Is it true some people have offed themselves after making it from crypto and then receiving "the call"?

Is it true some people have offed themselves after making it from crypto and then receiving "the call"?

what call?

The call.

Please tell us what this 'call' is

oh THAT call. yes, people offed themselves

newfag. everyone knows the call.

if you answer the call you have to make a choice... of course they're not just going to let you win

look at this anon pretending he knows what the call is

Source of the video? Pretty girl

Some say that since "they" passed, "the call" is no longer something we should fear.
But "they" are still here. You can feel it, can't you? Even at the foot of this bullrun.
There are traces left. "They" linger.

Of course I know what the call is. One of my friends received the call when he made it with the Bitcoin.
He is a shell of his former self now. He has become paranoid, not trusting anyone.
I wish he never bought any shares.
Don't answer the call. Both choices are bad.

Is it true some people have offed themselves after making it from crypto and then receiving "the call"?

It's fake because it's pre-arranged. Only burgers could enjoy people getting brain damage to be able to pay medical bills.

the call

This only happens if you made like $100M+ or something, no one is going to go after the chump with $1-2M.


2.2k link

Enough without it being crippling.

lol good luck to them but i never answer the phone to unknown numbers haha theyll have to text me or email me instead

That looks lethal JEEZUZ

God I wish that was me

will pay for this experience when I make it

I made over $700M from 2014 to now in various crypto projects but I have only cashed out around $ 5 million, might be cause I am a South African fag or that lots of my money is still on cold paper wallets that I didn't receive any call.

I will not give any of you money and no I am not very materialistic so I live well and do not see a need to buy bullshit like lambos or boats. I just play video games, read books, drink with friends at a local pub and sometimes go hunting. That's my entire life I just tell them I work as a remote programmer in assembly since nobody fucking programs in assembly and codebros don't ask me out about it lol because I know nothing about programming. Sometimes I will wear suits to my friends outings claiming that I came from a meeting.

There is no such thing.

She broke her neck and died.

i will not give any of you money

yeah right bro you probably just want to hide the fact that you are a poor loser who didn't cash out and is too shy to tell the truth because he would get laughed out of his discord also your gay ass fantasy of just wearing suits every time you go out is so dumb you probably don't even have any friends to go out with in the first place

JKu1NJblGg.jpg - 1080x864, 158.39K

Sometimes I will wear suits to my friends outings claiming that I came from a meeting.


The Call is going to catch up with you sooner or later, they don't have the tech to track your cold wallets yet however. Ensure you use this time wisely to prepare. This is not the kind of organisation you can evade forever.

the call

fucking newfags i swear these bubbas are annoying

Consider putting some money in the fringe fi platform on zk sync to be eligible for two airdrops of significant value. You're so close to a billion!

Skye blue vs queen aminata.

The margin call after they made it for 3 seconds at 100000000x leverage?

The call from...
Mommy ...

Tendies are ready, dear


Based. I just put mine on dnd or airplane these days

"you" have "arrived"

Thanks for reminding me to catch up on the hit comedy manga kengan omega

Like, this should be enough to get Franken Koch and anybody else associated a one way trip to Guantanamo if anything they tell us about how our bullshit system pretends to work were true. Instead he writes it and the world keeps on turning. This is smoking gun proof and no one bats an eye.

Maybe this book is why they metoo'd him out of Congress.

What's the point of having $700M if you're only going to cash out $5M from it. You need to prepare because accidents can happen

Source really? Where was this

It’s a meme on Anon Babble that once you’ve “made it”, you receive “the call” from “them”

t. invented the meme and wish I hadn’t. It’s just got way out of hand. I should have known Anon Babble would run it in to the ground

Did your village explode in shit shower, ranjeet?

wow, look at all these comments, I need to make a bunch of calls

the_call.gif - 600x386, 281.43K

God I wish that was me

You got this webm from a BAT thread. That OP always has the best bait webms.

do you have no self-respect no shame or are you just stupid"

ojjrgAbPBH.jpg - 1024x1024, 226.14K

Did she die

She’s totally fine. She uploaded that angle to twitter like 5 minutes after the match was over to cut a promo for their rematch. You can find it on YouTube

It was just a rough spot, she’s perfectly fine.

Perfectly fine. Webm is sped up. You can watch the entire match. OP is just a faggot trying to bait replies

this would get you sent to git

It deffinetly fucking would. The problem is, it's not real. It's a Anon Babble meme.

post fake video

post fake bullshit about some fake "call"

Yep, it's a Anon Babble thread. These cunts don't have portfolios, they have schizophrenia.

Why would you wear a suit if you're doing remote work? Revise this plan it is retarded

Not a real meme.

God I wish that were me.

5 Million dollar accidents...

You need someone whacked anon?

I received the call after i retired from my fingerboard business. I was busy tending to my garloid farm one day when I got the call... you know I can't spoil it. Lets just say If it ever happens to you, you will definitely know it as "the call"

if you get too rich you get called by elite jews to bend the knee to them and support their agendas and do what they say, otherwise they kill you.

no problem, "me"