We can expect bearish price action on BTC sometime soon — a crash...

We can expect bearish price action on BTC sometime soon — a crash. BTC is outside the Keltner channel and is overbought on every timeframe, so a correction is coming. Based on how the chart looks and the big picture of the economy and what's happening in the macroeconomy, a return to 10k is very likely. We now have a triple top so BTC may very well go down to form an inverse head and shoulders formation. BTC completing a giant head and shoulders at just under 10k, filling the CME gap there, would be extremely bullish.

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why would the right shoulder be lower then the head you stupid nigger?

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Kek this is a solid shitpost ty anon


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being this new, expecting all chart formations to manifest themselves in textbook perfect manner

Happens a lot.

64k then 12k
Capo was right its a bulltrap

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8k is programmed is why


if your right shoulder is higher than your head you need a doctor

You are f*cking stupid. Idiotically stupid!

Not only stupid but if you HONESTLY think people like Elon Musk and Michael Saylor would EVER allow that to happen you are insane and delusional.

Institutions are in the market now and it's only going UP from here.

Learn the words STOCK 2 FLOW, ETF and HALVING you IDIOT.

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Honestly seems kinda retarded to just rely on TA and ignore the crazy fundamentals Bitcoin have right now. Like, this could make sense if nothing was going on with Bitcoin right now, but you would have to live under a rock to think that is the case. Unless Bitcoin goes parabolic crazy bubble style, it's stupid to think of a crash.

the crash is coming mark my words crypto is going down forever and never coming back enjoy being the exit liquidity for billionaires when your bitcoin goes to zero

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TA fags get the rope. I honestly can't stand these insufferable fucking cunts.

So what you're saying is I should just hold and I'll be fine? Thanks.


You have to go back.

Yeah it’s capo. He comes here and posts every once in a while


expecting all chart formations to manifest themselves in textbook perfect manner

Happens a lot.

While they won't be identical the head can't be a "head" if its lower than a shoulder invalidating the entire TA. Things won't be textbook but they still have SOME requirements.

We can expect bearish price action on BTC sometime soon — a crash. BTC is outside the Keltner channel and is overbought on every timeframe, so a correction is coming. Based on how the chart looks and the big picture of the economy and what's happening in the macroeconomy, a return to 10k is very likely. We now have a triple top so BTC may very well go down to form an inverse head and shoulders formation. BTC completing a giant head and shoulders at just under 10k, filling the CME gap there, would be extremely bullish.

No, if OP was Capo he would've shilled the "safe" and "kosher" 12k narrative. That he says 10k means he's from Anon Babble. And the CME gap he's referring to is around 9.7k. We've talked about that gap since early 2021. In contrast you never see Capo saying 10k or mentioning that CME gap as it's dangerous taboo information, not kosher at all. When the dump towards sub 10k begins, Capo and his handlers want you to buy at 12k to 13k. That's his purpose. To minimize the amount of "goyim" who will buy the bottom. PlanB's purpose is to get you to always fomo in as high as possible, see picrel for instance. His target audience is the absolute lowest IQ normalfaggots, manipulating them emotionally with his nonsensical S2F garbage. Capo's target audience is those who are smart enough to know BTC is going lower but are still too normalfaggoty to be aware of 10k and the gap there.

Capo is a shill and irrelevant. See above.

You have to be literally retarded to think it can reach anything below 25k

It's not, as the entire head and shoulders in the OP pic is angled. You need to look at the base the H&S sits on.

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Yes you'll be fine. BTC will recover later, of course. But you'll miss out on multiplying your current number of coins for free. If multiplying your funds for free (and hence massively increasing future profits) isn't of any interest to you, then just hold.

Multiplying our coins for free is a neat little trick we Anon Babbleboys like to use. Plebbitors and twatterers aren't aware of this trick - and when they're told about it, they get enraged by it and instead of multiplying their coins they multiply their blood pressure.

You may not know, but there's a huge CME gap at 20k. It's less famous but it's even larger than the one at 9700. So no, it's not retarded at all to think Bitcoin will go below 25k. In fact quite the opposite: it's almost guaranteed to happen.

Or it can go up. In seriousness it'll probably retrace back to 52k after hitting 70k.


Nah, see: The rally is is over. The only question now is how low will it go -- retest 15.5k and that support holds, or it fails and BTC drops below 10k in which case where does it stop? 9k? 8k? 3.5k? 8k seems the most logical, if the 15.5k support fails.

nigga, dont need all those fucking lines, "Grug see line been going up long time, save meat for line down days soon"

too much scrolling on Anon Babble

If it eventually drops to 10k I would still be very happy to buy at 12k.
But with the amount of etf boomer cash that just flowed in I don't see how it can go so low again

this trick doesnt work too well in a bull

BTC is outside the Keltner channel and is overbought on every timeframe

like at the end of 2020 retard? btw, rsi is not a good indicator for overbought

mental illness
get help

i'll admit giga IHS is totally possible, but that right shoulder lol. it could bottom out anywhere from 45k to 20k, but under the left shoulder is really unlikely

wasn't even in crypto when binance signalled the 8k bottom near the ath

The bull just died.


TA relies on extrapolating past performance in the chart. Since BTC is not the same asset class anymore after the ETF, all old data became irrelevant

muh institutions, muh etf

Holy shit... I guess this really is the top.

This is the least eventful timeline so it's likely the correct one.

Stupid fucks think Larry Fink will let it go under $50k ever again. MY FUCKING SIDES LMAO

There is half a billion dollars of forced buying every day due to BTC ETF inflows. This time is different.

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Oh look another thread of swingie copium TA while boomers keep slurping over half a billion worth of BTC. Every. Single. Day