I was an early investor of ETH ($24) and just wanted to come back here and say good luck to you bizbros. Pretty soon...

I was an early investor of ETH ($24) and just wanted to come back here and say good luck to you bizbros. Pretty soon, many more of you will have wealth that many would dream of, but never realize. I have no wisdom to offer you — I only got lucky really — but I’m rooting for you. One day, we’ll all be together living in the citadel.

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Now that you’re presumably rich, what do you do with your time?


I’m a software dev and do freelance work. I’ve tried to live a retired life, but I hated it. Working gives me a sense of normalcy and structure

Half of it is cashed out or in far safer investment vehicles, the half is still invested as you see here

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Eternal wagie can never escape the mental cagie
Give your money to someone who will realize what it's worth

What would you do with it?

Yo , ima plumber, i wanna pursue bjj and raise a family , since i saw ur open to giving someone money , anyway enjoy ur bag

Lmao, this slave was branded for life, he's not getting out

wow op, i idealize you. you're living the actually dream of freedom, with nothing to worry about. i envy you so much.
i'd do the same thing you did. cashout 50%, store it in safer investments, and ideally earn passive income off dividend ETFs and grow those payments by either reinvesting, or saving for a few months and creating a business, product or service. the thing i struggle most with right now is that my attention is pulled into 1000 different directions. it's hard to focus that way and really develop a skillset, on top of having to devote most of my time and energy to a soulless copy-paste job. but if i could harness that energy, and time, without the cloud of work, or wondering where to find work, hanging over my head-- i could achieve greatness.

verification: MONYX

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At least your nice about it, refreshing to see a man who made it who has empathy here in this SHITHOLE

Congrats fren

It’s not really slavery when I can work from wherever I want, at whichever hours I want

Live the life of Cincinnatus, and be truly free. Never look at a screen again.

it's not slavery if I can choose my employer

God the wagie mentality goes so deep

Pajeet tries to shame OP for living in peace with himself

Kek keep seething and remain poor

91 eth holder reporting. dont think ill ever hit 7 figures

He's not gonna give you money; why are you simping for him?

It is a freeing feeling. There’s no humble-bragging way around that. Hopefully, you will achieve the same thing
Thanks anon, I will pray for your prosperity

Noo you cannot enjoy your life the way you want, gimme your monies so I can fuck ladybois in Thailand while doing blow as the free man I am

I also made it, OP. We have similar net worths and I get about £90k/y from staking. Slowly moving stuff into less volatile assets. I opted to not continue working, living on a boat and learning many different skills instead. Best of luck to you in future endeavours.

Congrats anon!

What coin will do this. Is it Link? ICP?
I've been stuck here since 2014, through a lot of retarded decisions, I am still here.

your only options are waging or fucking confused asian men!

Your brain on Anon Babble

Sadly, not everyone can make it, that’s how society and nature works, but I’m glad you did OP.

Good luck with your future investments.

Same goes for you so, why u hatin?

I'm not saying this in a hateful way:
OP is a wageslave. When he stops working for others and starts working for/on himself exclusively, then he will be free. Why is it considered hateful to point this fact out to someone who has it in their power to change?

I don’t think I could say. I mean, Ethereum was around $200M market cap tops when I bought it; maybe lower. Your best bet is a sub-billion dollar coin that seemingly changes the game or fits the current narrative. LINK and ICP *could* do some insane multiples over the long run, but they are still top 50 coins and you have to keep that in mind.

Why work? You already made it at that point. I'd just dump 90% of it in index funds and play with 10% in crypto.

I’d like to learn how to sail. The ocean is a great place to be in solitude

Thank you for replying anon, genuinely. I will go all in on Worldcoin, it fits the narrative for me, and if I don't, I may just go insane and kill my family

indoctrinated waige

Fair enough, I respect your view.

I don’t know. I come from a hard-working family and was always taught there’s some virtue in the struggle and toil of it. Of course, you shouldn’t sell your soul to be a corporate Excel monkey if you hate that kind of life, but doing *something* productive — I think — is good for you. At least, that’s my personal experience

cincinnatus is cool

I may just go insane and kill my family

I just read The Shining this month funnily enough. Just stay out of the mountains friend

Can you explain the (movie) ending for me? I don't understand why he is in the picture

As I understand it, the Overlook Hotel exists outside of time. Jack Torrance is the reincarnated spirit of a past employee. He was always destined to return to the hotel; it’s both his origin and end

Checked and thanks anon, it doesn't make sense to me but I have to accept it

I only have $140k right now. Not sure how likely it’ll be for me to make it this cycle, but I need to find a way to make it happen because I seriously can’t wage any longer. I’m not asking for much…

send me your eth address
oh you dont have one?
nevermind i guess

Wtf is a hobby ??

Jesus christ the system has more power on people than I thought and he knows it works

there's nothing benifical about doing freelance coding projetts. atleast build a garden or have a farm or something if you want to stay busy. do someting useful.

i work a few days per month in a factory until i go on holiday again and there is a lot of retired people that still come to work there because they are bored else.

I’m moving to the country side next year, and it’ll have land for me to do that. Right now though, I just live in the city and gardening or woodworking aren’t really feasible

im not asking for much

Nigger I wasn’t asking for money. What I’m saying is that I don’t need to be a millionaire to “make it”, ie. I’m not asking for much.

ok then i guess youve accomplished your goals because you dont have much lmaoooooooo

great. if you can do some farming and taking care of the planet life then you are being useful. we need more plants and more animals and more fertile soils. not more people being a code monkey for some scam software no one needs... do beekeeping, birdkeeping. things like that. it will bring you much more joy than staring at a screen all day. and you can make a buck or two selling high quality products to people around you. if you really wanna nerd out still then get some solar panels and mine crypto as a side project / electronics project.

Man, you made it. I really envy you and hope you have a good life there. I don't think I'll ever have this amount in my life. My current holdings are around 20k, and I have no hope of ever not working or making it. I always dreamed of retiring and working with game dev and music, but I'm pretty sure this will never happen to me as I'm so fucking unlucky. Hope you have a wonderful life, anon.

nice try elon quit larping

Jfc you’re a brain fried tik tockin faggot

Based. I’ll pray for you too bro

What made you choose ETH and why?

I am poor and working my ass off but it doesn't look like there is a way out.
I feel priced out of eth and btc. I yolo'd my saving into a project that has actual developers and somewhat of a usecase.

Thank you anon for words of encouragement, I hope I get lucky as well.

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post wallet and reason

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