I'm financially ruined.
Aviator (ticker: AVI)
Biz never learns.
Thanks for playing
Finna slurp this bihhh dip more PLZ
I'm the guy who swapped $9k worth of a $1mil mc shitcoin for this trash and now said shitcoin did a 5x while AVI us dumping
I'm financially ruinned
Thanks AVI jeets for your endless shilling
Could you please sell for me? It's getting slurped a little too fast for my liking
keep crying it's a good look for you
Why did it dump?
insiders know the audit failed, it's over
Because I'm swinging it until the audit news
Everyone begs for dips until we actually get one. Then everyone screams about it being over. This has already happened and likely will happen again. See you all in the next one to two weeks when this repeats after this inevitably gets slurped
Nintendo warned you. Now your stupid little coin is demolished.
i dont care that we went up 10x
this 20% dump is UNACCEPTABLE, and i WILL be contacting my lawyers
i WILL have a handwritten apology and notice of a refund on my desk by this afternoon
AVI threads bring back og biz memories. Thats why I slurped this dip and got in.
Screenshot this, AVI will never reach 0.002 again. The People are now aware the token is not needed.
I can’t fucking breathe. Please tell me it will go back up I put my life savings into this coin. I put $12k into this I know it’s not much FUUUUUCK
What?? Why is it going down? The world NEEDS digital arcade tokens so bad
kek, relax
we're correcting after a fucking megapump that was caused by a nothing announcement
no products are out yet and theyve barely been marketing
avi will do just fine
Anon... If a 20% retrace scares you out of projects, you are just not ready for crypto. Invest in gold, etf's or something.
Look at the cockroaches coming out to justify this rug
I asked this in my last thread that got fucked so I’ll ask it here. What’s to stop coinbase from fixing their bridge so that it does what avi is trying to do? Avi is essentially going to leech transfer funds that coinbase would otherwise be getting from their bridge
AVI is coinbase fixing their bridge, idk how this isn't clearer and anyone that can't see it is about to get assblasted and left behind
Related terminology, working with base
The Base Ecosystem fund, led by CB Ventures, acquired an undisclosed position in AERO.
same will happen with avi in a few months once the skybridge is live
coinbase is covering all their bases and the names aren't coincidence
20x plox
We had this exact same conversation a week ago: warosu.org
History repeats itself. We’ll recover
biz, twitter and beoble will never learn
good luck the next month
aviator was and still is the most obvious play in crypto
now that it finally caught some traction and products are close to releasing, it will only start to grow faster and faster
sex with midori
wtf is aerodrome and what does it have to do with my question? Coin base already has a bridge. What does
avi is coinbase fixing their bridge
even mean? Since coinbase already has a bridge, why would they idly sit by and watch avi reap the rewards off of it? You make it sound like coinbase and avi have a partnership
I see your point but no one ever seems to fix their shitty main bridges. It's possible but the same can be said about every single L2 and their bridges. Arb and Optimism etc all still have their awful 7 day locks.
theres already plenty third party base bridges that exist and are better than the default base bridge, and coinbase didnt steal any of those.
if skybridge works as intended, it will be better than all of those third party choices, but coinbase still wont just steal some projects bridge... especially one thats trying to be as cheap as possible with the goal of revenue from high volume
why would they do that to themselves?
AVI x KNS alliance where we at
This. AVI hasn't even gotta started yet (bridge out really soon, arcade in alpha, no marketing) and KNS AMA just dropped. When there's a real dip from one smaller whale unloading (they are out now) no one on biz wants to buy
avi shill thread - instanuked
avi fud thread - untouched
Well, I guess I know what to do now
Any qrd on kns? I see it mentioned so many times in avi threads but I never bothered to check it out
Pumps 25%
Dumps 20%
hm fine guess Nintendo will have to deal with them as well. One more to the List.
I put 15 dollars into this… I’m forever ruined
it looks like almost every good coin on the market is experiencing the same exact kind of top right now
there was panic, but now everything feels so fucking quiet
did everyone get overwhelmed and step away so they dont get emotional and sell before we go again?
wonder how long itll take
honestly dont know much about kns, but i hear a lot of praise for it for similar reasons avi gets praise
high security, high autism, very meticulous
experienced people putting in lots of effort
the fact that theres an overlap of avi and kns holders seems innately bullish and helps solidify some of the positive sentiments between the two, so im excited to hear the ama
You are more than welcome to join our class action lawsuit
You will get your $15 back plus interest
If we knew they would be sued by nintendo we would have never invested
she looks incredulous yet intrigued that I want to sniff her butthole
This was quite literally memed into existence by Anon Babble
Lmao this is straight up bizarre I'm turning in to a avi kns maxi at this point, how could the two project cooperate you think?
We'll have to tune in to find out
Now that I think about it why didn't avi launch on arbitrum with it's low fees? I would like to add to my bag but I'm not paying 30 bucks gas fees.
why do you retards buy pumped tokens
should i buy the dip? i've been resisting the fomo into AVI all this time because i missed out on the optimal buying opportunity a month or so ago.
i got a few thousand in eth ready to go. if it crashes harder from here i may start slurping. but its a project i'm not entirely sure i want to get into. i already hold KNS. maybe it would be better to just dump more into that, instead of diversifying further.
Couldn’t avi have started off on base to begin with?
Yes, obviously. Unless you want to buy when it pumps again