My grandfather is 81 years old and still works 6 days a week at his law firm

My grandfather is 81 years old and still works 6 days a week at his law firm

He already made it in the 1980s (owning multiple domestic and commercial rental property) but kept going , he makes $400k in annual rental just from 2 commercial lots he rents out to a bank.....

Why does he keep going? he had a heart attack at 75 and even that didnt stop him

He had like 10 kids with 10 different women who all hate him and im sure theyll all be coming for something when he dies, so i doubt ill ever see much from his wealth accumulation

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A lot of old people just keep working
But he sounds like a jew

he was clearly a man of ambition. Many men who become enormously successful simply have one key trait: an insanely high sex drive. To be able to make that much money and have that many children. He will die with triumph in his eyes. He will die knowing his bloodline will never die.

The 10 kids with 10 different women is what he did AFTER he got divorced to my grandmother.

He has 3 kids with my grandmother (my mom, aunt, uncle), the rest are all kids he had with random women after he was 50+ years sold, so about 10 different women and 10 different kids from age 50-80 so far.

He even has a half-Japanese kid (his in his 20s now) in japan that he never sees that he sends $5k to every month.

Its pretty cringe though. Everyone in the family is pretty disgusted by his behavior.

because old people have nothing to do, having something to grind towards gives them a reason to live88

Your grandfather is a king. He diversified his genetic progeny the way you should diversify your portfolio of altcoins. His story is inspiring to me. Thank you for sharing. Genghis Khan would be proud.

Based grandpa living his best life. Boomers that 'retire' often just end up waiting to die instead of living properly.

He'll be mogging you years after he dies because he'll live rent free in yours and your family's mind.

His grandson from his marriage is talking shit about him on the business and finance section of an anime website. He was probably right to do what he did.

Anon, creating a gazillion single mother households is destructive to a society and a poor financial decision. OP's bringing up a good point about how diluted and how much of a shitshow the inheritance is going to be.

Because there’s legitimately nothing else to do. What the fuck are you going to do all day? This might be easy for the newest generation of normie where there’s an endless amount of media consumption to be had and what not, but even that gets very shallow and meaningless very fast. You need some type of purpose in life or else you’re just withering away. But yeah he could do a ton of things but he just likes working for whatever reason. That’s about to be me when I start my new job can’t wait.

Your grandfather sounds like a fine man, Bubba. You should go bring him some lunch at work.

my mom has a 75 year old coworker. her husband is 70 years old and still works as well. kek.

Boomers just know how to work
They don't know why they work
They only know they have to work
They don't have standards
They don't have morals
They don't have goals

That's what they taught millenials
That's why millenials are such degenerates, they didn't learn anything about life or how to live it, they only learned on how to be slaves and they are mad, confused and don't know what to do about it

And that's what they taught gen Z, how to be desperate...

losers are often disgusted (jealous) at winners.

Op is a massive faggot. Go hunt for you own dreams and stop being a lil bitch talking about your feelings on a frog image board.

people who didnt found h obbie and other pleasure in life cannot comprehend what it would be like to not work and find meaning in that

Millenials are such degenerates because they refuse to learn by themselves. They blame everything on "not being taught".
When I grew up, most of the time I was just left alone and had endless time to explore stuff by myself. Other than that, I picked up stuff by watching my dad do it. He didnt need to be a good teacher or anything. Observation (and not growing up with a single mom) is all it takes.
t. Gen X-er

That's not the point. The point was that grampa is a giga chad and everybody else is just seething

dude just pull yourself up by the bootstraps like he did lol

Anon, this isn't a pick up artist board, this is a business and finance board. Just because he's a giga chad doesn't absolve him of his financial sins.

Sounds like my boss who is only late 30s. Guy works every second of the day 7 days a week. He is always sending slack messages and shit at all hours. Has 3 kids and literally never says anything about them or his wife, purely focused on work.

I think people like this basically have no real dreams or ambitions so they find comfort only in work and making money because it’s a high score game their monkey brains can comprehend.

At the end of the day it comes down to low IQ, low ambition, but high work ethic. This is the combo people like your grandpa have. They are not interested in curing cancer or accomplishing great things. Their ego is wrapped up in the money high score scheme, and without that they believe they have nothing, so they give everything to it.

Fucking based grandpa.


Anons, you did not came on this earth to make money. Money is a way to reach your end, do not forget that.

This grandfather of OP is the result of mind control from moloch society, his soul is yearning for more just like the hedge fund guy in the movie Soul

Anons, you did not came on this earth to make money.

you dont know that, you're just making shit up as a coping mechanism because you don't know why you're here

You sound like a jealous low test tranny. Verification not required.

still works 6 days a week at his law firm

its not real work its sitting around talking and sending some emails. there's not a lot of difference from sitting on the couch.

thats kinda giga based.

It’s not IQ. Succesful lawyers don’t have low IQ. More like a npc.

It’s odd how many here praise my grandfather when even his own family members have agreed that he is unbearable, manipulative, and extremely narcissistic.

he has the make it gene and you dont
simple as

Success and IQ are not correlated, anon, nor is being a lawyer and IQ. You can get by pretty easy in this world with little intelligence. Trump became president and is clearly sub average intellect, for example. Don’t confuse these things.

Cool post. Have a (You)!

bro he has multiple houses and impregnated multiple woman. that means he his sex was productive too. if you have sex for fun its stupid. your grandfather was a based AF gigachad. the single mother households you talk about are irrelevant. they would have been single childless kids households. a woman with some cats. now its atleast a woman with a child. thanks to your grandpa. you should be more grateful faggot you wouldn't even exist without him.

Is the “make it gene” falling asleep at the wheel and crashing your uninsured Bentley into a high end BMW and then going to court to try claim it was the other guys fault and end up having to pay $200k in court costs and repairs when the original request was only $40k?

Don't judge your grandfather for this meaningless event. we all have some shit happen. So he tried to be a scumbag and get out of it and it failed. good! if you act trash you'll get the reward too.

make a strawpol and post it here, two options option 1 : my grandfather is a gigachad
option 2 : my grandfather is a stupid loser
and let Anon Babble vote.

Hello there sonny, I'd sure appreciate if you refrained from making any more threads about your ol' gran pappy.

Those 10 children you mention, that's just the ones I've told you about. I've bedded countless Women during my safari trips. I won't stop until I have aids.

t. your loving poppy

the make it gene has nothing to do with principals or morals brainlet

My grandfather is 81 years old and still works 6 days a week at his law firm

Based grandpa. A capacity to work like that and enjoy it is a sign of high test and high IQ. Dummies and lazy losers will never understand the power and joy of will.

sounds like a chad, too bad you didn't inherit that

"jews are hard working people"

Found the JlDF faggot.

He doesn’t know how to send emails, he doesn’t know how to use any modern technology

I’ve been at his firm many times over the years.

He hires people to do all the modern stuff.

He had a chain of command like this


Boomers who grasp the tech and translate what’s going on into old fashion method for him to understand

Millennials who know the tech and do most of the work

Zoomer girls for the front desk work and their youthful looks

If you build a close relationship with him while everyone else resents could you not get a hold of some of his resources before he dies and the scramble starts?

Here. It is for your grandpa

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gigabased. so he's a dumbfuck boomer like most boomers but he STILL demands boss title? amazing. truly the gigachad we all think he is.

Nah he’s text book narcissist and basically only likes people who are constantly telling him how good he is. You can’t disagree with him. You can’t have a conversation with him. He drove away the entire family

Sometimes to accomplish great things you have to be a shitty person. That's just the way the world is. Most people alive today owe their very existence to just two Nazis, Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch, without which, the food to bring you into life would have never been created

narcissists are retarded as fuck. just play ball and take his money

i wonder if he'll have sex with any of the front desk girls.


he tried but his dick can't stay hard without an injectable bonershot and two bluechew's

oh yeah man this is totally going to happen you know that they say: you don't get rich by being nice its totally true you have to be shitty to the world to get wealth if you aren't born into a super rich family and the old dude definitely gonna bang one of the front desk girls he has probably already paid them off too

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Why does he keep going?

I'm sure he wants to leave as much money as possible behind for his 10 kids

that seems to be the issue. being left alone to learn stuff by yourself used to work decades ago, nothing to do except run around and look what ur parents r doing
millenials suddenly had access to recorded music, videogames and tv, removing any ambition to actually entertain themselves by doing something

lol at people calling him chad

He literally has sugar girls he pays to go on trips with him, buys them 5k hand bags, etc

That isn’t what Chad does

he's such a chad that makes you seethe that you post about him here on a Cantonese basket weaving forum

working at 81 years old

10 kids with 10 different women

Some people are just born to be natural slaves. The replies begging for validation of their slavery is just as pathetic

still ended up breeding 10 women, denying 10 guys access to start a family. not to mention the real estate empire and biz he built that rakes him cash flow without having to bust his ass off.

bro is living the life i want desu. i wouldn't go as high as 10, but id stick with 4 bitches, and farm them as breeding factories.

that's so gay bro wtf why would you call a guy a chad because he pays for girls to spend time with him are you a virgin no wonder bro im sure every girl you ask out is turned away by the stench of desperation

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Each and every single one of those women have taken him to court over financial stuff and his fought and lost every single case to try get out of paying anything to all his bastard kids

He has lost millions of dollars because of this dumb shit

Cost of doing business

you're such a fucking eunuch lmao

he created 10 human being and supports them financially, what have you done?

i have a gf and have had gfs all my life. you are the virgin projecting

It's a bot ser

fuck you are right. yesterday i fell for it too. they are getting better.

Here is some advice fren. Lurk moar. If you spend a decade in this shithole you will be able to immediately discern between shills/bots/trannies/poltards/and indians. Better yet, you will recognize anonymous posters by the way they type. You are interacting with the same 50-100 people every day

he didn't start fucking around until after he made it at 50+
he's not a gigachad, he essentially paid for pussy
I can see why Anon Babble looks up to him though, he basically lived their dream

Some people really do find their identity through their work. It isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's something that makes him feel fulfilled and respected so he isn't going to stop.

There is truth to this. Successful men tend to be ambitious men. Ambitious men are rarely satisfied with one woman. I'm going through this realization myself.

when he dies, so i doubt ill ever see much from his wealth accumulation

Wheres your grandfather's ambition lad? If you had much of the old man's stuff in you you'd stand up and fight for your birthright.

Its pretty cringe though. Everyone in the family is pretty disgusted by his behavior.

Oh. Nevermind, you're a flaming faggot who deserves to lose it all.

LaBron James is the greatest NBA player of all time and is married to his highschool girlfriend…

LeBron James literally cheats on his wife at the club every weekend, and she knows and turns a blind eye to it. You're so ignorant it hurts lmfao

He isn’t though, he’s a nigger

LeBron James literally cheats on his wife at the club every weekend, and she knows and turns a blind eye to it. You're so ignorant it hurts lmfao

Ok Myron, you can stop posting on Anon Babble now, don’t you have a podcast to get ready for?

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he's yearning to post froggies with donuts on there head


Don't hate the player, hate the game




You ain't successful stop lyin, sheit

Low IQ Child's game
Entertainers...garbage truck drivers are more important to society

Its in a mans nature to pursue as many women as possible. Only the best women understand and accept this. If youre a man of status let your woman know early what it is. If she cant accept it show her the door. Because the last thing you need is some jealous cunt taking off on you in public. Thats a no win. If your peers see you getting slapped around by a woman you lose respect, and if they see you smack her back you lose respect. (See Dana White and Jonathan Majors Ray Rice amongst many)

Too much money at stake to have to deal with some emotional bitch fucking up your empire.

He's got alpha energy.

my grandpa worked since he was 10, never finished school. 12 hours a day non stop until he was 82, woke up at 4 am without failure, every single day. Started his own business and worked on it. Refused to hire workers to do what he did. At the end, he had multiple properties, two ungrateful sons and a dying body.
Its almost impossible to find these kind of people today, their generation was defined by work. If he was smarter he could've retired at 50, 58 at most. But all he knew was work work

Probably some girl called him a lazy poorfag in his 20s, and now he is overcompensating.

You're entirely right. Usually, women married to high status ambitious men "allow" a certain level of foolery outside of it as they pretty much don't care as long as they are provided for and the main woman. It comes with the territory. If you want a safe man, marry a safe man. They exist, they're simple, they exist to serve and please.

It's highly ironic you actually mentioned him out of all the people to use as a counterargument. My gf was on a bachelorette party in vegas last summer and his entourage was at one of the clubs trying to get one of the girls to come over and hangout with him at their VIP table. This is like the worst kept secret in America.

Any job where you're working into your 80s is one where you MAYBE busted your ass for the first 5-10 years (if that), but have been coasting on delegating the vast majority of your work for literal decades. He keeps going because it's easy shit and everyone currently over the age of 60 is a sociopath.

He even has a half-Japanese kid (his in his 20s now) in japan that he never sees that he sends $5k to every month.

Holy shit this nip is ballin'.

I'm an attorney, and I have a few older partners who are nearing your grandfather's age. I've gotten close to a few of them and enjoy their insights, but I've also taken their lives as a cautionary tale. Invariably, they had put their careers before everything else, and fell for the siren-call of ego-validation that you get from being affirmed and praised for your efforts at work. They didn't bond closely with their wives or children, had affairs, and generally acted in an amoral (rather than immoral) way. How could their families compete with the lauding of prestige, money, and ass kissing you get at work? Now that they're older, they keep working because they've invested in no other aspect of life--they have no meaningful relationships outside of work and couldn't talk about something other than a judge they clerked for in the 1970s if you put a gun to their head. If they retired, 95 percent of all of their daily social contact would evaporate, and they know it. The cruel irony is that they're not even good lawyers at this point (they don't try to be) and have been phoning it in for the last twenty years. They pad their hours heavily, and slap together half-assed filings. Clients usually can't identify shoddy legal work because they're not lawyers themselves, and think they're being counseled by a master of their field who has survived in a cutthroat industry to old age. In a sense, they are, but it doesn't make for the sort of person they assume. It's ironic in many ways.

This is a dumb take. Millennials have to compete against people who are taught for the dwindling number of positions that are available (since Boomers first wouldn't retire, and now won't put money towards anything but big blue chips). The number one factor in skill acquisition is your proximity to someone who already knows how to do the thing you're trying to learn. Work ethic, critical reasoning, none of it matters as much. Books/videos/tutorials are a level of abstraction from that someone; if you can get someone to teach you, it decimates the difficulty and time required.

You pretty much explained my grandfather to the T, lmao. I’m going to screenshot this and send it to my mom Kek

10 women lose their lives to attend to screaming mongrels that will never have an example in their life to teach them work ethic or how to throw a baseball, and likely to grow up drugged out, NEETS, or wagies for all of her childrearing labor and sacrifice. His children will be a burden on the system unless he takes care of ALL of them like the one Japanese kid, which I doubt. He's a narcissistic sociopath that acts on animalistic urges and has no conception of protecting his progeny or the tribe that raised him. Impulsive red rocket forest creature that deserves to be shot as game.

Why are you stirring the pot
Sending the screen shot to family members,
for what? To swim in a cesspool of confirmation bias. Do you guys sit around and think about Grandpa instead of building your own lives.
Do you guys sit around and group hate.
Do you guys like the feeling of imagining yourselves as eternal victims of Grandpa.
Do you guys think of yourselves as morally
superior to Grandpa
Maybe you guys should remove the wooden beam in your eyes first.

Why does he keep going?

Have you tried asking him yourself?

Just let it go dude. I could sympathize if he were your father, but grandfather? He is just too far up the line for me to care.

I’m broke as fuck and have no way to pay my overdraft account today, but I’m still fucking multiple women. Meeting up with 2 today alone .

You fucking idiots, grandpappy here is not a boomer, he’s silent gen. Learn the generations if you’re going to make sweeping statements.



yes however five