also not every bomb gets used. GD has an entire facility dedicated to demil.
gas shells, nasty shit that will leak if nobody destroys them.


End the engagement and throw her out.

Do you want to listen to insufferable shit like this for the rest of your life? She has no moral high ground but she pretends to have one. B

If your not a LARP get rid of that unappreciative cunt, you'll be better off. Plus you're a faggot for listening to her and putting up with her retarded bullshit.

if it wasn't you it'd be someone else

this is not even remotely true. it is easy to find incompetent people that can not finish a job correctly but it is hard to find people who will actually complete difficult projects

Wars are great for the economy.
how about that? stupid enough for you to understand now?

Does she have a point?

She pays taxes which funds the military, and funds defense contractors. Ask her if she's willing to tax dodge and potentially be imprisoned or killed by the IRS to stand by her beliefs. If not, she's being a hypocrite. Take the job, defense contract work is very easy and pays well.

t. defense contractor.

She says I’d basically be a “murderer” making weapons

so what? does she has family in third world countries? what's her issue about? no seriously, talk to her about it and if this job is the reason she would dump you(as a fiance not a stupid gf) then she's fucking retarded, sorry to break it to you.

defense contract work is very easy and pays well.

what do defense contractors do more exactly and what's the anual salary(after taxes)?

What are you talking about you retard? I literally demonstrate this principle. I'm a defense contractor. I machine guided munitions.
I'm doing the job, and I enjoy it.
Nobody is forcing me to work here, I get paid to do it.

You act like people have no agency.
I applied for the military straight out of HS and they didn't take me.

People voulenteer to go kill other people in Ukraine, this is only making the weapons.


You work on whatever project you applied for. What you do depends on the company and project. It's pretty much a "normal" job except you're working on military stuff for the most part. Salary depends on the job.

She's right. You would just be another scumbag parasite who gets by on conning people into war and is trying to constantly pressure congress and such to fund proxy wars that don't even remotely make sense or have anything to do with actual American interests. Usually its the dude who has the moral compass in a relationship and whatever gf/wife he is with has less of a moral compass than him. Interesting its the opposite in your case. You're asking a nihilistic scamming board an ethical question though, so no surprise some anons are just being cocksuckers for the establishment status quo. The anons saying you should get into the military industrial complex vampirism also would sell their own grandma a worthless NFT, while ironically calling others here a pajeet for disagreeing with them on some other niche topic.

Yea she's right. Also in tech and some places I just wouldn't work for with a moral and Godcentric base. This includes any military industry, porn, some streaming companies, or any other industry/company that spreads degeneracy and filth.

I'm 50/50 on meta, but they do have some good products, pay a shit ton of money, and aren't as worse as the above.

There are a million other roles, work for something other than bankers killing poor people on the other side of the world.

I guess we should just roll over and let Russia bulldoze the EU, China can have all of Asia, fuck human rights, they can have the middle east too.
I mean nobody needs world police right? Too unethical.

Better to just throw em to the sharks. It'll all work out, good guys always win.
If Sweeden gets bombed they'll just bring it up at the UN, boom problem solved.

I work in defense unironically because of the tech. We should have the best military technology and weapons, just not have a government that is itching to use them in pointless foreign wars. Your gf is a typical libtard, and this guy will be changing his mind when WW3 starts.

People still say this? It's only true if you win and win quickly.
Unironically yes. Decide the point at which is becomes worth your life to stop people who are basically the same from fighting each other. Your head explodes causing neither surprise or sadness at home, but at least, ivan didn't whack mikail today.
Sometimes wars start for no other reason than to trick people into testing new shit. But that's another thing.
You might make weapons, but I use them, my perspective could never be so hawkish.

You might make weapons, but I use them, my perspective could never be so hawkish.

Lmao, now I know you're a bullshitter.
Nobody with that passive mindset works in millitary. If you actually take that stance you get killed.
There are no pacifist soldiers once you get shot at, you return fire or die. And if wasn't with smart bombs it'd be sticks and fists.

I'm done responding to you, you have this childlike innocence that doesn't reflect the reality you live in.

you have this childlike innocence that doesn't reflect the reality you live in.

Every libtard I've ever met is like this. They can't conceive that there are people out there who don't care about them and wouldn't mind killing them either to take their stuff, ideological reasons, or even just for fun. They've never read a history book since if they had, they'd realize all history is a long chain of conflict and bloody wars without beginning or end.

Oh I guess you don't want any of this fat blood money then? Shut up.

This guy is all "lol" "lmao", meanwhile I'm making shit that kills people rn with government funding his tax dollars paid for. makes me happy. :)
good thing I don't need to justify it to him.

murderers make her wet
sounds like a win win

they are mindbroken
tyrone could be deep dicking their corpse and theyd still find a way to rationalize not being racist for some dumb reason that a cartoon tv ingrained in them as a child.

Based. He should unironically thank you and suck your cock when the war starts and your tech saves his ass literally from a Chink supersoldier with dick augmentations looking for rape victims.

take the job, i understand opposing a particular line of work if its dangerous, long hours, multiple shifts or away from home.

but differing concepts of morality? that shouldnt affect a relationship. thats like breaking up because of politics lmao.

They didn't turn me away champoid

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timestamp your ID you bullshitting faggot.
And write "I'm too scared to kill people." next to it so I know it's really you.

Take the job. Dump the girl. You will meet contacts that will get you jobs all around the world if you do well. If you don’t take it, someone else will and nothing will change in the world and you will have solved nothing.

(you) have no standing or say in anything, thankfully.

You first? Or did you think there was just a random picture of a cac from last cycle floating around I saved just for this moment.
Look guy it's simple I look at the theaters of war and I see nothing of my concern. It just isn't worth it. You're saying to everyone who really wears a uniform, unlike yourself: I am willing to trade your life for some outcome. If you really felt so strongly you'd have taken up arms yourself. Didn't mean to trigger something.

yeah, I knew it. You're full of shit.
thanks for playing dumb shit.

As opposed to the big healthcare/insurance industry that cons people into unnecessary vaccinations and chopping off body parts.


GROUNZ! Grounz your honor!

She's right, you know.

You’re stupid

You are like every GD bozo I ever had to deal with, there's something in the water.

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I'm pragmatic. Reality is harsh and doesn't give a fuck about justice, good, or evil.

Some people need to die because they are evil and do terrible shit, I provide the tools as a means to that end as a service.

You sit by passively just existing. as negligble as whatever people dying in ukraine are while they fight for their country.

Supposedly chucklefuck here killed someone and regrets his whole life??? It's unclear, but at the very least I'm not a hypocrite, and I sleep sound at night.

No proof that it's actually you, just more slide show.

I didn't kill anyone, but I did see people die for nothing, with no impact to whatever greater good you envision, and I never found a purpose in it.
I do refuse to dox myself by the way.

I didn't kill anyone

i thought you used weapons like you said in

Also. I guess you think I'm shitting on you for working for GD? I really am shitting on the legislatures of the world if anything. Everybody has a job it isn't personal.
I do. Life isn't a video game

I mean that's war, what the fuck did you expect? The russians would just talk it out??? looool
Of course there's no dignity, or honour for the person who died. They're dead though, so they don't care about it.

"An unfair advantage for an unfair fight" is our company's motto.
Did you think you'd get to stand 50 paces away and take turns shooting???
fucking retard...

The flesh grinder will only march on. You have to live with your guilt.
Wars won't stop just because you can't stomach people dying in cruel and fucked up ways... that's just the way it is, sorry.

why is this dude plebbitposting so hard 15 times over lmao

I really hope Estonia will restart its defence industry within the next 2 years.
Would be interested to work on something interesting.

Because I think about the morality of things, and of course it matters.

Would you rather the people that make weapons, and go to war just not give a shit about the morality, or ethics of it? is that reddit?

ITAR as well? Reddit?
caring is cringe, we should all be thoughtless enotionless husks like you.
You're so based, and above it all for not caring! You're the enlightend one here.

That guy telling me not to make weapons because he thinks it's immoral? you're better than him as well.

I think you are stringing up ways to live with your guilt, honestly. The responsibility doesn't fall on your shoulders. I was pretty clear in my first post itt

I don't care what you think I'm doing.
I told you how it is, what I do for a living.
Assuming anything else for yourself on ny behalf is just arguing dishonestly.
Also I'm not going to stop making bombs because the people that use them fear death, nor do I particularly care about who dies from what I make.
That's not my job.
Someone else gets to determine if the war is ethical, and who gets to die.

That's not my problem, I conduct my job in a profesional manner.
And if you conduct you job as a warrior in a professional manner that's the best outcome that's possible with the current humans in control. Maybe some day that will change.

I'll agree to disagree with you on it though, obviously you found your own truth.

dump her, if you turn the nov down for her she will resent you anyway4sdtrapxxaj2

fuck jannies
and to keep it on topic, kys you,semen slurper


At least read the thread before spamming replies you fucking tool.

This bitch blew a fuse, kek.

also no hymen no diamond no exceptions

Partially. What were her opinions on sending military aid to Ukraine when the war broke out though? There's a good amount of people that have the same views as your fiance with all military weapons being evil, but then crying that we're not sending enough of these weapons to help the people in Ukraine. There's a lot of things to criticize about the defense industry, but I'm guessing your fiance is one of those retards that doesn't understand how the world works and thinks America scrapping all its weapons and losing its global hegemony wouldn't fuck over her current way of life.

If you want bag, take
If you want woman, don't

We could argue all we want about what's right or wrong, but who cares if you think about it and secretly wish for one over the other.

I'd choose the gig over the gal, but that's your call, not mine. GL OP

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general dynamics


these 4 will make any SJW seethe alone

I hate the MIC like you wouldn't believe, but I'd still work for them if I could

real change doesn't come from fags like us turning down job offers

but hey if the day ever comes that shit is hitting the fan, just remember to fuck their internals up on the way out as a nice fuck you for helping to ruin our country

we should just roll over and let Russia bulldoze the EU, China can have all of Asia, fuck human rights, they can have the middle east too.

yes 100%, as long as we get machine gun sentries on the southern border to eject every non white permanently

anyways Russia can't hold non-slav just like China can't hold lol anything outside China because for all their talk they're a bunch of idiots just like us

I would because who gives a shit about some random niggers across the globe being blown up. Hell, even if they were my or your race, if they’re just random people who gives a fuck? Guns pay well, and there’s always new murderers being born in the world. Not your fault if you wanna profit off this ugly world. The girl is useless, be rid of her.

My dream if I make it off crypto holdings is to do independent work into AI, weapons systems, and just tinkering around with guns so I can grow even wealthier and more powerful

you probably wont past the security screen for the big alphabet agencies if you post on here fwiw

thats where ur wrong bucko

Imagine being a direct employee for nigger jew globohomo. Lmao.

Also, the pentagon and arlington national cemtary is an old star fort/citadel city that has been obfuscated in the modern era.

They glow in the dark

do it and find a better wife/gf my girlfriend doesn't even care if I make nazi jokes. black people jokes. genocide jokes. she doesn't care about these silly things. she supports me always and motivates me to become better.