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yes that's how math works roastie

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that is six figures. I don’t see the problem

What is her idea of 6 figures $999,999.99 a year?

shes mad cuz she has to put out

fuck bros even 105k a year gets laughed at by women?

its so over

Hoeflation is insane

she would literally starve in a tribal society with that attitude. This plushy bullshit we have now is keeping her fed and alive

The pussy just isnt worth it anymore someone has to put these cunts in their place and its going to be themselves once they hit the wall and the next crop is in. Just the level of entitlement that they have a warm wet hole that 4 billion others on the planet have and that somehow makes them equal to people with an actual skill set.

Kek in a male centric tribal society men would literally go to war with each other over her. You are just a lazy hedonistic porn addict.

There was a hoe on the whatever podcast that said with a straight face that 100 million dollars is just mid tier and she’d prefer if her man had more than that

hurr men surely love [factual statement]

this warrants a beating. maybe rape, even.

Actual dumb bitch, in her tiny thot mind 6 figures is only $999,999.99

all women are whores.

it was real in my mind

God I fucking hate useless Twitter posts

Unironically there's tons of those street interview videos where the average woman expects her man to make a minimum of $200k/yr

No, it's the constant humble bragging as if you made $999k, but intentionally using Jewish tier deceptive language to hide you barely meet the criteria of said brag. Six figures was a lot pre-covid. $105k is more akin to what $70k was then, aka middle class.

Inflation just hit. The new normal is 400k for these thots.

dumb bitch who has a six figure body count, roastie

Ms, I trade shitcoins. I'm in the hole and jeets from collection agencies are calling me at all hours of the day to call me a bloody bastard

I make nearly $200k. My salary has never impressed women. Nothing I do impresses women. Learning to fly, working out, succeeding in my career, not even my height (6 feet). At this point I don't bother trying to win any affection from women. They're too fickle and move from one shiny distraction to the next.

no, in reality they would be first in line to get with a man with 100k a year. they just want to look cool on the interwebs is all.

i see her point. six figures could easily mean anywhere between 100k-400k, so why do people even use that phrase? just say "around 100k" or around "200k".

It's because you want to act like you are in the top 1% of money making men in an attempt to attract more beautiful women, which is quite dishonest of you

didnt you fucking read? its over for me

i will never see a vagina

i dont think so. look at all the people agreeing

dudes be copin, I am on her side with this one

having money is a new ick for women i suppose, cuz they dont want you to have it they want to have it, ick

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agreeing to what? most niggers here are social retards whos views on relationships are based on redpill youtube videos and twitter comments

Her whole Twitter account is just edgy humor.

But the anime-watching dweebs ITT will think that the OP image is serious

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It’s funny because all i have to do is make one Anon Babble style banter joke (just leave out the racist and incel stuff) to make women face my direction with their bodies and giggle like retards.

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Untrue, I’m in tech and all my friends clear 150k salaries minimum.
Each one of them have settled down by either marrying an ugly duck or a women in 30s who comes with baggages (either traumatic past relationships, abuse or a kid)

Do Americans really?

I make €25000 a year

It's the 5'11" of incomes

look at the fucking image. theres 138 re-agrees

lmao you nogs are proving her point

yes from dumb bitches trying to look cool on the interwebs like i said

your friends are all retards. good job

lol a lot of insecure boys in the comments here
u know exactly what she means, its like all the 6'0-6'2 dudes dming a woman looking for 6ft+ men

you are coping so hard

Honestly i’d rather have a 30 yo more experienced woman with ”trauma” (life experience in other words) than a 24 year old who has so little experience she basically doesn’t have a personality. People always come with baggage. The grass is always greener on the other side.

People who have never have a job don't think it's a lot but that's because they literally have no idea what the value of a dollar is. Every woman ive met with a job or has worked before understands 100k is good money. It's top 10% salary in the country for fuck sake. Stop letting twitter and tiktok whores offend you

you and other virgins with rage take the bait so hard, this twitter poster is clearly trying to bait twitter engagement and you all fall for it like dummys


if she means 6'5 she should say 6'5
words exist for a reason, sage nigger faggot

Actually bad experiences come with a lot of downsides too, a friend who is dating (thankfully not married yet) a women who’s 29 and has gone through abuse from a controlling psychopath tells him she is afraid of sex.
They’ve been together for 4 months now, and he didn’t even dare to lay hands on her.
He just tolerates her because apart from it she cooks and cleans and provides him company, without her he was just a sad loner.
She tolerates him because otherwise she’d be homeless and couldn’t afford rents as she has no degree and no where to live.

Not sure how it’ll end desu.

sounds like it will end with a rape allegation

Who cares?

You don't want to date goldiggers anyways.

Watching incels and doomers seethe over bottom-of-the-barrell women is very interesting. I'd love to see a psychoanalysis study done on people like that.

hates women

instead of ignoring women, purposefully finds the most trashy women, then proceeds to whine all day on the internet about them

refuses to acknowledge good women

all women ate trash

proceeds to goon over trash women on the internet

whines about trash women not wanting them

doesn't want trash women anyways


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Girls that sell pictures of their pussy on line love talking about what men seeking relationships say as if those men seek anything but a hole from them.

Men need to withhold their wallets like women withhold their pussies, it's that simple. Too many simps, total simp death is necessary

A white man runs this twitter account, women arent capable of being funny

that happened with my ex, she was "abused" by her ex and sex was rocky at first then it got better, she was madly in love with me, i was with her. long story short we broke up and then on tiktok she started outing me as a sexual abuser, domestic violence, etc etc.

5’ 7’’

Pog Moment comment

Well now that I recall it, she did mention to her she considers all those times to be rape and not just abuse, so the poor fucker is walking into the same shit.

If you ask most women, do you want a top 15% man, most would say no they want better. That's why they don't think 100k is much.
Do you think any decently attractive young girl would be okay with 1 out of 6 women having a better boyfriend than her? That's like 100 girls just in her highschool or 2000 girls in her university. It's top 5% or even within 1%. I think it's below 1% if you are over 6ft, 100k, and between 25-35 years old.

She's not wrong. Saying I make six figures is pretty cringe to begin with, even more so if it's low six figures.

Learning to fly

How do I also become superman

Yeah the biggest whiners are always the biggest retards. They feel that world is hell because thanks to their stupidity, it is to them.