Bizfreaks that go all in, how do you deal with the volatility?
10% in crypto is what my nerves can withstand
Who cares about intermediate volatility if your goal is longterm
I don't go all in, but about 50%.
Volatility: You get used to it. It's that simple. Once you've lost a year's salary in a single day a few times, you're a battle hardened veteran. If you truly believe that BTC goes up in the long run, you won't be bothered by the volatility that much anymore.
long term most alts go 99% and never recover
they have a 4-5 fig portfolio
You forget about it. Check occasionally and work hard so you never need to dip into it. The 10 year plan is the way.
Literally don't look at it until a day to a week or so later. And if my 10% is making me money, consider the next 'sign' in my favor to be legit and go all in. 9 times out of 10 I can set the stoploss at breakeven immediately without fear of getting stopped out due to bullshit and make serious bank.
But yeah, never go all in straight off the bat. That's degenerate gambler mentality 101.
The human brain can only have an emotional reaction to a certain number of pumps and dumps before you disconnect emotionally and don't feel anything any more.
I simply live with the pain
this, its like our version of the roasties 1000 cock stare, the 1000 dump stare
That is hardcore anon
i am like you
i just have 90% in bitcoin, and 10% in absolute dogshit
I dont have much. If I lose it all, it was only a few years worth of savings. Its worth it if it buys me a home or allows me to retire
Yep, the first year was stressful, now it's just daily life
100% in at the age of 30, 90,000, it is likely my only chance to escape poverty. I live outside of USA and Western europe so even something like 300 000 - 500 000 would allow me to live like neet if i had interest on the money or just be frugal and invest again in next cycle.
I didn't go all in, but because of the rise i am now 75% in btc and the rest in real estate . if this goes on ill be 99% in btc soon
I either make it or wage forever. May as well go for it.
Once you've gone up and down 50% multiple times a day for a couple of months you'll be fine with volatility. It's really not that bad
i was near 100% since 2022 but now after these glorious pumps i am only 80% btc/eth the rest is cash
Blind hope in an honest developer like Esteban and a working plebbit demo
Pic related
Exactly this. I've also thrown money away by having it on a hacked exchange, accidentally went funds to a smart contract which are gone forever etc.
Ups and downs become fairly meaningless, and long term is the outlook which means short term stress isn't an issue.
I couldn't even put 10 percent in tqqq let alone into something that has no value
when you hold enough LINK everything else is just a bonus, it can all go to $0, you learn to just forget it even exists
become a full schizo maxi
just listen to all the saylor podcasts
be careful you will go all in
Once you endure enough dips that would make a traditional stock investor shit themselves you get used to it
ptsd, sunk cost fallacy, cultlike brainwashing, retardation, irresponsibility, denial, hopium and copium, antisemitism, schizophrenia and autism
you don't just accept the suck, you EMBRACE it.
I lost more than $5 mn from the 2021 high's. I am now nearly up again at the same level. My thinking was the whole time, if I exit now after having lost 80% and it moons after, I will kill myself.
Now its up x3 from its lows, I can sell. And I sold enough to sustain myself for 10 years. I don't care what happens now.
Alts go 99%
You mean shitcoins
They have 3 to 5 figure portfolios, where losing it all isn't a big setback and could potentially 100x, so it's worth it.
One I got above 300k I started diversifying into index funds.
they don't know any better, 5% for me but I think I could get up to 15% honestly with some eth sprinkled in
Pumps and dumps I can handle but I think I'd unironically kill myself if I got hacked
if you worry about volatility you haven't been in long enough. if you're 10% in you definitely haven't been in long enough
All alts except Ethereum are shitcoins. Some are honest and just have meme logos or names, some are scams and pretend to have a utility
Be a wageslave, or be a wageslave and have the chance for freedom, hmmm...
I invest low amounts in high risk high return. If you lose a tiny bit, what does it matter? I enjoy the volatility.
Or be a wageslave but just gets further set back by losing everything.
I blew up my account like 7 times now I just dont care and I make better decisions as a result
ive been all in or mostly all in since 2017 and everytime i get a paycheck i buy more. you have to realize fiat is the scam that keeps you poor. i have a 5pct max cash position at all times.
I do the opposite. I try to leverage safe returns. It's hard to find but I usually add 2 to 3 percent a year to my networth just from that. Then 5 to 8 percent from normal equity. Especially ETFs. I'm bad at stock picking for some reason. I think because I'm not a momentum picker and in this clown economy is seems to be all that matters
The price last week, today, next week or next month literally does not matter at all because I'm not going to sell until late next year anyways