AVAX $1k this cycle

I’m not even the regular shill I just believe this will happen. If BTC goes to $150k and ETH to $15k, this is almost a certainty

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If BTC goes to $150k and ETH to $15k, this is almost a certainty

So it's a certainty 1k AVAX is never happening, then.

Ain't no fucking way I'm worth 3.3 million of this coin alone. I figured a 3x before I taper out, not 33x. Tell me more about why you think so mein neiger.4kata

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anon do you realize how conservative the numbers OP gave are ? I think $12k is a better target (3.4x from here, BTC would be a 2.4x), but $800-$1k AVAX is not that far-fetched in a bull market

no because avax/btc will not go above this line. at 150k btc, avax will be around $255 at 0.0017

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In 2024 we are seeing:

institutional adoption

massive enhancements in base layer consensus

among the fastest TPS of all chains

unparalled amount of devs building on Avalanche

increased interoperability

Among 20 other tech-oriented perks / goals. More importantly, this will be the cycle normies figure out how much of a fixture Avalanche is (no less than Solana). ETH, AVAX, and SOL can all succeed and the rising tide lifts all boats

unbreakable because my lines say so

it just is, OKAY?

itll go to 0.004 against BTC and 0.3 against Eth

yes, coins dont go past their initial xxx/btc high the next cycles

AVAX is going to x4 previous ATH in sats.

Contrary to Solana/Cardano/BNB, Avalanche didn't maximize previous cycle and was always off by x3 from these 3 valuation wise. This time it's going to be a top 3-4 coin with Jan 2018 levels btc.d and $200K+ btc, That'll put it comfortably above $1,000, Likely closer to $2,500-3,000.

Many will sell way too early, I can already see predictions far underestimating how high alts in general will go, It happens every single cycle. Even in 2021, The worst bull market one could imagine, Alts outperformed the "bulls" of 2019-2020.

even now it still underperforms sol

It's really simple:

Every -10% drop in BTC.D account for 40% growth in the wide altcoin market. To get to 2018 lows (34%) BTC.D will need to go down -40%.

That's x4 from market structure alone. I didn't even account for ETH.D breaking all time low which's very possible, The bull case for Ether this cycle is far weaker than previous one imo

BTC to $200-300K. Bullish but not delusionally so

That's another x3-5 (Let's average it to x4 and assume $250K ATH)

AVAX to top 3-4

Additional x4

4*4*4=$2,800 per AVAX.

That's the bullish case and although slightly autistic, it's unironically more grounded in reality than most predictions you'll see out there.

lol even $100 is too much for the roach chain.

the op is based i totally agree

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Fucking pajeet could you fuck off.
t. 12k AVAX

The bull case for Ether this cycle is far weaker than previous one imo

10-20k this cycle for eth. 200-300 seems the reasonable bull target for avax. we're still -70% from ath

imo, there is an inverse head and shoulders printing on the 1 day chart avax/usd chart. the pump into the low $40s last night basically completed the right shoulder. do with that what you will


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200-300 seem reasonable

It's not. AVAX wouldn't even be a top 20 coin if it ends up peaking at only $300. AVAX could do nothing, Stay #10 and still hit $500 at $15K ETH

1 AVAX = $5000+

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inverse head and shoulders

Actually agreed, just checked the chart


Faggot ChatGPT bot

AVAX will be 4 figs this run
Nothing comes close to what they have achieved
This is what the best case scenario looks like for blockchain in real world application

because 3X will only be the mcap of SOL and AVAX is strictly better than SOL and ETH

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Guys, haven't been in AVAX threads since 2022

How are we doing? I have a big bag in this


called avalanche


eth replica


double spends

ghost chain


fake partnerships

Muslim team

high inflation like the Turkish Lira


scandals after scandals

eth levels of gas fees


Every AVAX shill is a grassroots community marketer who gets paid in AVAX to do it. They reply to themselves with different IDs and create lots of fake interest and discussion. If you browse Anon Babble for a few days you'll see how inorganic all of this is. Their objective is to make you buy AVAX, hold it and maybe even stake it (for a negative inflation adjusted yield, which they will lie about). They will manipulate you with hope, technojargon, AI waifus and dreams of riches while getting paid by higher-ups who slowly dump on retail with the tokens they created for themselves for free. Go look at EOSETH chart and read about the history of EOS. This is the exact same scam all over again for newfags like you who don't know how this works. Don't fall for it, they are masters at manipulating.

You have to have an immeasurably low in to look at EOS and AVAX
And come to the conclusion that they are the same thing

Thanks I just went all in

just bought. ICP baggies may continue seething


That will put avax at around BTCs current marketcap (slightly less)

Lay off the pipe before you are left holding bags, retard.

Yeah at 34% dominance the top 2-5 will have higher/equal marketcap to BTC, Which at $250K will close at around $5T.

why do you think "better" matters it's literally all about first movers advantage. AVAX isn't going to overtake ETH or SOL because it launched later and therefore has less baggies trying to pump it. That's all there is to crypto. Get it through your thick skull.

And I say this as an AVAX holder. Actually I hold all 3 of those.

The key is simply this:

Is it an L1? If yes

How long has it been around?

Those are literally the 2 things that inform market cap. There are outliers like LINK (which is currently more useful than any of these L1s yet behind them all in mcap), but generally this is the rule.

Crypto markets still don't do fuck all. It's just all memes. Minimum another 5 years before fundamentals play any role.

You literally have no way to correlate dominance with specific values of specific tickers because you jave no way to what tickers that dominance is moving to.
Can't believe that you are actually arguing that AVAX is gonna have a marketcap of over 1trill by itself LMAO the absolute state

The thing is AVAX has the connections not just the tech
AVAX was a Ivy League tech project backed by IC3
John Wu is a literal Wall Street secret society Harvard MBA old boy

you in 2017 most likely

"Can't believe that you are actually arguing that BTC is gonna have a marketcap of over 1trill by itself LMAO the absolute state"

Not an argument and AVAX is not Bitcoin

yeah bro trust me my shitcoin is gonna be at BTCs marketcap in a single cycle because... it just will okay

LMAO looking forward to the 30t BTCarketcap and at the 100t crypto marketcap, too. Gonna be lit bro.

and AVAX is not Bitcoin

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jesus that bitch is ugly

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I know. Know that you are gonna left holding bags waiting them to get to some retarded number like 2800 or worse, 5000.
Happens every cycle. The interesting thing is that you retards are alredy in the coping " you just wait, its gonna get there" phase even though we still have not even seen a hint of the mania phase starting.
But by all means believe your delusions and hold all the way becaused god knows the liquidity is needed.

4*4*4=$2,800 per AVAX.

Come on, that's total moon-math. No fucking way, as it would imply a 66x from here, or a 300x from the bear market lows in August.


And I say this as someone holding close to 3k AVAX, so I would profit massively.
AVAX went to $130 or so last cycle, so I guess $250 is possible, maybe $450 if we take the ETH high of 2021 and divide it by the ETH high of 2018 and use that as a multiplier for the AVAX high of 2021.

avax is not even gonna break 100$, same shitcoin as link, just move on people to a better coin like INJ

You take is far less grounded and comprehensive than the one you're criticizing.

Big number doesn't mean it's less reasonable just because it's big.