Pnk ath

what will the high be for Pnkies this bull run?

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5 cents

pain.png - 414x404, 189.6K

$4 is FUD. $10 is still sub 10b mcap


wew not sure how to feel here

$25 easy

What did they mean by this?

L hype

$1200 here we come


It's a critical piece of new crypto infrastructure. $10 minimum

PNK turned out to be fine

800M to 4 billion mcap

you had 4 years

i just went to fomo in, jesus 10,000 of these is over $400.... i held 2,000,000 in 2020, i was in the top 50 wallets but i sold because i was unemployed and couldnt afford to hodl....

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sorry broke bastard friend the village starved so we could feed

reasonable but its going to $10+

I've been accumulating for years sirs never sold and I have a 700k stack

Why are we pumping so violently?

the needful was done and vishnu blessed us.

$4 is programmed

Because it's the most undervalued project in the space rn. This is literally a top 50 token

PNK has been an IQ test and if you dont have at least 100K you have failed miserably. The fact that people were willing to come here day in and day out to fud their own bags instead of selling should have alerted you that this isnt just a normal shitcoin. This token/protocol is becoming core infrastructure to defi and is making itself known in the real world arb space. High IQ people who know nothing about blockchain know about Kleros.

Holy shit, check the tg

Holy shit, check the tg

I'm right there! What do I have to check exactly???

Watch the video

Can you repload the video for shilling?
I don't have tg.

I got banned from their TG, post it here

I tried, frens. Even as a gif the file is too big. It's a big room full of people using Kleros on their computers..

this unironically isn't fomo kek

I didn't say upload it directly to Anon Babble.
There's a million filesharing websites, especially for media.

we (dot) tl/t-J0kI2NHRz5

Wait a second... KLEROS SISTERS ARE REAL???

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BNP Paribas rumour finally happening?

By the way kleros is back on now. I don't know if it's because it pumped or I sent a message asking why it wasn't there.
Hitting top 100 at TODAYS market (compare with NEO, it's 98) would put Kleros at over $1.40, for a 30x from todays prices.
For us who bought below 2c that's a 100x.
Now Imagine the market goes up 10x from here during peak euphoria AND PNK hits top 100 (top 100 is not even that uncommon, I've seen so many shitcoins hit top 20-50). That would be a 300x from here, or 1000x for me.

The project is only at a 40m mcap right now, most projects easily hit 5b+ in a bullmarket, many 50b+. This being a larger bullmarket than the last this will be easy to hit. A 100x is pretty much guaranteed, with uncertainty on how much close to 1000x it will be.

I read these same copes in 2021. V2 isn't even released yet. Did they ever have another driver of cases besides PoH?

Now it's Dude.... AI !!!!

Still have yet someone explain how or why this ties into AI - which is mostly meme generators and chat bots - and why that's bullish.

Explain further. I recall the point with Kleros was that you use human judgement so it can succeed where ML fails. The idea is good, the devs are just disgustingly lazy. There some kind of news that spawned some threads. Something about mexico. Spoon feed me, the last thing I remember is a supposed Mercado Libre connection.

They were also talking at world government summit two weeks ago for governments and WEF etc

Hmm. Perhaps I'll buy a sudra stack then. I can't on ramp right now but I'm willing to redistribute my folio.