Why didn't Monero ever take off?
Why didn't Monero ever take off?
Bad luck, i guess.
delistings cut it off from liquidity from speculators. that's it. you retards thought they were a feature but they killed your shitcoin.
it will tho
just less than others
Because it couldn't stop bleeding sats.
It is used more than BTC
Because queers and butches still don't know why they need privacy yet. Maybe they'll figure it out before it's too late.
John McAfee didn't promote it enough while he was alive.
Coin not needed.
lol the
totally didnt premine the whole supply and slowly dump on you fools enjoy having your money go from 1000 satoshi to 50
only coined used b
Are you kidding me? I've literally bought books, candles, and clothing with it.
You can't audit the supply
I love monero and have been buying and using it since early 2017.
In saying that, it's a pain in the ass. Buying is difficult because of exchange desistings. Using it is difficult due to having to sync the whole fucking massive blockchain. Sending it is annoying, in part because of the privacy features that also make it great.
I wish this wasn't true, but there it is.
xmr is a black swan event away from taking off
if you know, you know
once it happens it will be too late for everyone else
Because it was strategically prevented. In the last bull market it was exactly the same. Wasn't the Binance delisted absolute perfection in timing relative to the BTC and pleb altcoin market taking off?
Think about it.
couldn't price memory alone carry it to 500 or something if alt season starts
Sorry for the retard question, but what are the tokenomics of XMR. Does it also have a finite supply like Bitcoin? Does it have something analogous to a halvening?
Does it also have a finite supply like Bitcoin?
Current circulating supply is 18,147,820.
Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptocurrencies. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of transactions increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier to entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward gradually approached 0.6 XMR in June 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.
Using it is difficult due to having to sync the whole fucking massive blockchain. Sending it is annoying, in part because of the privacy features that also make it great.
Best source for info on Monero is
synching is annoying. its true. yesterday i had to synch half an hour cause i didn't open my wallet for 3 months.
having to
If you don't run your node 24/7, then why not use a remote one?
Non auditable inflation bugs (we don't know for sure, not talking about coinbase)
Asic resistance making it easier to attack
Attracts mentally ill people
That would mean they basically played their last card to try and suppress it without an outright "ban" on paper, which wouldn't do much to crash the price further than it's fallen anyways.
Does it also have a finite supply like Bitcoin?
Bitcoin doesn't have a finite supply. Just because they say it doesn't make it true.
Bitcoin supply will be whatever makes the network run.
XMR could also just have claimed a fixed supply, cutting off the tail emission in the year 2200. They probably should have just so the plebs shut up.
The more time pass the more a fixed supply money stands out compared to a non fixed supply money, so that's kind of an extremely annoying issue when there's competition to be the world money
I get that if an inflation bug was ever discovered in Monero, it would be totally fucked and there's nothing they could do about it since you wouldn't be able to detect when/if it was used.
But it's been like 10 years now and such a bug still hasn't been discovered. After what point can we be reasonably sure that the algorithm is safe and no such bug exists?
Doesn't that come with security risks?
I think it still takes a while to sync an old wallet on a remote node because you have to scan through the entire blockchain for incoming transactions. With a newer wallet you can start from a higher blockchain height, so it depends on how far back the transactions in your wallet go
Sadly, never. A currency can never be money or world money if it can't be audited for sure instantly, and we can discover an inflation bug that was exploited and spread for a while. The subject was why Monero didn't catch up like bitcoin. This was one reason.
the official gui wallet still has to sync from the remote node
Apparently 'elgamal commitment' could help, something to investigate to the Devs. But that wouldn't solve other issues. Ironically wownero is closer to a better money.
this tired ass fud
This shit reeks dude, kill yourself:
But it's been like 10 years now and such a bug still hasn't been discovered. After what point can we be reasonably sure that the algorithm is safe and no such bug exists?
Here's a good talk about inflation bugs in general. There are different types of bugs, there was an inflation/octo-spend bug in monero (and all CryptoNote currencies) that was detectable but was not used in Monero.
After what point can we be reasonably sure that the algorithm is safe and no such bug exists?
After the Seraphis update if there's a formalization/streamlining of the protocol, you could mathematically prove that no inflation can occur. Then it only comes down to verifying that the implementation is correct, which is an issue with all software.
Doesn't that come with security risks?
You show your IP, but you can just use a Tor node.
Monero is one of the few coins with big enemies and paid fudders. A couple of hundred k is literally nothing to protect billion dollar market and monopoly or to stay out of jail. So you do what the Burgers want from you.
Also a relevant presentation.
I know about it and you should really acknowledge what I say. Tradeoff chosen = bad
genuinely the monero convention has to just grow larger it's as simple as that for future prospects
I'd go to the upcoming convention in Buenos Aires, but it will be in Palermo, and I'd be super tempted to play with the 100's of hot trannies that come out at night to play in that area.
1: retard normies think that buttcoin has privacy
2: on/offramps are few and far between
3: (((governments))) say its a tool of crime
Probably because it's only used to buy drugs on the internet
well if you wanna get your ass searched at the airport to buy weed online then i don't know what to tell ya retard it's not like there aren't already tons of drugs being sold on the streets there's a huge number of people buying and selling it and as a result of their lack of education retarding online markets this whole idea that monero is some kind of secret drug market coin is hilarious
Just wait you nigger it's that simple
This thread is full of absolutely brain dead FUD.
1: retard normies think that buttcoin has privacy
It's disheartening to see maxipads and their rubes still parroting this nonsense after the Canadian protests.
As much as I supported the protesters and their cause, they honestly deserved to get fucked for being stupid enough to trust BTC when it mattered.
This post embodies the ramblings of a schizophrenic
Monero could stand to be more user friendly and accessible so truckers can use it instead of catering to autists
Devs dump unknown size bags
What's not user friendly about it?
I won't disagree that user friendliness could be improved but it's a poor excuse when you're playing chicken with a nation state.
Anybody who can buy and send BTC can buy and send XMR anyway, it's not that difficult.
the lack of on/offramps is the only problem, and you can buy it on Kraken
but what happened with bitcoin with the truckers is proof that (((governments))) don't fear buttcoin. it easier to track than bank accounts.
and a monero transaction only takes a minute or so.. a buttcoin transaction takes 2 hours.
This is truckers, most of them used opendimes during the convoy protests, little usb drives to pass Bitcoin around without making transactions.
They would glaze over if you tried discussing privacy or ring signatures, not to mention the abysmal node sync times, that there weren't easy exchanges like coinbase, retard-proof wallets like wallet of satoshi, etc. Freedom convoy was a complete failure to educate or market, expecting Monero to win just because it has muh technology. Even after they had their Bitcoin blocked or seized the still had no clue what Monero was.
Final settlement isnt seconds tho
it will
You're so right!!!! We had better run and buy your WcDonalds shitcoin instead!!!!!!!
Kraken still sells Monero right?
Monero is a honeypot.
They certainly do.
Monero is a honeypot.
Do you have any proof or a story of something that happened? What makes you say that?
Remember what happened to the devs?
The big question is why doesn't Anon Babble accept Monero?
the reason Anon Babble don't accept monero is because it's a honeypot remember what happened to the devs they got v& for hosting a honeypot do you think it's a coincidence that there's no privacy coin being discussed on this board other than monero
there's no privacy coin being discussed on this board other than monero
The board has discussed:
Among others.
They only accept: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dai, Dogecoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and USDC. None of those are privacy coins.
You are on a list. Not my problem.
Monero is a victim of its own cryptographic excellence. Monero is banned by many governments so it's hard for people to ape into it.