Low MC gems

Shill your low market-cap gems here


My rubic stay cubic



Also this is a man btw.

Have a good feeling about CUDOS EPIK and QANX.

idena counterparty foam
qrl beam cell fakeai eveai

yeah bro qanx epik cudos are all great buys you should definitely throw every dollar you have at them and when they fail you can suck me off you absolute waste of oxygen enjoy losing your life savings

V8QQwiyN1n.png - 960x1280, 1.01M


and OG dog with bat on bsc



pic related

dog with bat


comfycouple.jpg - 680x511, 79.01K

In all seriousness, PAWTHEREUM, PAWTH

Honestly don't understand why it's not got legs, yet, BSC and ETHchains, and legit devs.

Old grumpy coin, rebranded, survived the winter and made over 600k in donations to cat shelters so far.

For the cutie asian girl I shall bless this thread -


you’re welcome frens.

IMG_7493.jpg - 4032x3024, 2.59M

This one is somehow still not dying

apepe on sol.jpg - 1079x1076, 598.23K

asian idol fag

shitcoin pajeet

Yeah, checks out.


A serious answer? PNK, it has a long way to go in terms of marketcap

Grumpy Cat would have become what Shiba became if it wasn't for that stupid woman holding the copyright name and refusing to receive a huge wallet if she allowed the coin to stay up.
She would have 100x her worth by now.

Grumpy Coin is such a tragic story so pls never bring it up again.

What do people think of NKN? Will it ever go back to ATH?

Nigga you got my attention. Have tried, swapped btc with ease and commission is great. Whats the catch? How do i know if its not a scam? Is there a TG chat? What is the team? Why do i even need ONI coins for that?

trips confirmed

ed6.jpg - 600x553, 42.24K

Second LILA. POW layer 1 with an easy bridge at 5m cap is an easy play

>yeah bro qanx epik cudos are all great buys you should definitely throw every dollar you have at them and when they fail you can suck me off you absolute waste of oxygen enjoy losing your life savings

Found the forever poor communist tranny loser.

Enjoy the bugs.jpg - 3100x2067, 591.17K

i herd marketcap dont matter
someone lie to me?????????

SUKU. This is a *safe* 3-4x with their slip of getting listed on Nance. Check CT to verify for yourself. GL in this bully. SUKU about to print :) :) :)




Memecoin that will likely go to 100m mc

Composable margin trading pair platform Fringe Fi seems a solid 1000x bet to me

They aren't doxxed is literally the only thing holding me back from dropping 50k into this today. Convince me further.

Telos. Pic says everything, Anon Babble sleeping on this. Could do same kind of run that SOL did.

Banano Bro checking in

SDL on arb or eth. it's equivalent to RPL/Lido, but for Chainlink staking. good ve-tokenomics.

Yea that's what's stopping me put way more in, but they've delivered on everything they've promised so far, have a working mainnet, exchange listing and they could have rugged when it reached $2. I think it's worth the gamble.

RLC will 100x

my grumpy grew into 30k at its height. thought i was going to make it. next thing i know it dumped and broke even.

PNK is going to be a top 5 performer this cycle. mark my words. it's going to be in the billions. I dropped a hint to ripplets when it was .027 and they thought I was talking about xrp kek


NFTs coming

Merch coming

Comic coming

Only needs to raise $6k in funding to get into a top 30 exchange

Bagheld by OKX, Hotbit, Whitbit and Bitrue

Liquidity burnt FOREVER

69k holders that need a x1000 to even be able to dump on you

>ATH of ~800 million

>Currently at ~600k mc

>>>David Gokhstein crying on twitter he lost $60k USD to HOKK in 2021

Not really shilling them just have held them for a few years: sylo and cellframe

Coin I actually like: grt

Husky, the OG dog of AVAX, created by biz, survivor of the bear market, cornerstone of Avalanche merch.