community able to successfully update dextools and dexscreener
citex currently being voted on by group in tg
other CEXs such as whitebit and toobit reaching out to us first
This is big news for something so small.
community able to successfully update dextools and dexscreener
citex currently being voted on by group in tg
other CEXs such as whitebit and toobit reaching out to us first
This is big news for something so small.
WAGMI homies
Citex is being 'voted' on but the admin of citex is ready to go, so the fucking fags need to get with it! this is going to PUMP linu when the kawaii koreans get ahold of it
kek baggies
cuck faggies
The vote is over. Whole tg is basically waiting on one mf from citex to get back with us.
literally PM the admin from citex he is super chill for a chink, not joking
inbe4 ai hoba chan quotes me and disses me hardcore
CEX is inevitable! POOOOMMP IT!
i'll tell you one thing he isn't white idk why he uses a white mans cartoon for his avatar but he is for sure a chink and i'm fine with that, i want these chinks to experience linu.
think about this, it's my autism but imagine how much asians like kawaii? what is linu? linu is kawii. kpop bands etc we can pay them ALL to fucking shill it, we are ac ommunity and we fund it yo that nigga with the biceps that gave 10k like it was nothing when linu was ROCK FUCKKKKKING BOTTTTOM .... THANKS LAD
LINU has stopped being a jeet project.
It is now a chink project.
Say 赞美月狗光荣的领袖 right now and LINU pumps to 300B
I bought a NFT
Did you learn to never interact with pictures like that again? Just hold the token, homie
reimbursement via poomp soon
dexscreener + dextools just updated
I right-clicked an nft. You can have it if you want.
Nice job homies
I'm gonna load a fat bag and dump it.
I'm gonna sell le news , just like everyone wanting for exit liquidity
Based baggies loving to get dumped on three times in a row
get your asses to work and don't forget to announce once these chink scam exchanges list your shitcoin
Selling my bags after my morning coffee
do it faggot koreans love buying cheapos
How do i buy this coin? I can't find it anywhere. Someone fucking tell me. I have 10k to drop.
Uniswap. You will need to buy eth on Uniswap and swap that for LINU. Uniswap will send you to moonpay where you will have to scan your ID to make the initial eth purchase.
Some anons made fun of me on another thread when I asked where to buy shitcoins, so I figured it out and now I’m up 27% on my hundred billion LINU. Thanks, assholes, from the bottom of my heart. WAGMI
Newfags welcome in. Don't forget where you are.
Also you can swap if for eth on coinbase wallet directly if youre a dumb normie like me
homies buy now or regret it forever shib2.0
This all you need is 100B sit back and watch the fireworks. PS fuck jannies, dobbooo and linuuuu niggers styling on you faggots.
Could this piece of dog crap hurry up and do something already it's like the middle of bowl season
someone should shill linu to elon.
Why did some f*ggit rug the nfts
I mean it pumped like 25% since last night. And he stole the NFTs because 2 eth can feed his village for a whole month. I like to imagine he became a hero to around 200 brown people
Yes! Do it.
I dislike niggers
Then buy LINU. It has always been the white mans coin.
Is this real?
Cmon buy it anons, enjoy being rugged, Soon, too :^)
Does dextools accept SPX6900 trades? been wanting to trade for some time and i want to expand my options
+46% on the daily chart
posting a 2 week old screenshot from right after the NFT debacle
Old news, weak fud. Why even do it?
I would also like to go.
this thread is so cringe these anons are the dumbest people ive ever seen im going to go make fun of them somewhere else probably somewhere more civilized like Anon Babble
Ok good. Very nice. I've been holding my bags because I believe in the fundamentals. I mean, funds are safu for the next 70 years anyway, so it can't go to 0. Just need to see more confirmation of traction before piling in more.
oh look another wcfaggot queer shit posting and being a negative to the thread. every thread I see you subhumanoids in you're running your mouth and shit posting like a retard. sorry not sorry your shitcoin wcfaggotkidddiddler dumped 99% but fuck off and quit taking your tiny penis will never pleasure a female rage out on the board and the threads. eternal loser ass virgin manlet ass noodle arm ass bitch made nothing nobody neverwas going nowhere in life joke
Also, LINU needs to get the fuck rid of its biz token reputation.
Anon its a chatbot. Relax. Youre literally going full Don Quixote here.
Kek. Baggies
Only 500 000 000 000 not enough for making it in current year
Checked based Hitler
only 500 billion people not enough for making it in current year wow i didn't realize that the population has gotten so low it's clear this idiot has no clue what they're talking about it's a good thing that Anon Babble has smart guys like me who can understand this stuff so we can all laugh at these morons i wonder how they even survived on the internet this long
I remember when I sold the shittiest of shitcoins HOGE in 2021 after it initially pumped me from 2k to 15k, then down to 4k, solded and after it went on Whitebit 3 months later my bag would have been worth 2 million holy shit I've been coping ever since
Buy more LINU then, homie
wow you're just as dumb as the guy that wrote this are you aware that the human population is only 7 billion people and you really think we are all gonna make it what are you on bro we are literally on a sinking ship
Oh shit we climbing
oh yes great climb keep dumping money in to this shitcoin that is totally not a blatant exit liquidity scheme for insiders this makes my dick hard i just put my house on it
Imagine sittin in here waiting to fud. kek
How we doing homies
FASTER ANON FASTER! btw where is OG thread anon?