400k myself bros. Life is suffering.
Anyone else in mid 6 figure hell?
wah wah I have six figures my life is so hard
fuck this board so much
Have sex today champ!
Anyways lets debate the real question...
Raising Canes or Chic-Fil A
The wings arent that good but yea it hits
What the lack of a god does to people is painful to watch
You can buy a house unless you're living in USHell, now that your roof need is covered, find what makes you happy and work on it
Do you like playing music? Enroll in classes. Are you out of shape? Jopin a gym. Do you weant to make some frens? Join a community center. You lost your path? Join your local church
Idle hands may do you in fren
You don't know what it's like until you enter it
Raising Canes is better and less expensive
1.2m here, it doesn't really get better. I'm still grinding until I can get my fringe fi passive income streams set up.
try having some empathy anon
6 figure hell is real
i also only have 400k it sucks
1 mil can get you 50,000/yr passively with just a standard 5% mmf or hysa yield
why not just go with that
you really dont think 50k/yr passively is enougg when youve got a 1.2 mil net worth already? just coast
Kill yourself
No I’m in mid 5 figure poverty
enough money to look at
not enough to buy anything
It's sad.
Chicken Express and it's not even close.
theyve been running some great deals lately too
Culver’s actually has the best tendies
Their gravy is even better than Popeye's. God I love Chicken Express so much, bros. CFA and Cane's are for women.
fuck yeah. i bet you have a big penis like me too
What state
if you havent figured that out by now you never had a chance anon sorry
700k here, just want to die
They're both goyslop fried in seed oils, if you eat either you're a fat nigger and NGMI.
Low six figures here. By low, I mean the bottom (100k). I don’t think imgmi
really wish poor people like you would stop posting here and trying to get sympathy
800k folio here and I feel nothing right now
300k here
Too much money to gamble on alts
Too little money to get anything from index funds
Bitcoin maxi
1300/month from a money market fund isnt bad. you could set that up today
(well assuming you can withdraw from an exchange and we all know they wont let you)
That’s mean
Do you not know what taxes are?
unless you are unvaxxed i dont care
if youre unvaxxed i apologize, but you understand how terrible these people are
ok fine 40k or whatever its still a good enough passive income stream to coast indefinitely with 1.2mil in savings
its not like you wont have some other side hustles here and there at some point
I have like 1 grand in my bank account and I'm 70 grand in debt thanks to student loans.
Bro, I have $400.
I have $650k in chainlink alone and this probably the saddest I have been in my life
its very real anon
hope you never find out and your stack moons straight through it
If I had that I'd quit my job right now, (on my lunch break btw), and walk away, leave the truck idling, and start my own business. But first I'd take my wife to the one of those all inclusive island places and live high class like James Bond and fuck my wife 20 times a day.
what the fuck are you retarded niggers doing with HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars in your crypto/bank accounts?
i would literally sell everything and go live in thailand for the next 20 years fucking 18-year-olds daily
this why you will always be a poorfag
you fags say the same shit every single time
kys low test retard
Low six figures and high end six figures are the most oppressive hell.
At low six figures, you barely made anything, there is a huge stretch until you have some networth that isn't worthless
And at high six figures, you are so close to being somewhere, but just not there yet
Some people are driven mad or to suicide by these ranges
If I had 10 billion dollars i would still work and be productive
that's why i'm going to make it and you won't, you will stay a cringy hedonistic coomer and i will ascend
friendly reminder you're still at the poker table
i had 300k last cycle and lost everything due greed. if you 10x'ed your money, cash out.
Going straight into lifestyle inflation I see.
Wtf is that going to give me? 1300 month barely covers rent
You'd fall for a dating scam there after 2 weeks and would be found splashed on the pavement soon after from an apparent suicide.
its a really nice cushion. but i agree it would be a lot better to be working with 500k instead of 300k. at that point it would be 2,200 a month passively, which would be enough to live a frugal lifestyle in relative comfort without having too much worry.
If I had 10 billion dollars i would still work and be productive
i would still work
i would still work
i would still work
kek imagine being this much of a good goy
also you're low test, nerd faggot
kek imagine being this much of a good goy
I have an interesting white collar professional career that I enjoy and find stimulating and gives me things to work towards
the only thing you have to look forward to is cooming like a degenerate, your life is completely meaningless hedonism and you will not be accepted into the kingdom of heaven
says the poor nigger
white collar professional career
lmao you're a soulless bugman who's only "job" is to provide shareholder value. you will work until the very day you die and no one will remember your name
the only thing you have to look forward to
false, i make and produce things that will live on long after i'm gone. you wouldn't understand
kingdom of heaven
oh it's retarded
Ok whatever you say brainless coomer
rather be poor than THIS low test desu
you're probably one of those 20-year-old zoomers that literally needs to take boner pills hahahha
I just want a paid off house and to spend time with my children.
Not surprised a Christ-hating kike would advocate for degeneracy instead of productivity. Kikes hate having a work ethic.
6 figures niggers complaining before retail even jumped in
Fuck off ungrateful fucks you're literally 1 rally from making it
t.suffer at low 5 figures abyss
im not a kike
advocate for degeneracy
again, you're low test. it's ok. i want to fuck 18-year-olds in thailand, travel, create art, etc and you want to, idk work on some spreadsheets for your kike boss or whatever. we're not the same. you'll never get it because you're to low test and too unimaginative (hence the work-drone mindset) to understand
low test
says the retard that wants to go to thailand KEK also stay poor because you are too hedonistic and doesn't actually care about crypto
dude i want to coom and travel!!! And le art!!! Live laugh love!!!
Kek you sound like basic bitch normie woman, and you call other people unimaginative
i hope youre right. just been burned so many times, its hard to believe another rally is really coming.
cope bugman
post your portfolio faggot
Annual salary?
he can't understand the satisfaction autists get from a career that emphasizes technical problem solving and building things
That's why you're a natural normie retailcattle bagholder and you'll never make it in crypto btw, and why you're seething and counting other people's money while fantasizing about doing basic unimaginative woman shit with 700k like travelling and "creating art" (lmfao thats something an instathot would write)
Neurotypicals are pathetic. Post your portfolio so we can laugh
im sorry you can't comprehend actually making and creating things outside of tasks for your jew boss. you are literally the perfect goy
Dude your first instinct with 600k was to spend it on travelling and cooming rather than investing it in anything.
You don't make shit. You're a hedonistic coomer and a parasite like a woman.
kek you are always going to stay poor and nothing you do will change that because you are low iq
you don't make shit
kek no you're REALLY coping. what's it like being so braindead that all you can think about is working for other people? are you a literally a leadmaxxed boomer?
go order another month of bluechew, you low test homo
low t nerd
If you have 300k in index funds your annual growth on averave will be $21k/y, not too bad
this nigger's only insult is being low test kek
probably never even hit 1/2/3/4 in the gym LMAO
why are you trying to use your money to make more money? Why aren't you spending your money on whores like me?
This is why you don't have hundreds of thousands of dollars in your bank account kek
Male version of eat pray love.
You will be poor forever. Even if I had 10m I'd still work. Work doesn't always mean having a boss btw. It means having goals above hedonistic pursuits and 'working' towards them.
t. 800k hell
Also noble. I hope you make it anon.
I'm in the three figure club. Happy to say I've never experienced your pain. Heh.
muh test
yousa nerd if u dont spend all yo racks on rims n bitches nigga
I have 250k and feel very happy
pretty sure you fags are just clinically depressed
probably literal incels
im jealous of you
brb gonna doordash some more expensive food that i'll half finish
not controlling for current economic situation leading to an obvious conclusion that poor people need money right now, not next month
the fact that you think this """study""" proves anything just shows how much of a midwit you really are. hahahahha you will always be a good goy work drone
i have plenty of goals and pursuits, some of them are hedonistic but i'm also working towards personal milestones. you dont know shit about me, nigger. go complete another spreadsheet
pretty sure you fags are just clinically depressed
probably literal incels
every single retard arguing with me is EXACTLY this
i would be at 1+ million if i went all in just 2 months ago
if i do it now it will probably casrh
why dont you have more than that by now???
i mean 250k is like 180k in 2020 money so you should be kind of worried
Nigger youre poor in the easiest period in history to get rich. And you have high time preference like a dark skinned person. Who's really the midwit?
its a demoralization thread anon, don't let them get to you that easily
Who is that demoralization
hhahahah i really cut deep when i made you realize your study was worthless, didn't i? all this time spent thinking you had some grand revelation
stay mad :^)
its a demoralization thread anon
its not 6 figure hell is very real, its that point where your wagie gains will no longer make the needle move with buying a crash
but on the other hand the volatility means your stack can crash hard at any time
this feeling drives people insane, its not joke if you have to hold 6 figures through a bear and early crab market
the study is wrong because i said it was! if I close my eyes and plug my ears I can pretend time preference isn't real! I'm not a nigger with high time preference!!!
stay mad
Lol, okay. Stay poor
finally dipped into 6 figure hell
now back at 85k
let me back in
if you actually have 400k, still relatively young and likely about to multiply your wealth several times over since we're in a bullrun and its just starting, why the fuck would you feel bad (financially speaking). Obvious demoralization thread is obvious
theyll never understand our pain. they are so lucky
brb my doordash is here
demoralizes retards like the hedonist who calls people low test while not being able to lift 1/2/3/4 LMFAO
Time preference be raycist n sheeeit
because we dont know whats going to happen. it could all crash tomorrow and then if that happens i'll be just like the poorfags again. after ive had a taste thats worse than never making it to 6 figs at all
guess I'm built different, because im in low "6 figure hell" and I feel pretty fucking good about it anon
here, i'll spell it out for you again:
not controlling for current economic situation leading to an obvious conclusion that poor people need money right now, not next month
its funny how obvious it is to me but as usual, some low IQ Anon Babble midwit thinks hes some sort of genius because he bought a dog coin 3 years ago
you talk like someone who just hopped over to Anon Babble to learn a couple of lingo to use here.
thats the thing. the higher you get in six figure hell the worse it becomes. your mind will break eventually
Its anxiety anon. Nothing is certain. Things are looking like a bull run yes but we could also get rug pulled. Every hour I have to debate the voices in my head telling me to cash out into low beta dividend stocks. It would be a nice income cusion yes, but I'd also have to goto work so what is the fucking point? I know it is hard to empathize with people with hundreds of thousands but there is a certain sort of aguish that comes from putting in all this work and having all this money and still having to miss your kids soccer practice because some sociopath manager decided something can't wait till Monday.
been on this website for over a decade retarded newfag
I'm 22. I got lucky in 2020 with doge.
multiply your wealth several times
I hope, I just don't want to wagecuck anymore
Cool, something to look forwards to then kek
have been in six figure hell since 2020 with link
both lucky and tough
i cashed out quite a lot on way up though so not so bad
will buy a house with it this bull though, getting old
will still have a good stack leftover
you know you don't have to all-in crypto right? That's why you're stressed out of your mind anon, I've been there, not worth it
they didn't control for the fact that those countries are poor!!!
time preference isnt real!!
i was only 40% in but thats become 80% because of the gains
but if i leave now ill get sidelined
its hell
kids soccer practice
sociopath manager
hahhaahhahahahahahahahahah its just like i predicted earlier, you are THE goodest goy
you stay in a thread long enough and people will eventually out themselves
time preference is real, but an study without proper controls is useless, just like your cock that no woman will ever touch
you don't even have any money LMAO
this hits home because i have a nice big cock but i never talk to women so it gets no use
time preference is real
Yep, and your high time preference is why you will always be poor
i have enough money to keep me happy but also a growing portfolio, a loving gf and a high sex drive, goals to work towards (outside of some boomer corporate job). actual social skills, the ability to talk to people and look them in the eye. IRL friends
i wouldnt trade any of that for your dogcoins lmao. cope and seethe
you're not smart enough to realize how stupid you are
you are THE goodest goy
And you are the poorest fag. The funniest part is your dream of moving to SEA for hookers shows how much of a loser you are. See I actually used to be a degenerate poorfag too before I decided I wanted a family. The difference is I didn't have to pay the teenage girls.
verification not required
it depends how long you are in there and it isnt really hit the moment you reach a 100k
its when the amount you hold i nrisky assest becomes more than the savings of decades of waging that you start to feel it
not all of us have burger tech wfh only 2 hour a day jobs for 300k tc
has kids/family
has a dull corporate job with kike boss
defends these shitty life choices
i can't imagine being this pathetic desu you're probably one all-hands meeting away from roping. sad!
growing portfolio,
kek u have some garbage you fomo'd into last month and will get rugged on shortly, that's why you won't post it and why you think six figures is a lot of money that you'd squander it on thai ladyboys, faggot
start my own business
I guess my post was tldr
yeah it didnt start hitting me til i got to 400k
now im losing it but i dont want to leave because this is my one chance to get 7 figs
projection from a low test homo
you will never ever make it
except i will
cope sneed and dilate, homo tranny
wishful thinking, even if you managed to luck into any significant amount of money you'll cash it out and spend it on degenerate garbage and be broke in under 5 years because you think being frugal is "low test" or whatever
you see it all the time with darkies that win the lottery or get pro sports contracts
doesn't have kids/family
has a 'fast-paced' mcjob
defends these shitty life choices
i can't imagine being this pathetic desu you're probably one rent increase away from roping. sad!
lmao complete waste of time and money. of course a midwit wagie like you thinks that's some sort of "accomplishment". no go on and make more spreadsheets for your kike boss, faggot
i wanna cash out and be frugal and cheap. is that ok or am i going to end up like the nigger who wants to make art and travel you were responding to
i mean i know im lazy but im better than him i think
Based. It's the NPC's source of meaning because they can't philosophize.
doesn't post portfolio
this is the nigger with dogcoins and he is projecting LMAO
lmao complete waste of time and money.
not only will you not make it but you won't even leave anything behind after you squander your nigger-rich 100k on thai prostitutes
genetic failure and dead end, you hate to see it
300k invested at 33 here
I'm basically average, stuck in 6 figure hell for the foreseeable future, I drive a old car, rent an old apartment and earn more money than anyone I know but still feel like a broke college student and live like one too.
Feels weird man, I dont think I'll ever escape the poverty mentality. If your born poor, it affects your brain development in a certain way permanently.
these "muh kids/family" NPCs make the best goys. watch how angry and irrational they get when you point out that their only purpose in life is to provide shareholder value and serve their jew boss
you sound really upset.
Well yeah, sexhavers have won at life so we have a reason to be depressed.
I've been stuck between 400k and 600k for like a decade, unironically.
HOWEVER, I broke 600k for the first time ever a couple weeks back and have been above since. PLUS I'll be getting a new job soon with a 25% raise so that will help. I WILL continue to climb.
he doesnt sound upset he sounds like hes trying to wake you up
no one spends there time here trying to "wake" anyone up. he's desperately trying to rationalize why he's a low test virgin retard and accomplished nothing in his life outside of number go up funny money
this is the same guy that used the phrase "kingdom of heaven" unironically a few posts ago
Who doesn't? And this makes your poorness even sadder. I don't even make that much TC but I save soo much by not needing gas or fancy office clothes. I also avoid the coffee and restaurant jew temptation during lunch. I plow it all into crypto and stocks. 50/50. Mid 6 figs. Wtf is your excuse?
unironic wizard posting on Anon Babble
Holy kek. I think your fedora is too tight anon.
Indeed anon. I do get a little worked up because I can imagine my own sons falling victim to this sort of short term hedonistic and materialistic thinking that has infected the west. Things are on track for my kids to inherit millions when I finally croak, but if they end up like this nigger I'm gonna cut them out of the fucking will.
post portfolio you poofag
and post your lifts DYEL
I have hundreds of thousands of dollars in my bank account so I can use it to make hundreds of thousands of dollars more. You're poor because your mentality is fucking retarded.
CFA, the Canes near me is too dry
i can use money
to make money
to make money
this is all you can think about. which is why you're a braindead NPC and goodest goy
having kids
lol. lmao. opinion discarded
The problem is people equate God to church. They understandably have axes to grind with churches/having someone to exert control over you and dismiss God all together.
God is within each and every one of us. Fulfillment in life comes from realizing this fact and then endeavoring to enjoy your life as you wish
i have 400k in crypto and it feels great.
it will be 3 million by the end of the bullrun
do you think itll be that good. idk anon im nervous, seems to good to be true. is it really our turn??
ok low test virgin
I used $100,000 to go long on 1 BTC at $54,000 and sold it at $64,000. That netted ~$18,000 profit this week. I took $10,000 of that and used it as part of the down payment on my new $437,000 house being built. I took $1,400 and bought my girlfriend some gold and jewels for the hell of it. I took $1,000 of it and bought a FN 545 Tactical that's on its way from the factory, and the balance is yet to be used. Also, since I signed the contract in August 2023 to build the house, my house value appreciated to $560,000 from $430,000 adding $130,000 to net worth of $220,000 putting me just shy of $400,000 like OP. Just tell us you're a financially illiterate brown person so we can laugh while you bring us drinks at cocktail hour.
okay so this nigger has no money and he doesn't lift ISHYGDDT
Would you kindly use the appropriate amount of chevrons?
There are 3 of us watching your slap fight with rapt attention, and when you screw up like this, it breaks the immersion.
not doing what you want me to do moshe. i know that works for you in your wagie office with your jew boss
financially literate
buys gold and jewelry
try to make your LARP believable next time, nigger
im not giving that NPC anymore (You)s. he's low test and likely a virgin
These losers don’t know what it’s like to work towards something and achieve it. I worked way too hard to get where I am, I probably wouldn’t quit unless I had 100s of millions.
We said we wanted refills ten minutes ago. Also, you need to go back and split the checks. You want to make your """big""" $10 tip, don't you?
I won't give this nigger a (you) because he is obviously baiting us
seething after his larp failed
im not baiting, im calling you an unimaginative, uncreative, low test virgin faggot. no amount of money will change that for you, you bugman NPC goy
your house did not go up 30% value over the last 6 months. the other guy is right you are larping
10/10 you made me reply to your nigger nonsense
Apologies, my embarrassing lack of familiarity with /biz' courtship rituals is showing.
it's always a LARP, anon. and they always slip up because they're not smart enough to realize how fucking retarded they are
i mean look at how many wagies in here are fighting to remain wagies lol its an NPC bugman mentality. they cant help it
reddit coomer moment
So many upset little kiddies with no education or bullshit degrees working for shit pay trying to cope over how abjectly poor they are. Wew!
ngl sounds based af
hey man your shit LARP got destroyed, its time to stop posting
as long as you have a job and money coming in you shouldnt be nervous..wtf else u gonna do with the $...get a MORTgage?! lmao
my fucking sides
i quit my job almost a year ago
right around the time i doubled down on ethereum which has paid off well
bro your house did not go up 30% in 6 months. your larp is fucking dumb. you dun goofed
Verification NOT required.
get another job. holding eth is the right move but youre a man and you need money coming in ..thats your life force. without it youre a dweeb..a feather floating in the wind
Chick-Fil-A is better, poor spics eat at Canes
Yeah breeder shit is cope anyway. All you are doing is pumping out more wageslaves for the next generation, spending money and labor to support a women and children, therefore contributing even more to the economy, having to work longer hours, and make higher pay.
The demographics argument is cope as well, people who reproduce just to dump out more of their race are extremely small and can be rounded up by the government in minutes. They can't find any meaning in life outside of reprodooocing and they get angry when you point that out.
im so beaten down from work tho. i cant take having these bosses who are poorer and dumber than me anymore. i just want my eth to 3x so i can live off passive income and maintain a peaceful frugal life. i dont mind being a dweeb either
All you are doing is pumping out more wageslaves
They can't find any meaning in life outside of reprodooocing and they get angry when you point that out.
wageslaves can only think like wageslaves.
then your fate is sealed. enjoy being a loser the rest of your life.. or start your own business.
will always stay poor
I'd argue with you but I actually don't have a problem with the genetic trash taking itself out. The game is always easier when the other players just give up.
No sneed oil
Popeyes is correct
anon you spend too much time arguing with a dude who is clearly an incel, your words are falling on deaf ears.
doesn't even understand the meaning behind the prospect of having a loving family, calls it a waste of time
i've fucked and creampied more women than you can possible imagine
Fair enough anon. It's time to teach my youngest chess anyway.
you sound like a faggot
be 40
wagecucked through my twenties and thirties
stuck all my savings into SPY
rode the 2010's bull
now setup with $400k
still hate normies, travel and drinking
work an easy wfh accounting job
I'm constantly between 90k and 120k. Life is pain.
Absolutely based
If I was on death row I’d specifically request 40 of the mini poppers
Have you tried having a little empathy? Tried being a decent human being?
Didn’t know Popeyes used beef tallow until I googled it just now. No wonder I feel so good after eating it