The Official Biz Coin Thread 1

Anons, I made it back in 2017 and now I'm ready to help you, yes you faggot, make it. Here's how we're all going to make it.
<Everyone that posts in this thread gets one vote for a sub 25m MC coin of their choice
<The coin that gets the most votes when this thread gets to 300 comments, wins
<If the thread doesn't get to 300 comments, a new one is created
<If the coin that wins is >25m MC by the time the thread reaches 300 comments, a new one is created and that pick is no longer eligible
<The winning coin is to be shilled non stop, and I mean Link 2017 non stop, until it reaches 1 billion MC

I've seen countless bullshit scams over the years get pushed to multi billion MCs and I'm just interested to see if we can, since I've already made it. We can. And we will. This is your last chance.

I'll start the first pick off with a 2017 classic DBC. 17m MC.


2.1 million float… Patented defi

ok, I vote for Plebbit (ticker PLEB)

I kneel

PLEB, can time it nicely against the reddit IPO narrative

Another vote for VERI

AIslop image

oldfaggot pandering bullshit

unorganic spergs "voting"

yep, it's JEETing time.

Probably the best idea I’ve seen out of biz in 4 years.


Exploding a 110k market cap makes it even easier


Faggot OP can’t even use quotes LMAO “oldfag”

Are you GOATed yet?

Where are my AVI niggas at?


Take one look at the Whitepaper of this project, and tell me it's not a good investment. Right now, the devs are working on the 3D FPS aspect of the coin. When that releases and people realize they can play as their favorite meme in a 3D FPS, the coin is going to skyrocket.

Circle is what everyone should be shilling. No one knows about it yet as its only 3 weeks old and at about 7 Million MCAP. Its literally this cycle's Safemoon. The FUD surrounding it has been unreal already on Anon Babble. Faggots shill it when it pumps and FUD when it dips. Everyone on here is a greedy fucking jew when you could work together instead. 7% of the supply is burnt. It has 1 Million in volume or more each day because of the token design. It has the best ponzi-nomics I've ever seen.

If you want to gamble this is one of the best options. The website actually looks decent for being a meme.


I'm going to make Pepe memes with him looking into the Circle void. Kek The only real downside is Coinbase will probably never list it because its name is Circle. The whole thing is a pun read the website. That being said retail can still find it and buy in like 5 minutes using Coinbase to bridge.

CIRCLE.png - 466x356, 163.51K

Has it been 4 years already? I still have 75k BIZCOIN from last time.

1488.gif - 571x720, 51.5K

Greetings faggot
The most logical pick for us to pump into stratosphere that is normie friendly, memeable, and has a good team that wont rug it is none other than Avi.


It’s a little over $25M but gains will be unreal and already positioned itself as a solid choice for a biz coin

Deepbrainchain been building since 2017 and fits perfectly in AI narrative. The OGs will know. Something is brewing...

comp3.jpg - 1200x900, 208.63K

Lucky inu, low MC and some name recognition. Development starts again next week. Probably gonna be the only one voting for this tho

Vertcoin, 10 years old, still got a community and development going on.

This coin is a weird one in that it's just never fully made it. Was going to get on Binance years ago but one of the team disclosed the NDA and CZ got pissed off and didn't list.

VTC about 4m now, used to trail at 10 percent of LTC. Needs some marketing / shilling. This OG should be at least 400m MC.


Pretty new to this shitcoin scene. Is there any potential to have your wallet drained in let's say uniswap if you interact with some of these random microcap coins. I've heard of horror stories with smart contracts and malicious code injected into the contract that can drain your account if you interact with it. Is this a thing? I'm willing to lose the money on the coin if it's a rugpull, but are the other funds "safe" in that wallet?

LRS. Sub $500,000 mcap. More info on coingecko.

Make a wallet for just shit coins. Also check dextools or geckoterminal to start to check for contract vulnerabilities.

Reporting for duty!

LRS. Sub $500,000 mcap. More info on coingecko.

How can a burger buy it . It's on exchanges not supported here I'm sure


1B mc is FUD

Another reinforced titanium kenis vote

dude another reinforced titanium kenis vote what is this nonsense how stupid are you seriously are you a robot stop shilling coins you idiot people like you are what's wrong with this world

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Aviator (AVI) 100x is fud

Pi Network

Luna Inu (Ticker: LINU)

luna inu (ticker: linu) sounds like a great scam i'm sure it has the best fundamentals ever the fundamentals of being a bag for the devs and big holders to dump on

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Ticket Pleb
Decentralized Reddit Alternative Tun by an unstoppable developer for the past two years. Airdropped supply to biz two years ago. Been growing through the bear market. Working product with multiple interfaced and small but growing userbase. Currently at ath of only 4.5M MC. This is the coin. Gftih fagots wagmi. Also token not needed, which is why it’ll be a successful social media that is actually decentralized and censorship resistant.

if only <25m MC then plebbit for sure

I'm here, nigger. I'm here