if it's Russia I will go to an ukrainian shelter and stab them all to celebrate
in minecraft
Russian can't even beat Ukraine, they're insignificant. Remember when they were gonna take Kiev in a week an now we're on two years?
Isn't snowden still in russia? I'm doubtful he would throw Russia under the bridge publicly like this. Most likely the answer is China or some third world country like Mexico or United States.
dubs says it's the Federal Reserve.
Its probably the arabs
i'm waiting for niger to disclose their 0.01 eth holdings
It's the UAE/Saudis.
Snowden posted that he predicts that one country will be revealed this year to have been secretly holding bitcoin, he didn't name Russia specially. Not like Snowden has actual insider knowledge of what the Russian government is doing, they're just letting him live there.
pffftt yeah right why would the russian government want to hold bitcoin they're too dumb to understand it even if they did why would they let some dumbass whistleblower like snowden know about it if you believe this you're an absolute idiot
Something about Snowden really pisses me off
anglos have very punchable cuck faces
Sorry pal. A million right wing fanatics and schizos are going to become millionaires this bull run. Enjoy the UBI pennies.
Its china you fucking retards. I am sick of having to speak slow for you retards.
Think about it.
Fud the fuck out of everyone in 2021 saying Bitcoin is banned
Bitcoin crashes hard
China scoops up and is slowly bringing it back.
he's a nerd but extremely cocky and always talks like he is illuminating some hidden truth. He probably has some complex like a lot of whistleblowers and politicians where they act like they're doing a public service, but they're really just advancing themselves.
wtf is this bot?
Russian can't even beat Ukraine, they're insignificant. Remember when they were gonna take Kiev in a week an now we're on two years?
NATO cope
You still running with that 2 years later
Putin is still the leader of Russia, the main opposition just unlived in prison. Everyone is getting bored of this pointless firepit of a war. Congress increasingly skeptical of merits and approval of funding. Large scale corruption already
Russia has successfully transitioned their economy from reliance on the West and their corrupt banking cartel, more independence. Relying on natural resources, Bitcoin, and their own sovereign held Gold
Its obviously China. What with their horseshit public spectacle about banning it, meanwhile their economy is teetering on the brink.
cia contractor
defected to russia
knows what governments are doing in secret
this psyop glows brighter than the sun
Russia just liberated Tonenkoye from Jewkraine and is moving to completely cut off any remaining supply lines to Avdeevka. Next up, Niu-York and Pokrovsk. NAFO trannies are in an absolute panic meltdown mode and we have Macron openly declaring that for Russia to be even minorly repelled it would require full deployment of western troops, which will never happen. In short: IT'S OVER. RUSSIA WINS.
Kek, weak irrelevant county. Your entire reply is pure cope
that's the problem with big coins, man. any fucking controversy happens around the world and it they inevitable become affected by it/them
i'd rather just spend in small shitcoins like Dext and chill watching it go up 20% per month
western troops
LMFAO not happening while Israel is under fire. Total Russian victory ahead.
Kek, weak irrelevant county.
That lives rent free in your head. Who is coping again?
Nato faggots coping and seething as always
US? It cannot be Russia or Russia ally.
It’s going to be some out of the way place like Laos
haven't been able to succeed
They hold the east. They continue to hold it. They've said if they started losing an inch of ground they would use nukes. It's over. And thank God, war is an atrocity, NATO needs to be dismantled like it should've been in 1992.
Losing hundreds and sometimes thousands of young men every single day just to defend some eastern Ukrainian shitholes that they stole two years ago is winning?
Nobody is winning this war you absolute cretin, this entire debacle hasn't been worth it for either side, and you're a coping Vatnik retard if you think that the damage this caused to Russia was worth stealing the shittiest 15% of Ukrainian land.
Yep, it's the Arabs. Why? Because they basically trade oil for US treasuries. US treasuries are a bad trade due to the exponential increase in US debt. So it makes sense to trade for Bitcoin instead because of hard cap.
They have a huge mining facility in Siberia.
I feel really sorry for all the good people out there that don't have any bitcoin
poos bought bitcoin
poos now own the WORLD
you're emotional so seems like you are coping or lying
i learned to identify this behavior by monitoring angry redditors
The first iteration of it was better. The one which ended every post with "i have a huge cock". Now it's just shilling shitcoins and sounding really gay and retarded.
Guys!!!! Let me continue to interrupt multiple threads to shill WcDonalds!!!!!
Please buy my useless shitcoin!!!!
I'm not at all desperate!!!!!!
He lives in moscow now, tucker had dinner with him but he refused an interview, doesnt want that kind of attention.
War is expensive and avoidable in most cases, although there's always exceptions (1776).
In this case, Putin was aiming for something other than this.. however; Europe has an unsustainable credit market bubble which is propping up an economy that needed cheap energy to function, and the United States is losing dollar reserve status in large part thanks to the sanctions and making it so difficult for nations and people to be in both the US (western) and Eastern (RU/China) sphere of influence.
Forcing people to pick a side as your economy teeters on the brink of something that is 100 years in the making... well that's why pride comes before the fall.
this subhuman pajeet has been doing this shit rotating between shitcoins for over a month
mods, meanwhile, do nothing about it
Which is why I said that nobody is winning. When people cope by saying that Europe is more united than ever or that Putin is still firmly in power and can't be defeated... it's all cope because both sides of this conflict are objectively worse-off than they were before it. Literally both sides would be in a way better position had it not happened at all.
kek yeah i mean he's totally right europe is getting screwed by the us because some retard politicians got elected the us has been running the world for so long but they have so much debt now that we can't even take care of our own citizens so i guess it's time for the eu to lead the way but of course we're getting screwed by the us once again because of these dumbass sanctions lol it's actually pretty sad how stupid our politicians are
is russian bitcoin the new fud?
t. John Sanderson from Floridda Oblast
Everybody is worse off, but I think what is important is the relative comparison.
Russia is objectively growing... the economy is pivoting VERY quickly and is doing that thing that a free economy is supposed to do... Now i understand they are not entirely free, but frankly they are a tax haven, the income tax is 13-15%, minimal intervention and with the exception of the war the people enjoyed a relatively high standard of living for a country that literally had hyperinflation 25 years ago.
They are also next door to over a billion underpaid (paid?) chinese workers who have proven extremely capable at taking the relevant IP from the american and european markets and implementing it in order to come out producing 75%+ of everything on earth that is cheap and relatively useful... that market is going to have to go from producing endlessly for 'rich' americans and europeans, who are basically out of money and we're going to have to monetize the debts soon, and find a new market.
I think that market will include in large part Russia and Africa. I think the Russians are going to benefit from Chinese wanting a place to park capital and build and grow, and I think the Chinese are going to make it difficult to do that in China because for the last 30-40 years everybody has robbed the place blind and taken their bars of gold to hong kong and then onto wherever island or coastal city of the USA/Canada (vancouver is called Hongcouver for a reason).
That's over. We're hyperinflating our way out of this mess and that means we're going to have issues. We'll be okay in 10-15 years maybe, but we have serious fucking problems to deal with now. Probably going to end up being a kinetic conflict domestically, at least in a lot of places.
Russia is accelerating this stuff. The Ukraine aid is a drop in the bucket for the Americans but it is demonstrating a lot of things to the credit markets that are underwriting everything.
Oh shit.
I sure hope North Korea hasn't shown any interest in acquiring crypto too.
probably north korea
They're loose cannon enough to do it, they don't give a fuck
Honestly it's probably Iran.
I think I have to remind myself often (as a french citizen) that 'Europe' is potentially 100+ different countries, and at the moment according to Google is 50 countries. Europe has enjoyed blowing itself up over and over that we can see why the people of 1945 chose radical paths forward, which at first included basically adopting the US dollar (now called the Euro after a brief hiatus where everybody tried to use gold again) and then evolved to becoming the Eurozone where Brussels would agree to help everybody not do that thing where we all hate each other and flatten everybody who doesn't have mountains.
Europe is complicated. Right now France is the only Nuclear power in the Eurozone, and France is also the only military power, outside the USA, that has the capacity to actual produce munitions and fight for a decent period of time. It's also clear now that the strategy of not leveraging cheap power in order to produce industrial goods, but instead focus on something we should categorize at this time as more sustainable (Agriculture, tourism and luxury domestic products) is coming ahead of other Euro strategies.
It doesn't matter, all these guys are going to have problems because people are really pissed off about what's happened here and we have to go through a socialism vs freedom stage.
Capital has to go somewhere and I think a lot of it will fuck off to the East hoping things are prosperous enough there's no reason for the university students to turn to communism (because angry people are retarded it is what it is) OR they will bet on the hardline 1776 americans to restart the republic or something along those lines.
This is going to be a shitshow, I don't know if you guys feel that way though?