Pathetic piece of shit

DOGE with no news whatsoever


SHIB with no news whatsoever


LTC with no news whatsoever


LINK with much ETF proof of reserves


THE cuckolds of crypto

link is a coin you hold when you have 6-7 figures and u just want a safe 2x

but in that case better offf holding eth or btc rather than funding sergeys degenerate lifestyle

the problem with chainlink is the token. most value chainlink produces does not benefit token holders


link should be a stock in the NASDAQ

you're a pathetic piece of shit bro you are so sad and stupid if you were smart you would just buy doge coin like me you idiot you're just mad cause you missed the boat bro just cope and seethe i bet you only have 3 figures i have 8 figures and i have an anime waifu you dumbass

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I thought it could pump on its utility use being paid for or something... and you want retail to speculate on it? methinks linkers should reassess because something doesn't add up, seems like you guys are constantly bashing your heads against the wall of reality.





is the samefagging meant to be this obvious and retarded or are you actually sub 80 iq

It’s just not needed desu. Sergey subsidizes the link off the backs of link marines so that projects are able to get free price feeds.

You must be new, link is doing exactly what it always does

Link is going to 150 this cycle

most value chainlink produces does not benefit token holders

The exact same goes for Doge, Shig, LTC you moron.

150 is a long shot. I could see $85 at best

$500 if bullish, $250 if bearish, it always 10xs previous tops but since $500 is pretty ballsy $250 to be conservative

Sergey subsidizes the link off the backs of link marines

All L1s are subsidized you moron.
Even right now, Bitcoin mining rewards are 95% subsidy and 5% actual user fees.

have sex

(((They))) dont want to have to prove their reserves. This is how they get revenge, its the only way they know how. Besides the bbc and tranny spamming

This. If they used chainlink they would be exposed for fraud so they keep it suppressed

Link usually outperforms the next best crypto by like 20x like the last two cycles. With the ETF being released, $2.7K is a conservative top, maybe $4K optimistically.

Meh, i'd rather spend on a random shitcoin
i've been checking shit out on twitter and found an absolute schizo obsessed with anime girls and made a coin about it called spx6900
It's retarded as shit, but i decided to invest a little and it worked
it's good for some pocket money but i'd rather not put all my savings on it, KEK

I think Chainlink is really neat!

Link started this bullrun

I don't hold link. Never did, but the utility meme is very real. I've put lots of money into "utility" projects that have been outperformed by shitcoins many times, and for no reason. Gaming tokens have been the only utility tokens that made me any real gains, and all the ai tokens that larp as "utility" tokens have done well. Everything else is just a gamble, especially if they've been around for years

It was $5 4 months ago, what are you talking about?

link is unique compared to these memes as none of them have a sergay creating downward pressure of 1m tokens per month onto the liquid market

37% of ath while btc is 80%. Crashing harder is not an attribute

Further, the 3.5x from bottom recently didn't really help anyone here as they all bought years ago and have been stuck holding losing millions in opportunity cost.

That's the reality, no matter how hard it hurts

friendly reminder that ~$35 is back to all time high in market cap. That's about best case scenario this run. You'll need $100k+ bitcoin to get there

$35 is the best case scenario

Then why are you holding Link?

nice fud, try $300

1600304378767.jpg - 700x1036, 345.48K

oo nice meme, somehow haven't seen that one before

0va5jbpg49w31.png - 824x1200, 1.3M

Probably cuz you’re new

opportunity cost is a retarded metric
damn if only I won by 10-way sports bets, I'd be a millionaire. I missed the opportunity

we marines are proud to be the cucks of crypto

Up 2000% against bitcoin since inception

its over

The sad truth is, apart from a very fringe minor fringe fraction that invested between summer 2017 and summer 2019, EVERYONE who EVER bought Chainlink would have been better of buying Solana, Dogecoin, whatever. You could even have bought Ethereum at the fucking 2020 crash at $80 and you would have have MASSIVELY outperformed chainlink.

Such a pathetic shitcoin.

But in hindsight it was obvious: Unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana etc, Chainshit needs to dump hundreds of millions of tokens to fund their roastie HR and marketing plans.

fat man betrays again

i really do feel like a cuck holding this shit coin

hurrr Solana doesn't dump tokens


eth is up 3400% against bitcoin since inception and has an all time ROI of 800,000% against the dollar
thanks for playing

Post your fat eth holdings