When $40?
Basic Attention Token (BAT)
Never. Piece of shit Uphold wallet.
Is anyone still bagholding this?
How about $4 instead bud? Buy yourself a 5xxx series GPU with the proceeds of your browser stack.
it's like holding ethereum at $15 where the predicted network effect is going to become insurmountable and the price increase inevitable
I'm so excited for you guys
where the FUCK is thotposter
lmao what a bunch of retards buying magic internet money to get rich quick good luck guys you're going to need it
possibly never, the best thing they can do is sell and go to $SUPER or something worthwhile in the long term.
people at Anon Babble are quite capricious, they would rather lose their money than accept that they are wrong.
something worthwhile in the long term? buy gold for that.
Yes. I'll probably baghold it through the next bullrun as well
died of AIDS
go to $SUPER
I miss thots…TP’s threads are the best
can someone post a chart comparing BAT vs DOGE marketcap chart from 2020
How much is the suicide stack? Will I make it with 15k?
This piece of shit let me down so fucking much
Not wrong.
Price action has been tough, Anon. But remember, there have been big developments. Brave and it's products have been getting bigger and better for years. No sign of stopping. More to come.
Self Serve Ads
Self Custody payouts
SOL chain
Huge moves to expand the Wallet capabilities. (BTC, Filecoin, ZEC, other chains etc).
The potential for tokenomics in their products being used TODAY is huge and getting bigger.
"They'll fuck it up"
Maybe. At 0.28c, it's a pretty asymmetric risk.
I dont care about the tec at alone. Look at the graphs. People like me are buying now because it hasnt mooned at all this cycle. Im getting out at a 3x
You talking about Zimbabwean dollars?
you mean $40 us dollars more like zimbabwean dollars lmao
after they faked the bat tokens in the browser from ads, it was doomed. even if they did the right thing after that, it would not have helped. i say that because at every turn they decided to do the wrong thing, so it is on purpose for some reason, so they want it that way, which means shit is some kind of scam
it's going up
muh browser token
Still accumulating this precious little gem
It will never be worth more than $1
BAT has perfected the stable coin
200k of this shit. What am I in for? What are our sales targets?
How does $2.20 sound?
What does the token do? Anything?
Boring fucking threads. Post whores for fucks sake.
Any bullish news BAT brothers?
tumor weeks
GTFO with your gay ass forced meme. Nobody cares
This. I don’t really expect it to do much but it could out of nowhere just go parabolic. I got other shit pumping right now so BAT for me is a safe hold that should just grow steadily on par with the broader market.
At 0.28c, it's a pretty asymmetric risk.
it is not asymmetric risk nice buzzword btw youre not talking about some small business, they already had a 3 billion dollar valuation and are currently at 400 million mc.
self custody is a thing now brother