Buying a house is for bluepilled poorfags

buying a house is for bluepilled poorfags

get a mortgage if you wanna stay broke forever

well Anon Babble? is he right?

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Buy a house in another country or wait for the hyper crash in America. Get rich this bull and buy it in cash at the too of the crypto markets. Simple as. Crypto will go up while real estate will go down.

Basically true. Stay mobile and liquid.
Hooming is a good idea if your area stays pleasant and prosperous, nothing catastrophic happens to your house in particular and you don't want to move too soon. If any of the above aren't true you should rent, especially as a single guy.

Perma renting is gay as fuck. Just living to make your landlord money

Actual redpill is to live with your parents and make loads of money on crypto till you can buy a house outright with only a small percentage of your stack.

Just living to make your landlord money

Irrelevant and emotion-driven point. Your own situation is what matters, i.e.

Hooming is a good idea if your area stays pleasant and prosperous, nothing catastrophic happens to your house in particular and you don't want to move too soon.


renting is totally better, you should do it forever!

- people who own RE who make their living off idiot rentoids.

This shitskin grifter is wrong about almost everything but he's only partially wrong about buying RE.

IF i can't refinance then he's right.
if the interest rates keep going down then no he's wrong it's free money and it lets me abuse the system to get something for nothing, it's literally free stuff. I would only end up paying for like 20-40% of the house in real terms because credit inflation will not only make the value go up but also my income so i can pay the fix mortgage on the old price but keep the higher value in my pocket.
If the rates go up... okay yeah checkmate we're fucked.
But the interest rates would only go up if the Fed lost control of the bond market somehow... like massive deficits and too much govt debt or something like that..
Kind of like what's been happening since March 2020.

will it? East coast is so expensive.

Here's your four options:


Buy an appreciating asset that you can live in and sell in the future


Pay someone else to live in their appreciating asset and have nothing to sell off in the end


Live with your parents forever if they're cool


Live in a depreciating asset like a van or car

1 or 3 are the best options, but 3 gets old after awhile unless you're legit autistic. Pretty much impossible to fuck women and it just feels weird if you're like 30+ years old living with them.

If you have 30 Bitcoin then renting is better since long term Bitcoin goes up more than houses so it's better to keep your Bitcoin instead of selling for a house

If you have 30 Bitcoin then renting is better since long term Bitcoin goes up more than houses so it's better to keep your Bitcoin instead of selling for a house

are you sure about that? the housing market on the east coast keep climbing.

I might consider buying a house when they cost less than 1 BTC, until then it's a complete waste of sats.

Doesn't he own multiple houses?

ngmi, rentcuck memes have ruined your mind, mortgages are a psyop and a form of debt meant to control you. Why do you think owning a home as a life objective is so heavily pushed

If you have a few million nw it doesn't matter. Just rent and live where you want. Houses are actually for poorfags or for raising children .

Only a poorfag thinks a house to live in is a great investment

The point is that a house is a bad purchase until the price tag is an inconsequential part of your networth. If you value wealth, that is. Few people are really built like that.

Owning a house is good because government incentives. Artificially low mortgage rates (would be 10%+ in free market, interest tax deduction, and of course the government soul mission in last 20 years is to artificially prop up real estate market at all costs. Living with parents is best but renting is a black hole mo ey pit

Yes if you have 5 million then buyimg a 200k house in Greece could be a nice thing. Or you just rent 20 years for 800 euros a month.

are you sure about that? I think the housing market might beat bitcoin this year guys!

of course, buying a house with mortgage is leverage trade.

Rent is for poorfags, real alpha halal chads live in a third world prison cell rent-free after being arrested for bragging about sex trafficking women

Biggest problem is people putting down the bare minimum and being barely able to make minimum payments.
Those people never should have been allowed to buy. They're putting down 35k on a 700k home and now that things are tough they're allllll underwater.
Put down 50% and pay it off in under 10 years.
It should be used mostly as a credit score booster, which you can then leverage for other things.

appreciating asset


idk which one is worse renting for 30 years then looking back and realizing with all the money you have burnt you could've bought a house if you just tied yourself to a mortgage, or feeling the weight of tying yourself to a 30 year long mortgage now.

either case it's torture and/or cuckoldry. I'll prefer >but you're a loser if you live with your parents!
yes. I am a loser, I cannot put up with that other life.

I don’t think any of you have actually owned a home despite all the larps because owning a home that is paid off vs paying rent is night and day. All you’re paying for is the utilities and yearly property taxes

As gay af as he looks and presents himself i can kind of see some of his ideas and views, especially when there's so many fucking trannies running around, hell, sometimes we forget that they've been infiltrated for quite a long time

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hey at least we got a funny coin out of it

Rentoid detected

Want to rent a room in my house? I wouldn't mind someone paying off my house for me while I use my paycheck to go fuck some hookers and travel the world.

Houses are in permanent decline against bitcoin, retard.

muh fiat rents!

Literally nothing.

will it? East coast is so expensive.

for the last year crypto went up while housing went down

in reality you're stuck with an illiquid 30 year loan that you get taxed on every year and hopefully the ponzi keeps going long enough to make your mortgage worth it

You need somewhere to live, you big dummy. You can't live in a fucking cold wallet.

I would rather own a place than rent. Regardless of low iq opinions.

Irrelevant and emotion-driven point.

cope. Buying a home = freedom. Doing otherwise is a money sink

Dumb nigger. Obviously now is NOT the time (in america) to buy a home. I'm also against a mortgage. It's better to buy a home in cash when the risk basically becomes 0 since the government's/oligarch's goal is to try to fuck you by having you over leverage. Perma renting is for suckers

I don't see that big of a difference in life satisfaction between being a rentoid and being a mortgage slave so I rather just rent and hope gambling on crypto and stocks pays off

Can't be me, I inherited my home.
I will never pay rent.
I will never pay a mortgage.
I will never commute.

owning a home without a mortgage means you have an asset and never have to pay rent, also smart investors leverage mortgages to invest in real estate to rent cucks like yourself to pay off their mortgages

i cant listen to a guy who has pubes for head hair.