There are 1.82 Million BTC on ALL the exchanges

Every day, the ETFs are buying 10K, or about 0.5%.


So now multiply by 12 weeks. Half the supply: "Poof"

Get the Picture?

So will my .1 BTC make me a billionaire?

Etfs will slow down on the buying eventually pretty sure

Are you stupid enough to not realize that as people buy BTC, that people are also listing more to sell? Overall supply goes down in the short run with a boom cycle but you have got to be a complete fucking retard to think that as it goes up there aren't people actively entering the market to sell and make profit on previous investments.
tl;dr - lol, lmao u nigger

Are you stupid enough to not realize that as people buy BTC, that people are also listing more to sell?

Nope, the higher the Bitcoin price goes, the more people hodl, idiot. Because they're not as dumb as you are and realize Bitcoin will be worth a lot more than now in the future. Bitcoin has no top since fiat has no bottom.

1613941418947.png - 659x629, 596.05K

makes bullish thread just to seethe

uses muh etf argument


has twitter screenshots

muh hoddel

is angry

Thanks for the sub 10k confirmation.

this dessu, as a "social indicator" behaviors like that of OP is extremely bearish

Absolutely. The US is committed to bankrupting itself to lose its proxy war in Ukraine. You might be a trillionaire with 0.1 BTC.

But at that point the currency will be so inflated that a packet of WcDonalds sauce will cost over 50 million dollars

So what you're saying is you're very poor and desperately want institutions to pump your bags. But why do you want Anon Babble to know this? Wouldn't it be better to blogpost about it on r*ddit? You'd probably find more emotional support and "validation" there.

I'm Bitcoin rich, incel. Your shitcoins will never amount to anything. And you'll continue to be poor because of your pathetic jealousy against superior Bitcoin owners.

There are 1.82 Million BTC on ALL the exchanges

and all of them will be staked on babylon, just as predicted.

Unironically yes if you hold for two more cycles

But if the price keeps going up won’t the amount of bitcoin on exchanges start going up too because people will be transferring on them to sell

people will never sell because we are a community

Lol. Lmao. Lmfao. Rofl even

not at all what he said you stupid nigger. kys

Y'all are retarded. It will take just one disruption at a critical node of the global supply chain to cause prices to rise in the US, thereby forcing the Fed's hand to raise interest rates (aka USD will go up in value) and thus triggering a chain reaction that pops one bubble after another (including BTC). With all conflicts around the globe, houthis, possible cyber attack on US ports or energy grid, it's only a matter of time. Given that Russia is determined to make Dems lose this year, it'll probably happen before elections.

Lol STFU FedBoi. The US government is way too incompetent to fix inflation, and no amount of crying Putin will fix that.

1000007183.jpg - 1024x1024, 102.42K

Sure, there will be short-term sellers, but as the blockchain is demonstrating, they are a minority. When the price gets to $100k, some plebs will sell, but those with deep pockets will be buying. At the end of this cycle, much of the bitcoin will transfer from the plebs, to the wealthy, and those plebs will never be able to own that bitcoin again.
People comparing bitcoin to other assets fail to see the glaring difference between bitcoin and everything else, supply is finite. This dynamic has yet to play out, but we are finally getting a glimpse of what it looks like. Bitcoin is almost at ath with less than two months before the halving, something that has never happened. The future bitcoin price action is going to be something to behold, like watching a volcano erupt. The best thing to do is simply never sell your share, and when the price appreciates significantly, use it as collateral. This way, you retain your asset and avoid taxes. Only monkeys will try to trade in and out of bitcoin.

critical economic threat

fed raises rates

Wee woo wee woo retard alert

Only monkeys will try to trade in and out of bitcoin

like this guy:

The same type of guy who shittalks Bitcoin here. Lost gambling and now blames Bitcoin for his stupidity.

The Fed is cornered. If they raise rates, this will cause the debt to further increase exponentially because the gov will have to rollover the debt at higher rates. The Fed will then be forced to monetize the debt which means more money will be printed, and more money will rotate into assets.
If the event you describe happens, it may cause a momentary dip in price but it'll just be momentary. No matter what happens, bitcoin will only go up, so long as it stays decentralized and secure.

People like this seem to be the saltiest. Like Saylor said, would you consider yourself intelligent if you had traded in an out of Amazon stock when it was sub $10? Buying and holding bitcoin is so clear and easy to understand, it boggles my mind that some people still don't get it.

boomers took 12 years to buy Bitcoin, just because blackrock jews told them to

the same blackrock that will erase their bloodline and all the white race

all losses done to esg will recover in days

Are boomers the worst generation ever?

I certainly felt smart when btc did a 10x and climbed to a new ath of $40
Cashed out, felt good
Then it kept going up
Then I started taking the market more seriously after being sidelined essentially all the way up to $1000

Can they really ever run out of bitcoin? Wouldn't the price jump exponentially high until there are no more buyer left?

No. Buyers and sellers meet in the middle. There's always a seller for a buyer and vice versa.

2 more weeks

Stay sidelined kiddo

(YOU) are not bullish enough
1%-5% allocation is their goal and don't forget the sovereign funds.


So you're saying, 12 more weeks?

People get greedy and impatient simple as

I pulled out everything in anticipation of poors scrambling for weekend party money. I'll jump back in on Sunday.

fail to see the glaring difference between bitcoin and everything else, supply is finite.

all it takes is for miners to no longer be profitable due to lessened rewards as well as shitty distribution of btc holdings, for ppl to understand why inflationary pressure exists in tradFi.

when miners capitulate, and the network slows down... btc holders will beg for an inflationary mechanism to be built.

but but we can just increase the size of the block to scale with how many users will use the chain

and cheapen the cost of a 51% attack?

no way around it, btc has to change if it wants to be a real currency. let alone a global one with low tx fees, fast payment processing, and equitable

miners stop mining

new miners see opportunity and spin up mining farm for less cost than it was previously

Miners have had periods of negative returns every bear cycle
Every one
And yet they still keep expanding
Your hypothetical was done to death when btc was sub $10
Now we know the actual reality is the miners have future FOMO for when price is above operating costs, which is most of the time

To be fair, that was back when it was real bitcoin, not the corporate committee abomination blockstream made it

Btc will need to correct to 2018 lows at end of 5th wave in super cycle. 3k btc. Check em, screen shot this.

yeah and think that in a couple weeks miners reward will halve so thats most of the sell pressure cut in half
cant be bullish enough right now

I have 0.06BTC
I’ve missed the train haven’t I

you say coin worth 100k

i say coin worth 0

you are alone

i get 5 other people to say it's worth

*poof* coin is now worth 0

Nothing personnel kid

No, it's never too late to accumulate a deflationary asset like bitcoin. Just keep hodling.