We are seeing normalfags & no coiners being priced out in real time

We are seeing normalfags & no coiners being priced out in real time.
That is exactly what you are seeing right now.

oh no.


We all knew this would happen someday. 1 sat = 1 dollar in the long run.

Its impossible to be priced out of what is a finite asset when you pay for it with fiat currency which is infinite

normies have infinite fiat

No i mean, what pays for is infinite, thus it will go up forever, meaning you cant ever be priced out of bitcoin, you just get in for the price you deserve to get in

no sane person will sell bitcoin for a hyperinflating currency. so there is a limit

Only richfags are buying now. Owning a bitcoin will be like owning a Monet painting.

Poorfags have to slurp the scraps of jeet rugpulls and will be priced out of ever being wholecoiners.

Priced out of what though?

Like, if you can't afford a house or something, that has a real impact on your life.

If you can't afford crypto... nothing happens and you move on?

Moving on to staying poor


its mainly anons here who are so prideful they can't "stoop" to buying BTC "late" because they can no longer afford a whole coin, even when they know unit bias is kinda dumb. not everyone is like that

We are seeing normalfags & no coiners being priced out

They always were. Someone that doesn't believe in crypto is never going to buy a coin that is worth a thousand dollars. Now is worth more than 60k which only makes them scream bubble and blame the price on the clown world we live today. The irony is that btc is not a consequence of the times we live, rather is one of the few weapons to fight it. The money printers are to blame for this neo-feudalism/technofeudalism or w/e you want to call it.

the more it pumps the more my bags pumps 30% just today, feelsniceman

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holding tokens that are priced in btc / sats feels good. btc has pumped 10%, and then the tap token i hold has pumped 50%. as the tap token is measured in sats these numbers are combined together. get on the ordinals/brc20/tap train guys.

What if countries will say we don't accept that BTC has value or is a currency just to fuck the USA ?

they aren't priced out, they just have no interest in buying in when BTC has such a small upside. I mean, why would you want to invest your money into an extremely volatile asset that at absolute best has only one more x2 in it, when you can easily make 5 times more with way lower risk by investing in the stock market?

I invested over 200k euro in altcoins and got rekt so hard I still havent recovered

Wish I had bought bitcoin

If that's the case, and I also believe it to be true than no one is getting priced out. 60k is the new low. Buy more SATS whenever you can. It's always a good time to buy and HODL
The less Fiat money the better.
Think of it like this, assuming the hypothetical 1 million dollar BTC will be reached.(ignoring inflation for the sake of argument and also ignoring the fact 1 million is still too low.) Buying Bitcoin now means buying 1 dollar for 6 cents.
Which is by any logical mean a correct choice to make. So yes go ahead put 50dollars put 20 dollars put 100 dollars and fucking HOLD. This is generational wealth. Dont be fucking dumb. Be patient. Ignore shitcoiners don't FOMO on any meme coin flavour of the month.

Bitcoin is going to 10x if it is going to grow to the market cap of gold (which it will)

5 times more in the stock market? how many years would that take - what are you talking about?

this is why you purchase alt coins that are on btc chain. so that they are priced in terms of sats/btc. this way if btc price goes up - so do your alts.

my only crypto friend said he was going to "wait until it had flattened out a year". i said no way thats going to happen with 50% more USD in circulation than previous run. guess who is 200k in profit and who is priced out bitter

It's funny how crypto fags have literally become the out of touch boomers who don't know shit about what is happening in the market. Have you heard about Nvidia and Meta, grandpa? Have you heard about semiconductors and AI?

in what time frame has nvidia or meta done a 5x, in the same amount or less time than btc has done a 2x? also when people invest in stocks, most dont all in on nvidia or meta, most go into an index fund

I hope your taking profit, and not just hodling it all like a loser op

I'm priced out, what do I do bros?

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Nvidia went from $130 back in early 2023 to almost $800 in 2024. That's even more than I remembered in even shorter time. And of course people who invest in stocks don't go all in, but if you're retarded enough to go all in on Bitcoin, you might as well be retarded enough to go all in on a single stock. It's not like the risk to go all in on Nvidia was any higher than with Bitcoin.

get priced in

i can see no coiners who still invest doing this, but not normies. highly unrealistic for the latter

Buy ETH ? That's what I think I'm going to do, it's still 44% away from ATH

why would normies not invest in blue chip tech companies? Nvidia is part of FAGMAN, if you had a portfolio of Microsoft, Google, Apple, Amazon Meta and Nvidia, you'd easily have outperformed Bitcoin over the last years. And that is provided you sold all your BTC at the very top in 2021 and then bought back in at the very bottom when it was like 18k. If your average is any higher than 30k, then it's not even a question that tech stocks massively outperformed BTC over the last 2 years.

buy 20 dollars worth and watch it grow to 30?

This. Until BTC has more real life utility, it's at best just a store of value, and at worst a status symbol only terminally-online nerds care about.

I'm in for the bull run, but not one aspect of my real life other than my net worth has changed by holding BTC right now.

what are you retarded are you really falling for the meme do you know what a pump and dump is you might as well get a dollar in pennies and throw them in the trash the reason they are pushing this bullshit is because they are trying to dump their bags on you

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People of that country will start exchanging it discreetly and the value will still go up, as they don’t want to miss out while people of another nation prosper.

I’m snorting ketamine in my parents basement while I watch my secret stash of 2.5 BTC moonrocket.

everyones selling after they bought last time at 60k last time

Can a halfcoiner make it?

altcoins will have their increase some time after btc as always. just buy something that hasnt mooned yet and swap once it prices out btc

Yeah retard, you just have to make sure you can control your emotions and not sell despite how the media/market may paint things

It won’t always look this good, but it will always be this good.

dude you're an absolute idiot if you think btc will keep going up like this it's all going to crash eventually but i really wish you the worst of luck buying more if you manage to make money i will cut my own balls off and feed them to you

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I would rather buy the stuff that the new financial system will be running on not the failed beta run.


im not gonna lie, but this is true lol. Normies and poorfags are just their exit liquidity after all. Thats why i never own a bitcoin or ethereum. Its better for me to just farming an airdrop token like satoshisync, portals, layerzero etc. after i got the token ill become a paperhand as always and fucking sell their token.

held since $200. still not selling, simple.

what price will this bullrun cap out at?

i'm expecting some kind of rugpull against etf boomers. soon(TM).

Same, but I want to hold a bit until the halving and see what happens. The urge to take profits is strong

There are countries that already accept bitcoin as legal tender. Its stupid for the United States to do otherwise

This is why $LTC is a pretty solid bet right now. It's the ultimate FOMO coin. The silver to the gold. The everyday normal guy's crypto. I mean, look at the chart guys. Look at it. Now. Doesn't this look juicy?

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Nigga where is your STX?