I'm officially quitting my job. More seriously, as a side note: this is the only coin I ever held that is as fun to hold when it's going down as it is when it's going up.

Have discovered monetary alchemy bros? WAGMI

Have we*

Circle is the perfect retail token. Its easily the best low MCAP to gamble on this cycle. Its like Safemoon. Potentially better as token burns are more effective than taxes. Imo the only issue is the name as Coinbase may not list it. Easy to bridge over from Coinbase though and buy in like 5 minutes. That being said if Base ever does an airdrop things could get ridiculous with tons of liquidity available all the sudden.

It has meme potential. Honestly if the team actually markets it well there is no reason it can't hit minimum a 500 Million MCAP while its sitting at only 7 Million now .

Fucking Safemoon hit 18 Billion at its peak which is retarded.

* Hit 18 billion in the last market cycle. And also before we got raped by inflation. That could mean like 100 billion this cycle.

Safemoon is dead though and its not reaching fucking 100 Billion. Lmao There is always new blood each cycle and that is Circle this time around.

The team needs to do a serious promotional campaign on this shit.

How buy this shit

Buy on base network. I used Coinbase Wallet. I used this wallet many years ago and it was complete shit, so I switched to Metamask. Then I wanted to buy this token, and Metamask was glitching (as per usual), so I tried Coinbase Wallet again, and it's actually great now.

I'm talking about Burning Circle reaching 100 billion (as a possibility).

You told me double top. I sold my stack bros...

So send eth to cb wallet> bridge eth > then what?
You can buy on base network right in the wallet?

Never listen to biz but unironically buy circle.

You go to Uniswap and paste the token contract in the buy bar. Basically use base scan or whatever it's called to find the CIRCLE token, make sure it's the right one... You know what Ill just post it for you. But still, you shouldn't believe me: double check that it make sense that this is the right token contract by entering it on Google and then seeing what comes up.


I don't think 100 Billion is possible for Circle. That seems unreasonable. That being said if it reaches the same ATH the of Safemoon its like an 800x gain from here which IS definitely in the realm of possibility. Surely an 800x is enough for most people. Kek

I'm just being honest and realistic. Perhaps it could go beyond Safemoon's ATH market cap but that would require the team to campaign well and bring about much more visibility. They need a Discord channel to start. Telegram is dog shit.

See the token address above

Yea I agree, I'm just doing some relaxing moonboi talk but my point is that if 18 billion could be done last cycle then 100 billion could be done this cycle

Nice to see people actually helping others on here. Retail hasn't even entered this bull market yet. Coinbase just went down because of too much traffic and too many people trying to make accounts. Tons of altcoin gains on the table here.

Circle has perfect ponzi-nomics to pump the price. Just be sure you understand it is gambling but its probably the best bet this cycle in terms of fun moonshots.

Telegram is dog shit.

I mean sure I'll take a 4000x or so Lmao but that would require a pretty insane cycle.

Why is tg dog shit?

It is and there is no reason to not have both. If they want maximum exposure and the average person is much more comfortable with Discord. Especially people in the US who have dollars to throw around on moonshots. Someone tell the devs to make it happen. Its the smart move.

kek it will never 4000x you are retarded

rxFEZqtpl8.jpg - 828x552, 47.76K

I was told that I'm a jeet when asked about discord

Ironic because Telegram is actually the one for jeets.

Yeah I guess your autism probably does make it hard for you to interpret sarcasm.

People also feel safer when projects use Discord. TG only projects an aura of "this is a scam".

To add to this, two things:

1) I think the potential for Base is real. (And I guess Base tokens by extension). I just re downloaded the CB wallet app after like 6 years, and it's awesome now. I quickly, easily and cheaply bridged to Base chain, quickly, cheaply and easily. Bought CIRCLE and paid a fee of like 20 cents. I may never use Ethereum or another L2 again.

2) obviously we can categorize CIRCLE as a ponzi token, and I've been around long enough to know only to put in a small amount of money (got burned on BOMB and Statera, etc. in the past). But I cant help but be a moonboi about this one. We know the tokenomics still depend on new buyers to go up, and maybe no one will buy, or whales will dump or whatever... But still... What exactly is the flaw in the tokenomic fundamentals? Where is the risk here? Assuming ETH does reasonably well ove the next say 10 years, why wouldn't it keep go going up and attracting new buyers? I mean the pieces just all fit together, it's genius.

1) I think the potential for Base is real. (And I guess Base tokens by extension). I just re downloaded the CB wallet app after like 6 years, and it's awesome now. I quickly, easily and cheaply bridged to Base chain, quickly, cheaply and easily. Bought CIRCLE and paid a fee of like 20 cents. I may never use Ethereum or another L2 again.

Agreed I use Rabby. Metamask is absolute trash now it never works. I have heard that Coinbase wallet is solid now so as you said it will be easy as fuck for money to flow into the Base ecosystem. If they happen to do an airdrop with some luck then things will get bonkers.

2) obviously we can categorize CIRCLE as a ponzi token, and I've been around long enough to know only to put in a small amount of money (got burned on BOMB and Statera, etc. in the past). But I cant help but be a moonboi about this one. We know the tokenomics still depend on new buyers to go up, and maybe no one will buy, or whales will dump or whatever... But still... What exactly is the flaw in the tokenomic fundamentals? Where is the risk here? Assuming ETH does reasonably well ove the next say 10 years, why wouldn't it keep go going up and attracting new buyers? I mean the pieces just all fit together, it's genius.

Definitely. If the team is above board and spams this shit far and wide then its a no brainer. At this rate half the supply or more could be burnt within a year. Potentially faster than that even. The fees are so low I'm tempted to potentially farm multiple wallets on the off chance there is a BASE airdrop. I'd probably just dump it into Circle. I'm going full retard. Its my only moonshot holding.

Its hard not to be excited I've never been this early to something with ponzi tokenomics this solid. Tons of projects on Basechain alone can have airdrops that will provide potential liquidity not just even BASE itself.

It’s actually genius teir for sure. And launching on base is proof. Same with my user experience on base. Probably won’t use another layer 2.

Let explain why this is actually genius level stuff. Been trying to think of what to call this process. It’s kind of like an inverse yield. Last cycle yield tokens were all the rage. But the problem with the yield is as more users got into the tokens the APY would diminish and you incurred inflation. So your rewards would get smaller and your token price would decrease. So there was always a tipping point and rush to exit. So tokens started using longer and longer lock up times and multipliers etc etc.

But with this it’s the opposite and so I use tbe term inverse yield. Instead of your holdings increasing the tokens in the LP is diminishing to the eth pair and general supply. So the inverse yield is instead of your holdings getting larger everything is getting smaller. And tbe compound effect is token price Will appreciate as deflation happens instead of inflation. So instead of a tipping point and race to exit a tipping point will happen and the better holder will win. Now you may think isn’t every burn token like that? No because of two factors. 1. Being the uniswap V3 allows for not a 1:1 pairing. So tbe circle supply compared to eth can decrease without eth decreasing in the LP. This is the inverse yield. 2. Every other burn token requires a tax to accrue tbe tokens to burn. So whatever tbe tax rate is. Say 5% you lose 5% value in and out. And it seven worse because the value loss on your buy ends up higher if token price appreciates. With this there is a smart contract tbe dev locked tbe LP NFT into that allows it to claim tbe uniswap trading fees and do buy backs to accrue tbe supply to burn.

Combination of uniswap tech and layer 2 tech improving since last year and the devs genius. Not financial advice but this one is going to be a winner.

But the problem with the yield is as more users got into the tokens the APY would diminish and you incurred inflation.

Not only this but whales would just nuke the token price by selling off the yield as soon as they got it.

Interesting. Couldn't also any token holder contribute to the LP, and then gain a yield on a coin that is both deflationary
and has tokenomics that guarantee trading activity (so yield)? Or am I misunderstanding something?

The concept is so simple (if I'm understanding, which I may not be). I honestly wonder why no one thought of this before. Or is it that high fees on the L1 prevented something like this from making economic sense?

I'm trying to remember, didn't STA - Statera have a similar design?

I got banned from tg for asking legitimate questions. I'm not buying back this piece of shit. I'm going back to LINU. You cheap fuckers can't even update socials on dextools, and rugged coin like linu gets cex. I hope this will dump to $0.1 where it belongs.

The uniswap V3 allows for not a 1:1 pairing and the layer 2 fees. It’s both innovation of the dev and technological advances that didn’t exist last cycle.

Statera was a burn token with a tax. Orrttt basic. This is more like YFI to me.

Inverse Yield.

I got banned from tg for asking legitimate questions. I'm not buying back this piece of shit. I'm going back to LINU. You cheap fuckers can't even update socials on dextools, and rugged coin like linu gets cex. I hope this will dump to $0.1 where it belongs.

Your bags with novel tokenomics are bad but my fucking dog token bags that have been cloned 3939582035839058989 times are good!

This is the saddest passive shill attempt I have seen on here in a while.

Make your own thread faggot.

Fuck off from this board twitter faggots. No one is buying this shit. Dev is from India or others 3rd world country, updating dextools is too expensive because it would cost what village spends on food for a year. Dev jeet has hundreds of wallets with circle, and on dumps on your head at every opportunity. Ask a question about dextools, or why cctp is centralized and faggot jeets start spamming idiotic gifs or spam /to_the_moon in chat. This thread is coordinated shill from telegram. Beware newfags, don't fall for this.

Dev is from India or others 3rd world country

because it would cost what village spends on food for a year.

This thread is coordinated shill from telegram.

I don't think you should be accusing anyone of being from India. Lmao Your entire post reeks of ESL. Its obvious English isn't your native language. Listen I get you don't want Circle pumping too much because your $500/monthly salary can only buy so much at these prices.

All of the information on the project is listed on gecko terminal. FFS EVERY PROJECT IS A COORDINATED SHILL ON HERE. At least this one isn't the 100th dog token clone that will pump once and then be abandoned.

I bought LINK near the ICO. I've been here awhile.

PEPEREVOLVER.png - 773x550, 267.43K

You can't ban or silence me here, I know it hurts. I'm a third world jeet and dev is white guy from silicon valley who can't afford to spend $500 on dextools, lmao.

Just look at liqudity and volume and compare to other sub 10 million MC.

I'm a third world jeet and dev is white guy

I don't need or want to silence you as you are digging your own grave with every ESL riddled post you make. By all means please continue. Kekek

The volume is what initially attracted me to the project. You NEVER see projects with this low of an MCAP with that level of volume.

It has 10x the volume if not more than projects at equivalent MCAPs.

Yep. It’s a winner. The crypto space has devolved into aping. Which is why they call it along. but financial fundamentals will still be important especially for the type of buyers you really want to attract.

Liquidity. Check.
Volume. Check.
LP locked. Check
Token distribution. Check

You niggers keep avoiding dextools question. I'm esl from Finland if you need to know faggit. Volume is all faked, there is few wallets that keep wash trading. I know you bought it early and now your $100 is worth $10k but we will not be your exit liquidity. If you were from biz you would know that we use dextools exclusively here.

is there a bridge from eth to base? ive legit never used this network before

What is orrttt? Typo?

I remember when dextools was being talked about here and it was trading under a cent lol. Glad I got in that one too despite the FuD. Think people were saying no point cuz of CG. Token not needed etc etc. and now it’s a biz exclusive. Amazing lol.

Ya sorry. Pretty basic.

Try Coinbase Wallet, very easy to bridge to Base

I don't give a shit about dext shitcoin. The main points are:
- devs can't afford to update socials on dextools website
- devs are niggers with hundreds of wallets ready to dump or newcomers
- cctp is centralized and brown dev can shut it down at any moment
- telegram shills keep raiding biz to dump on newfags
- telegram admins ban any anyone who ask questions about this scammy project
- ask legit question and their response is 'you are not native English speaker'

Very good project sirs!

You niggers keep avoiding dextools question.

Idk why the dev isn't updating 1 of 39589058239 crypto analytics websites that are available.

Most people use Coingecko to find new moonshots.

Volume is all faked, there is few wallets that keep wash trading.

Show me the addresses. Again most projects do this too. Of course with Circle it would just pump our bags so again I hope they continue. Lmao

If you legitimately had no interest in the project you would just ignore the threads. Its LINK FUD all over again. Why do you care what any of us do with our money?

I'm sure you are doing it out of the kindness of your heart right?


plebbit spacing

You don't belong here

You know Moot double spaced right? You are an obvious newfag. Its an inside joke to out newfags who think anyone actually cares about "Plebbit spacing". It works like a charm too.

Update dextools or you are poor jeets

Dev dumping

Dev can’t afford to update Dextools

Pick one.

Easy conclusion, dev is 3rd worlder

Here’s a different conclusion. You sold, now we’re pumping. You’re emotionally attached to FUDing this to regain your position.

He honestly couldn't be anymore transparent. Kek Pic rel is him right now. Hey sometimes a swing trade doesn't pan out. No need to be angry right? Kekek

ANGRYMERCHANT.png - 301x370, 67.7K

alrighty, was gonna try using the bridge listed on the circle site, i mean if its gonna cost and arm and a leg in eth fees the coinbase wallet is probably the better idea

stop gaslighting, this piece of shit can't pump with brown devs, every pump will be faded until village is fed. One thing to prove that dev is white: update dextools. It's cultural difference between white and brown. Browns are so greedy that they eat their own shit.