/pmg/ - Precious Metals General

Goldbacks edition.

Why Gold?


Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable


Bullion dealers

libertycoin.com/ (US)
chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at: pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

Numismatic search


News and graphs



findbullionprices.com/ (US)
eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)





Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test


Previous Thread:

Goldbacks.jpg - 3024x3024, 3.67M

First for a real dollar

Nice, you won this time fren. Here is my walking around krug.


bazzasov.png - 400x400, 181.46K

walking around

My wallet pieces.

Based and mogging the fiat pilled

my walking around gold bar

imagine the implications

Did somebody say, "goldbacks"?

I'm in your faggy collage of psychopath-tier screenshots of everyone here, and I can promise you that you're attacking real stackers here amongst your other targets. Fucking stop, and fucking stop making your chaos/schizo memes that nobody likes. Just post metals my guy.

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I can't take it anymore I'm dumping all my stacks and going all in on bitcoin, $60,000. $62,000. $64,000 it's unstoppable. Gold and silver brought me nothing but pain, I made nothing but losses and trouble and effort to buy and sell always struggling even storing my stacks was trouble hoping it wouldn't get stolen. Market opens tomorrow I'm buying bitcoin let the professionals manage the storage. I'm finally gonna make it bros.

Yeah, the D&C FUDs attack real stackers like you and me and it's cringe. Just ignore such chuddies and keep stacking (:

Paper addition

that nobody likes

I enjoy them. Also you realize you're going to have a reverse psychology effect on him now too, right?

Friendly reminder that if you don't like tits and metal, you're fucking gay.

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Hello D&C shill.
How do you enjoy those memes that don't even have PMs in them?

I'll wait for an honest, detailed answer that you don't have.

How'd we land on 287 specifically? Something related to the game?
I think it's time to finally get over 100oz of silver, I've been focusing on gold and guns so heavily lately that I've let my silver collection sort of stagnate.

Just gotta get that silver-chad body
And then, my brother in Christ, the goth gf will come to YOU

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meme w no pm's

claims to know what meme is

he posted the virgin memery

i post gigachad memery

Through the Reverse osmosis you go.

Goawaytopkek.png - 2618x1660, 1.54M

it really is!

lunar.jpg - 3743x2627, 1.47M

This chart. Basically at around 280 oz youre in the top 1% of silver owners

The top image clearly has a chest full of gold and silver bars, coins, and goldbacks, FRONT AND CENTER in the photo

The second image clearly has silver bars and rounds in that dish in the bottom left corner

C'mon dude

start drama in new thread

act like the innocent ones


20toz.png - 1168x766, 1.65M

I've updated that. Pic related.
We're up to needing 367 ozt.

Good to know! I guess I'll set that as a goal then. Finally finished a nice little collection of firearms, a few ounces of gold, roughly 80ish of silver right now, and a six month supply of food and water. I can start working on silver next, but I know I also want to get a solar setup in the meantime as well. Self-sufficiency and independence from a fiat system, step by step

Damn bro i lost all my old memes, phone got nuked by glowies and ceased to work. Some are floating around out there. I remade some like pic related. If you go out ans buy coins its a necessity to have these.

The top image clearly has

Bullshit, you can barely see the goldbacks. I also see soda can tabs and a bunch of copper.
Fucking stop.

Sweet Baby Jesus Christ on ice skates please stop spamming that pic that's at least 15 years old now. Put a timestamp with that bar, I triple dog dare you.

Why you so obsessed with me, since you don't have sex with me?

Jokes on you, I'm having sex with you in my mind RIGHT NOW
And I gotta say, you're doing an amazing job. VERY nice cock, my dude. Girthy, yet comfy.

miso7tambh9c1.jpg - 640x853, 184.56K

These pics are ancient. What's your agenda here?

I'm the one who has a real PC here btw

PMrig.jpg - 2233x1284, 1.49M

I just learned that there were only 21 million bitcoin, 6 million lost, 12 million held by whales who never sell like Satoshi, that leaves 3 million bitcoins for 7 billion people.

If you own 1 bitcoin you are the new financial elite in the top .001% in the world. You can write your own ticket you are almost like a billionaire. I'm going to buy 3 tomorrow so that knocks two of you out. Sorry you will not redeem

If I cut up a pokemon card into 10 pieces and sign each of them, will you give me $21 million for a piece?

I enjoy weighing coins

what's your agenda here

To post comfy stacks, anti fiat memes, and aggressively homoerotic compliments to other autistic collectors. Why would any of that bother you?

anti fiat memes

Maybe you're just retarded but you're supporting the D&C shill group here by promoting and liking those faggy ass memes full of anon IDs, aluminum and copper pics.
I don't know why this is rocket science for you but again I guess you're just actually retarded.

I wonder why the gold price hasn't really moved this week so far.

girth gock

Dream on, chaser. Plus, my girlfriend is the only person allowed to have sex with me in their mind!

You're half a dozen posts in, and you've only posted a cool ass pic of shiny metals ONCE
Look man, I'm not sure what your beef here is, but I'm here for a good time, so I need you to start comfy posting soon or else I WILL come over there and steal your precious seed

Look man, I'm not sure what your beef here is

Then learn to read, nigger:
I'm just asking you to stop supporting off-topic schizo memes full of copper, aluminum and screenshots of anon's posts. Stop crying about it like I'm doing something wrong here.

When will they start making "copperbacks"?

learn to read

I've been reading your posts this whole time?

stop supporting schizo memes

Where do you think you are? Every single one of us here are big brained schizos with fleshy maglites hanging between our legs
And yes, they do light up

like I'm doing something wrong here

You accuse legitimate PM posters of being D&C shills, while acting like one, for starters.

I've been reading your posts this whole time?

then why are you making me repeat myself and acting confused? Drunk or tranny?

Where do you think you are?

why do you feel that extra bold and shadowed font memes, full of copper, fiat and aluminum, are on-topic and/or remotely interesting or informative?

wheres your timestamp?

Don't lie.

"bro why are you so angry?"

please stop posting schizo memes

"what's your beef bro?"

please stop posting schizo memes

"I just don't get why you're attacking me"

please stop posting schizo memes

It's like arguing with my 6 yr-old niece. Jesus Christ. I'm not attacking you or being a D&C shill, I've literally only asked for 1 thing here over the last like year.

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Why ARE you repeating yourself, when you could be joining your chad thundercock brothers in posting and admiring pictures of comfy precious metals?

they have copper and fiat and aluminum

And gold and silver next to them, for a diamond shines brightest when placed next to a lump of coal. Just like our diamond hands and diamond dicks

IMG_2043 .jpg - 2424x1364, 857.78K

And gold and silver next to them

Nope. Last time, just stop being a dumbass redneck and reposting memes from shills. Now I know you're just too damned stupid to realize what you're doing.

Please, link to the schizo meme I posted. I want to know which image I have in my folder that has THIS much power over you.
In the meantime, continue to enjoy the shinies. I fully believe that a big dick warrior exists inside you, and I WILL continue to peel back layer after layer of your fine silk underwear until I find him


Now let's see yours with you always post. Oh wait we never will because you steal pics and try to pass them off as your own.

Is this a thread about precious metals and their associated memes or is this a tranny drama thread?

Dubs checked
Great clarity on that Chronos!

Its a D&C thread using tranny drama and a sign we're close to their end.


tranny drama

The only tranny here is K7Sm+2It going through injected hormone withdrawal.

seething and crying this much because someone complained about off-topic meme spam

break your neck faggot

This is a thread for e_gold,

begone you silver scam victims you fake physical gold shills and premium grabbers

Posting my e_gold stack for all the haters and losers........behold

no PMs and 3 poorfag guns

Seethe harder loser you don't own .

his memes are fine
you're not the pmg police
fuck off

mintanon.png - 686x690, 793.25K


no PMs

You're off topic. We post PMs here

Show us your dick

I bag held $1500 of silver for nearly a decade, and it mostly stayed $1500 for those 10 years. I sold it for HBAR and within a few weeks it’s already worth $2800


Thanks, anon! I love Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross, so I got the coins.

Luv me babies. Simple as.

Dude just reverse osmosis the faggot asshole, his tranny friend, and the crypto maximalist, the do the same shit every thread and its annoying as fuck.

390 iou slips for every physical unit of silver.

Why can't everyone just be nice to each other. We stack gold and silver because it's comfy or whatever. Just post what you like and git over yourselves. If you can't meme or handle the bantz, the gtfo lmao.

Stackers, when do you tell someone new you're dating that you stack? I started seeing this super duper totally adorable tranner recently, but I'm going to try and hide my power level about stacking. The last guy I date briefly was a stacker, but he didn't last long and when I suspected that my stack was bigger than his, it honestly really emasculated him a great deal in my eyes.

did you buy that rope yet?

Hello PMG friends its been awhile hasnt it?
I start working again tomorrow morning. Friend recommended me to work at the mine if next job doesnt work out.
Currently still at 2:200 while fiat at over 6k.
Was thinking of putting money into bit because of FOMO...all an all I just want my money protected.
Have a blessed rest of your week.

Silver_Saori.jpg - 429x477, 43.81K

One of the many uses of Silver is water filtration


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Ty anon. Trying to work my way through the noise.

I don't see any silver

Antiqued vs....

Based gigachad

Any chance I’ll get a type 1?

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... bright uncirculated.

GoE9_Wadjet.jpg - 2800x1440, 1.24M

Any chance I’ll get a type 1?

Slim, but better than 0%.
Coincidentally, I just bought my very first gold American coin - the quarter-ozt St. Gaudens' Eagle, 2024. From Bold for 560.

kek. apparently AI is too retarded to make a copperback.

copperback.png - 635x710, 570.1K

invited to a stacker group

ask if it's pmg or wss

they don't know what I mean

draw a diagram showing the difference

"it's a good stacker group ma'am"

I join

it's wss

Post related is one of their tactics to tarnish the reputation of stackers