You've made it. They called you retarded for gambling on shitcoins, but it worked out...

You've made it. They called you retarded for gambling on shitcoins, but it worked out. Now what is the first thing you are gonna do?

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Blow it all on rugged shitcoins

Gamble it again to double make it

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Play video games for a month straight

Overseas holiday for a month

I fucked up too many times over the years so it's just now starting to get good for me

And it's gonna be a pretty inconsequential amount to my quality of life

Continue smoking weed and playing video games for the forseeable future

Hey asshole it’s hard and some people have to pay fucking bills. Not all of us were born with daddy’s money and mommy’s silver spoon in our mouth. We actually have to work, pay rent, buy food, buy gas, utilities, pay for date night, sitter, entertainment, outings, donating, credit card debt and student debt. Fuck you, you smug piece of shit. I’m 39, have a govt job running construction audit reports, make a decent wage AND I’m STILL struggling. I’m barely managing keeping my savings above 40k. This is the AVERAGE person right now OK.

I really wish my cousin didn’t even tell me about this stupid fucking website forum. Every post is some stupid fucking frog, fake posts whining about their 400k not being enough or some weird virgin saying he’s never kissed a girl. I love my cousin but I really hope he loses his bitcoin or it crashes to fucking zero. You people dont fucking deserve any of this “money”. I work harder and more hours than everyone on this website. FUCK YOU.

you know what bro you're right that guy sounds like a loser - sounds like he's working hard and not enjoying his life at all sounds like he's mad at people who did crypto instead of being mad at himself for being a wage slave i'll definitely laugh if bitcoin crashes so guys like him can lose it all you can't take the money with u when ur dead bro life is too short to work hard - better to gamble and be rich than to work 30 years and be miserable

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Continue to grind teams and monsters in Siralim Ultimate and fix things at my house and get a 2nd car. Also going to finally go buy some clothes so im not wearing 5yr old ratty stuff anymore. just piles of sweats and comfy loose fitting shirts for my fat as fatass self. also going to finally keep my fridge stocked with food so I can eat good. oh and might hire an escort to dom mommy me once just to see how it is.

Celebrate with Watame!

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bro imagine thinking that doing nothing of value and gambling on crypto is better than working hard and trying to succeed in life you are exactly the kind of retard that people should make fun of you have no discipline and you are literally just throwing away your money don't cry when it becomes worthless and you are left with nothing but dick in your hand

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Call THEM retards

Glorious Siralim Ultimate. 1201 monsters, false gods, battles with gods, infinite realms, unlimited levels for monsters, crazy teams and spell builds, 30+ classes to use and build teams off, this is what I will be playing for 10000hrs going forward.

My investments will allow this sweet comfy game and me to exist together.

Nice. I just ran out of weed. I am going to try and take a 30 day tolerance break.

In order of importance,

1. Gloat in my Dad's face after the fucking asshole told me I was 'behind' for everyone my age because I still don't have a gf or stable career.

2. Live abroad a couple of years and focus on my hobbies.

3. Fuck as many high class whores as I can.

Just 2 more years Anon Babble, just 2 more. And then it's "SEE YOU LATER DICKHEAD HAHAHAH"

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Put in some nice dividend stocks and live off dividends for the rest of my life.

Most of Anon Babble will just hodl forever, even for the next crash, then wait another 5 years for the next bull run.

my btc investments payed off and meanwhile 4 out of 5 of the shitcoins i invested in bumped, i sold and got a lot of profit
Right now i'm bored and started to look into memecoins and found wacky shit like BIGMIKE, it's all about a schizo tranny michelle obama conspiracy
Anybody know of other shitcoins i can invest in right now?

Guys, quit saying you'd just play video games. Video games are made to give you a false sense of accomplishment while wasting your time. You don't have to work, but there are plenty of other fulfilling and stress relieving activities you can commit yourself to. Gardening, woodworking, learning history, hiking, or whatever brings you joy that also keeps you engaged with the real world.

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Going back to stock market, according to truflation getting a property now that market is falling, sit on orange juice next quarter.
Chill on my savings, get profits, live the life.

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Now what is the first thing you are gonna do?

I will ask who is the commander of the nuclear forces.

You can never leave this high, no amount of women, travels, or shit can give you that back again.
Been there done that.
t. 2017 madeit anon still here

lol imagine calling yourself a

made it anon

when all you did was get lucky on a few dumbshit crypto investments you know what they say a broke clock is right twice a day get off your high horse and go outside and touch some grass once in a while you absolute degen

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do you actually think shitposting people will get you results? lol fuck off subhumanoid you're just a lame geek in a tread about people enjoying success and their plans. you're the absolute shit stain that needs to go out and touch grass.

Book a flight to the Philippines. I already have 4 babies with 4 different Filipino women, each on a different island.

Whenever I fly back to flip land I set my tinder and online dating profile as "bareback with creampie ONLY", and message anybody who matches with me "Let me cum inside of you". It takes like 30 minutes of swiping to find a fuckable date for that night.

Flip women are the sluttiest, most cum addicted, willing single mothers on the planet earth. They live to be bred, and the opportunity to have a white baby fucked into them is like a dream come true.

I get them into the bed, make them come, and get them to agree to bear my child before I nut inside of them. I have never had any of them ever get mad at me for coming inside, since that is the entire premise of our hookup. That they will walk away with a creampie from a white man.

You may not believe me, and you definitely won't believe this next part: I have even had several woman promise to meet me on the days they are ovulating, with their fertility cycle schedule all planned out and everything. Because they WANT to get pregnant by a white foreigner. I have even had an older white guy with a filipino wife message me and ask me to breed her, since he had a vasectomy and she was pestering him for a child. I did it.

The Philippines is a shithole, but for a white man who wants to COLONIZE brown asian cunt, it is the holy land and paradise.

Lmao is it already time for no coiner to flock here and seethe?

Don't do 1.
You can never take it back and he will tell everyone about your wealth.
They will all come to ask for money and hate you in every scenario.
You will become even more isolated than before, but will now have to live in fear of them spreading rumors about you.
Once one person has learnt of your wealth you can never return to the comfort of anonymity.

Based pasta. All women are built for BWC.

i put $50 now i have $100 i made it bros !

it worked out

Only after you've sold and paid tax. Before that, your wealth is just theoretical.

op is retarded they think they are rich but until they convert that imaginary money into fiat its just numbers on a screen and paying taxes thats even more retarded imagine giving money to the government thinking you're going to get rich

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when I have fuck you money why should I care what any normie thinks? The asshole deserves it for the times he called me a failure and a loser.

feelsgoodman, but by the end of it you will go catatonic and wonder what the FUCK you are doing with your life

Yep, this is what they'll say. When the irony is I got one of the shittiest jobs you can find in construction, saved up ~15k and hypergambled into generational wealth should probably listen anon unless your plan involves getting killed and robbed. A single person can make thousands know, and it only takes a single person with nothing to lose to go and kill/rob you. Then it will all be for not, and you will have squandered your potential on a few minutes of needless vanity.

You aren't worth anything more than mediocrity

buy a high following instagram account and livestream me having sex with trannys in thailand

I put it all in fucking $BIG stock because I'm a massive autist like that

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They called you retarded for gambling on shitcoins, but it worked out. Now what is the first thing you are gonna do?

Call them retarded for not believing and joining me

This is honestly the lowest IQ thing you could possible do.

Kill myself because I could have bought bitcoin at 60 bucks and sidestepped 11 years of pain.

Merely continuing the bleaching the Spanish and American colonizers already did.

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Go back >>>/reddit/

Kek I got a cool ID -> expPEqtO