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First for buying BOIL and SOXS

why are all the weeks blending together?
agony and monotony of mundane existence.
I tell myself it is just another day closer.

about to get laid off for the second time in 12 months

th-that's another Biden win


Reposting this because I can't wait to get clowned on

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29 day February

tfw neet and never had a job

he doesn't own LAAC

he doesn't own OMQS

he doesn't own MSFT

he doesn't own LUNR

he doesn't own NVDA

he doesn't own MARA


What's your point, do you think I like the market? Do you think I'm not just investing in it in a desperate bid to escape the hellish wage cage? I'd like to see it burn to ash if it meant I no longer have to work to get by. Maybe I can become autistic if I sniff enough markers, who knows.

Skill issue
Difficult to replace valuable workers like me are never laid off

I wish I could time my short right.

good goy

getting laid twice in a 12 month period

Why didn't you tell me 40% ago?

extra day

year is 366 days

Free stock day tomorrow; anything can happen.

both options you laid out are dead ends. you gotta swing for the fences and keep multiplying your money. I wouldn't fuck around with real estate or fixed income until I have at least 7 mil.

tfw retired and just have to not fuck up and end up in the poorhouse

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They're threatening to cut my whole team... again.

Just become "them"


kek how? Dou you browse this site at work?

SOUN calls?
Earnings this week right?

I didn't know till 20% ago and missed that because it didn't have a SCHWAB EQUITIES RATINGS rating of A but I have a piece of it in XAR.

DELL CALLS...and some puts

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just buy calls with 400% IV bro

Asian futes

Meme lines worked for once

Thanks. Can’t fire someone you need and can’t replace hehe
Supply and demand baby

The job search is horrible good luck anon

This new company is cutting R&D spending (just like the last place) because the economy is headed into the shitter and they need to conserve cash.

just buy calls with 400% IV bro

To hedge the calls you write with 450% IV

Where are you at, YTD? I want to know if I should inverse you or follow you into these.

Just become a trucker, you will never be unemployed. I got laid off in tech, got my cdl in 3 weeks, and broke 90k in 1 year.

sorry to gear anon. i was laid off for few months and just started working again. hope you get something fast.

High risk high reward r-right?


What's it like? Do you get to visit home often?

cutting R&D spending (just like the last place)

Oh yeah there was some massive tax loophole they just closed. Straight up cash for any wagie writing software.

considering c++ is hot garbage rust might be an actual improvement. but then again i do remember some genuinely ridiculous shit you'd have to do just so the code would compile.

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Depends on if you do long hauls or interstate. If yes you won't. If you do in-state you likely will, but you will be paid less.

i'm getting extremely close to ragequitting a FNAG job i've had for almost 7 years with nothing lined up and a measly 250k in investments
please either talk me down or egg me on

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Do you make 6 figures working inside with air conditioning? Because you have a dream job for 99% of the world.

transfer to fed job.
I haven't done anything in 3 weeks. I beat about 7 pokemon roms on my phone in the last 3 weeks.

??? You mean puts, right? They're gonna dump after their earnings

How do you only have 250k in investments from a faang job

day 2 of nofap
portfolio is red again
my supervisor is an asshole i hate him

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How bad we’re taking

you should be happy because 99% of people are poor

Nah. It doesn't work that way. Otherwise we should ridicule people living in poverty in any country with a civilization just because bloated malaria mosquito ridden children in africa exist

yes, but it has started to damage my soul. i can actually make things, and i'm just catching flack for not publicly fellating my own dick after doing so (which was never a problem until recently).
i can probably get another one once i want/need one. this wouldn't be the first time i quit to sit on my ass for a while.

how do you only have 250k if you had a tech job for 7 years? that was literally my sign up bonus

So who is actually the wealthiest /smg/er?

I'm thinking it goes to 5 by end of next week

because i'm bad at investing and (incorrectly) thought we were going to get wrecked these past couple of years
the older i get the more attractive something like this looks

Wouldn’t the nvidia partnership say otherwise though?

Otherwise we should ridicule people living in poverty in any country with a civilization

Correct. There's nothing wrong with being poor in 1st world country. But if you stay poor your entire life then you should be ridiculed. If you're born somewhere like Nepal then God hates you, and you were fucked from the start.

So who is actually the wealthiest /smg/er?

There are a few of us lower middle class folks around (low 7 figures). I don't think anyone's above $3m.

Well, my wife does tell me I act very retired sometimes.

Anyone else feel like buying Nintendo and Cheesecake Factory stock?

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I'm in mid six figure hell


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This. Also start attending your local Pentecostal church, stack physical silver, and start listening to Chicken Fried by Zac Brown Band on repeat.

I think they make a pill for that. Just go all-in LABU and you might profit off it.


literally my sign up bonus

well apparently i get paid shit compared to you! like literally a tenth of your salary, going by sign-on
i can only think its in part because my background consists of shitty startups and an abusive childhood


Tbh I think Nvidia is going down in the short term, not a whole ton but enough for people to lose confidence with SOUN when they realize itw chinkshit and they're not making money

Fwiw, I'm not putting a whole ton in there. 99% of my wealth is in safe normal investments, it's only fun money in options for me

Same brother

ZM calls......all of you will regret not buying tommorow.....

Raw money doesn't mean anything. You can be raking in one hundred thousand a year and still end up being "broke" due to life choices. It's not how much you make that's the important thing, it's how much you keep. When you have shat to work with you tend to get an appreciation for making every dollar last. Lifestyle creep is the biggest drain to the pocketbook. "Look at me I can upgrade my car to fit in with the neighbors finally" mentality. Don't fall for that. Be the dude who when he dies, they're shocked he ends up being rich as fuck even though he lives like a cheap bastard.

Why don't you guys go into union trades and not get laid off?

Yeah you should definitely just quit then. Who needs a nice job? Who wants to support their family and retire early? Go work at a soul uplifting company like McDonalds instead.

No new posts

trades are full of faggot druggies

didn't mean to include the greentext

my kids retarded mom got arrested and now im gonna have to be a full time dad for the next 15 years

i dont want to work with retards

Union electricians make $120k without overtime in major cities. Not a bad gig.

You stand out a lot easier and are much more likely to be promoted

My salary isn't super high for tech I think. About 150k yearly currently.

I'd post the offer letter but you'd say I edited it. Anyway my sign on bonus was 75k cash in two payments, spaced 1 year, and 175k in company stock to vest over 4 years. The stock is locked in at the price when I joined which is nice. I have about 220k unvested still, and I've received a quarter of the stock already

Yeah that's much less impressive and believeable

You fuckers are unreal.

Lmao ok. I'm honestly not in touch with what normal salaries and bonuses are.

if you didn't catch on my job is no longer 'nice' for me despite the salary and my attempts to fix it

my sign on bonus was 75k cash in two payments, spaced 1 year, and 175k in company stock to vest over 4 years

i could be wrong but to me that's a 37.5k sign-on bonus, ~260k first-year salary, then ~220k yearly after that (plus bonus of course).
for what it's worth that drop after the first year (plus the difference of maintenance stock grants vs the initial 4 year grant) is what people talk about with a "cliff" in compensation - you can end up getting paid less after working for a few years than you did to start, which is just insulting if your output and responsibilities have increased with no commiserate increase in recognition or compensation.

Agreed 100%. Off some back of the napkin math I just did I save a bit more than 45k a year off an 110k pretax salary. Several of my colleagues are probably closer to saving 10k based off the way they spend

After 5 year apprenticeship making $20/hr working 60 hr weeks.


I see, thanks, guess I was wrong on nomenclature.

Seriously you guys need to get into a fed job. I legit don't even need a 401k if I wanted.

50% of my salary for the rest of my life after 20 years + 2 years of full salary once I'm done.

I'll be retired at 45

4 year apprenticeship that pays $30 an hour to start with 10% raises every 6 months.

How do you get into it?

levels.fyi is a great site for making you want to rope (at least until you realize those salaries require you to work at a FAGMAN)

is it worth being a literal glowie THOUGH

Why is it going down?
Or better yet why should we buy your bags? Are they planing to move into US market?

I had an offer for a job with the military, but I would have had to move to some base in the middle of the country. It's so flat and boring there, I couldn't do it. I'd honestly rather get sent to a base in Africa or the North Pole.

Lauren Southern's sister is practically topless on Twitch rn

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how so? I work out 3 times a week in my home gym. read for an hour a day. Have a good friend group, fiance, two jobs and a start up I am working on. I literally wake up at 5am and go to sleep at 11pm

Long selection process. You gotta scour for contracts for the most retarded jobs. I'm talking jobs that nobody is qualified for with obscure requirements.

government vehicle rental specialist

procurement supervisor for the dept of energy

fleet manager for a small town

these jobs are small, usual one of positions (I'm a supervisor of noone yet its my job title) that have requirements DESIGNED for someone who created that job.

Problem is those people died or moved meaning there is this obscure job that no one looks after that apparently(according to hiring) needs to be filled. Nobody is qualified. Degrees don't matter. No one applies because no one thinks they're qualified.

Do I know a thing about procurement? Nope. Do I know anything about govt contracts? No. What do I actually do? I put some numbers into payment software from some company billing us god knows what about twice a week for 3 hours.

I'm tired of living in a totalitarian shithole (the United States). What stocks should I invest in based on this sentiment?

How do I find this hilarious shit?

Bullish for sure

Now she dropped her Sushi all over the floor

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look up federal jobs for the most obscure shit you can think of. Any 3 letter oganization has mountains of retarded jobs for each agent actually doing something.

The dumber the better. I'm talking NOAA, Dept of Agri, the mountains of civie jobs in the military (harder to get if you aren't a vet)

ever seen War Dogs? Imagine that but with jobs instead of bullets and guns.

I have ascended to realizing 5 days should be the minimum nofap session instead of 3 days. My trades have been quite good after that.

You described it just then yourself, you do the same thing every day.
Above I provided a list of a bunch of different activities you can try and mix in that provide the same or better results for mental health!!!
Sorry if they don't help, I know it takes a lot of effort to get into something new and it sounds like you're already balancing alot!! good luck.

WMT, PM, MO, XOM, CCJ, silver and short USD

That's kinda my uh job title; its just a catch all thing to fit many actual positions. The specs for it call for a bachelor degree and other shat. Do I have a college degree? Fuck no. How'd I get it? Well timing helped. Long story short; people left, I was gonna leave, new management promoted me way up to keep me happy, I was one of the last few left who knew anything about anything. I "supervise" when my boss is out plus other things. (Joke, I do "nothing", sure the job gets done don't get me wrong but its not hard)

the more you post the more i like
are any of these open positions fillable by an agency or contract instead of a regular person, by any chance?

State govt jobs are like this to.

Trade school is a pain in the dick. You'd better not have many bills to pay because trying to work full time while going to school full time is almost impossible.
I nearly went homeless while going to school because no one will hire me until I graduate which isnt for another year.


There is literally no description of any of these kind with no qualifications listed.

You vill do ze dance
You vill do ze yoga
You vill take ze pills
Und you vill be happy

War Dogs

good movie
recommended watch

It depends on a ton of factors. Sometimes its contracted by its rare. Where I work its typically like this. The most common contracts are usually for projects, not positions.

"temp" hire on a 1 year contract

5 year contract upon successful one year (your pension starts here)

20 year+ indefinite upon 5 year completion (Almost always given 3 years in instead of waiting full 5)

Kek what do faggots even use c++ for these days? I'll get AI to program it for me.

Slops back on the menu boys

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Took me literally 3 minutes. This job is a nothing job. Pays 150k a year. See half those duties? Throw half them out. See the shit about meetings at high level? Yeah guarantee that's 4 guys in an office talking about how to not get fined when taking DG across the border.

The way it works is this; You start out at the bottom, a high school grad could do it type position. Stick it out for 6 months. Probation period. Once that's over with your free to move up within the state employment system. (aside; you also get a 5% pay hike after that 6 months). You can't be fired. You can apply for whatever you want and still do whatever your doing while you wait for an interview. If the job search don't pan out, oh well, your still got a job. The other way is via promotion. Your an "office tech I" Bottom of the barrel. They promote you to an "office tech 2". Or they just say fuck it and promote you to an "office tech 4" and skip 2 and 3. Depends on who's your boss and how much interest there is to do it. The third way is via the legislature; these fucks set the state's spending and also give out pay hikes to employee's. How much in a given year depends on them. Used to be you'd get an auto 5% every year like clock work no mater what you did.

So your solution is to just do something new?

Would you need to tailor your resume to the posting or could you throw anything at it and just correlate current/previous roles to those tasks?

Or better yet why should we buy your bags? Are they planing to move into US market?

No i was using the weed stock bubble example for what will be happening for the AI bubble. Get your AI stocks bro. It'll BOOOM the next two years.

I tailored mine. Straight up had to make like 45 different resumes. My job I was nowhere near qualified for but slid in after a short stint as a basic data entry clerk. Now I'm doing less data entry for more money. Not great but enough.

Yeah government jobs are easy as shit to both get and do, I had a dogshit resume out of college that every company would autoreject, and nearly every government job I applied to at least gave me a phone interview.

The fourth way is rarely used. They call it "special duty". Way it works is this; Say you get roped into doing something way outta your normal duties due to whatever reason. You complain loudly. They'll jack your salary and fix your title to match the shat your doing. Uh I know fucks who went from a pay grade 9 to a 14 via this. Supposedly this "special duty" lasts for 1 year then you revert to whatever you were. However notice I said supposedly. In practice once they set that new salary/title it's set in stone from then on.

Did you read my mind? I've been seriously considering buying either NTDOY or NTDOF, the latter in my Fidelity account can only be purchased in lots of 100 and with a $50 foreign exchange fee, but I will genuinely own the shares.

Me in the back right (the small one)

That would be/was my starting place when I got sick of my daily drivers, it took me exactly 4 tries to find something that I could actually care about and made my baseline a little higher.
try one, or a combo of a few activities.

I guess all that, or try the fucked up satanic shit other wealthy people indulge in, but that sounds like a really lame boys club.

Dollar is really calm here. Do you think tmr dollar will move?

Zhangs WTFWT!?!?! It was blood green just a half hour ago!

Who told me to sell LUNR puts? Reveal yourself!

When do you think BITW is going to reach NAV?

Fuckin GROSS. He will never be a woman.
I might buy




jerome please

I bought puts this morning, they went ITM after hours.

She is just asking for it at this point

I'd post the offer letter

but you wont

Nobody knows who I was in the last thread

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Half of those tickers are the ones helping the USG LARP as the 50 cent army.

god and santa knows

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Oh, I can tell by the way you type. I'll keep it a secret though ;)

elephant foot

You should really be in YINN, right now

Can you fucks give a good play? I have $10-$20k to buy something good


These state jobs I'm looking at have no real requirements and pay tremendously well. This is insane.

What are we buying tomorrow kings?

I'm probably going to sell off my portfolio and out the money elsewhere

Nothing is pumping except some hyped up bullshit, I barely earn 5% a year after all the headache , might as well put it into a bond and move on with my life, stocks are a scam for the most part and I bet we will soon crash or worse yet just crab until 2030

Tickers NI, GGE, and RS.

BYND and SOUN puts :-)

fallout 4 is 10 years old

I just started playing it last month, breddy gud. (saw the Netflix commercial and enjoyed elder scrolls)

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wtf so the only decent earnings this evening were fucking DUOL and that literal who OKTA?
should have gone short off the close anyways since PCE is almost guaranteed to come up hotter than expected. Shit, TZA and LABU will already open down 5% tomorrow.

this jeet shilling his bags and posting NVDA / MARA / MSFT just to seem like hes not

New Vegas was best with FO3 as a close second, but their graphics are a bit dated. FO4 is kind of soulless in comparison.

Fuck yeah I bought some LABD today. I can't believe anyone would pay money for Duolingo, I would never have thought to even look at the stock.





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Nvidia, $NVDA, insiders have sold $80 million since $NVDA earnings

ruh roh raggy

first for AFL

Dear BOBO, I wrote you but you still ain't calling
I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom
I sent two letters back in autumn, you must not've got 'em
There probably was a problem at the post office or something
Sometimes I scribble ORDER SLIPS too sloppy when I jot 'em
But anyways; fuck it, what's been up? Man, how's your MARGIN?

Wtf is this gigajew market doing? Dumping aftermarket and then repumping all the way during asia? Are we gonna believe asia did this?

yes. main use of bitcoin is money laundering

Market's being pretty gay yeah. I'm on my toes for any signs of a crash and will sell all my green positions and go into bonds if so.

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DUOL has now beat their expected earnings 5 times in a row with an average 1day move after their earnings call of >16%.

have a buddy who works at Blue Origin and he said Bezos and Musk are going to have a bidding war over LUNR soon. One of them is going buy LUNR for at least $50 / share.

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and go into bonds if so

looks like it's time to head out.
I will shill ENLV once again, for the gamblers in the back.

what would I do if everything is crashing? don't say buy puts, maybe I'd do that with a % of the folio but not the bulk of it

shill some more? you mentioned some clinical trial or something right?

I would like to take this moment to remind everyone in /smg/ that the only thing keeping the US treasury bond market alive is Janet Yellen's vile jew magic.

Cash, or better yet, physical assets.

I will shill ENLV once again, for the gamblers in the back.


the US isn't defaulting any time soon

Hi /smg/, I'm glad you're part of Anon Babble and you're probably all smarter than me, but the main asset class in the average person's portfolio will soon be Bitcoin, not stocks, and you all know this.

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It's all a fuckin program anyways. All is set and done prior. The command was

pump the whole feb and stay up there

now maybe in march the program is


Anyways, not sure what to think. Thinking about buying to hedge a little, but we are so high and it is end of the month + data will be shit. But last data was also shit (CPI) (orders too) and it pumped, because high inflation + fed not hiking further + march cut off the table already priced in =higher S&P, so we could pump tomorrow again. Or we do the usual scam dump into pump as mid january on CPI, or FOMC january or CPI february (literally 3 times) on bad data (no cut) or no cut (fomc).

The S&P looks almost too obvious like a bull flag. Look at this. It's a 50/50 chance this is a trap. Planting such a bullflag on the last day of the month on inflation data right before the next month starts.

Even if we somehow don't (unlikely IMO), you're still going to be bagholding those underwater bonds until they mature.

oh sure fair, not a problem if get several 3 month bonds and space them out

Why are jews always hopping around in groups, digging tunnels underground, and abducting children??? What kind of a group of people centers a culture around such nonesense?

How are yields not going up???

Holy fuck, I've got the radio playing and Material Girl by Madonna is on right now and it goes so perfectly with this. I highly recoomend trying it while just letting this webm loop.

I don't know and it's very disconcerting.

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We've been retard pumping because of stealth QE. There's multiple layers to this scam, but at a high level they're flooding the market with extra liquidity while lying about the inflation that it causes.

Who the fuck goes to an Abraham Lincoln convention

Is there a website they all buy their hats and jew gear from?

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anon I need some shilling from you
which calls do I buy

How are they doing this though? Would just directly doing QE be that bad for market sentiments?

Is anybody getting deja vu circa 2012-2014 when the narrative was how great the economy was, but nobody was actually feeling great about it?

Biomeme targeting Solid Cancers, Sepsis with their Phase 2 clinical trial results supposed to come out by or at end of Q1 2024.
- Vice President of Enlivex.
"We expect, in line with our prior timeline guidance, to report the top-line data readout from the trial by the end of Q1 2024." There was a dude who spoke hebrew who interpreted 'AT' the end of Q1 as opposed to 'BY' in the interview.

It is really risky because it isn't an overly funded treatment type yet, they are trying to reprogram the Macrophages involved in the Sepsis disease process in this trial.

However, their phase 1b trial results successfully mitigated and prevented mortality in minor cases of sepsis in the Pneumonia and "Urinary?" systems (Sofa scores of 3.4 and under.
The Phase 2 trial results will be targetting much more severe Sepsis cases I believe Sofa scores of 11 and under, and it will also be testing the viability of the direct drug vs. the frozen extended shelf life version of the same therapy.

TLDR; Very risk and reward heavy Israel-based biomeme targeting a cure or profound mitigation of Sepsis and other Macrophage related diseases "Solid cancers, etc..." Their Phase 1 results show successful mitigation of minor cases, now Phase 2 is major cases and testing the longer shelf live version of the drug.

I'm in commons, AVG 1.90ish I can't advise on the options. The stock will likely be all or nothing based on the results, or a long looooong time till another chance.

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Fed’s Logan: Slowing Balance Sheet-Runoff >Doesn't Mean Stopping

- Need To Disconnect Idea Of Slower Runoff Pace, Ending QT

You mean the Obama years? A lot of Biden's staff is the same as it was during the Obama administration so yeah. Honestly it's the same strategy with the public we are seeing.

As EU I don't have a right to speak on this. They haven't even started yet:

On 14 December 2023 the Governing Council announced that it intends to continue to reinvest, in full, the principal payments from maturing securities purchased under the PEPP during the first half of 2024 and to reduce the PEPP portfolio by €7.5 billion per month on average over the second half of the year. At the same time, the Governing Council announced that it intends to discontinue reinvestments under the PEPP at the end of 2024.

The PEPP is a temporary asset purchase programme covering private and public sector securities. The Governing Council decided to increase the initial €750 billion envelope for the PEPP by €600 billion on 4 June 2020 and by €500 billion on 10 December, to a new total of €1,850 billion

7,5billion monthly, of 1850.

Yeah, thanks.

Because they're *supposed* to be tightening to fight inflation, but in reality yields started showing signs of running away into a debt crisis and they're also desperate to avoid an outright recession for political reasons. The treasury is doing liquidity operations to subsidize the long end of the yield curve by selling additional short term bonds at worse interest rates, plus the fed is emptying the reverse repo program's liquidity into the market, plus the BLS is rigging CPI, plus I strongly suspect there are multiple other types of financial judaism being carried out that aren't public knowledge.

I should clarify, the current trial coming out is ONLY for sepsis organ failure, not the Solid cancers and alot of the other Macrophage related things. I think their Osteoarthritis trials are slowly coming along too, but that's a much smaller market.

I'll also add, their current market cap is 55M USD, the target market for Sepsis organ failure could be as high as 25-30B USD

The treasury is doing liquidity operations to subsidize the long end of the yield curve by selling additional short term bonds at worse interest rates, plus the fed is emptying the reverse repo program's liquidity into the market, plus the BLS is rigging CPI

Source on all of this? I mean I don't doubt it but I'd like to learn more because this is all very concerning.

It's a dumb game. For the Fed:

price stability

high employment

as mandate which can contradict. Then you have the treasury that doesn't want high interest rates or the debt increases fast and stark. It's such a major conflict of interest. The system is broken from the getgo. Everybody wants to avoid a recession for political reasons as well as personal if you are a politician or part of the government like Yellen.

thanks anon
I'll put in an order for 2.5c Aug 16 call, if it's cheap (~0.8) I'll buy it otherwise I'll pass


LOL, you can buy goy, but you can't sell, not until we did first. Wtf is this.




ya'll need some serious help on choosing your investments.

Keep it cheap unless you're crazy, there is always a chance of result delays etc.. etc... my exposure is way too high, but I'm in commons and i'm crazy like dat

picrel is two big names that have some exposure to this stock

ccf is a joke and doordash is carrying the corpse of this company

who said anything about investing... lol

I will shill ENLV once again, for the gamblers in the back.

for the gamblers



The CPI falsification more insidious because everyone is pretending that it's not happening. But you'll notice that CPI numbers published by the executive branch habe been disagreeing with both the Federal Reserve's inflation estimates, as well as real-world price increase when you go shopping. Also, artificially lowering CPI makes GDP appear higher than it actually is. We've been in a recession for two years now.

ugh I should have just went to bed, i'm going crazy..

This time picrel is actually two big names that have some exposure to the stock

Here the "emergency" program. They are lending money, and they aren't even stopping really. They probably buy the stock market with it. And sell everything off when they have to repay.

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im a value investor i dont trade but lmao i would never invest in that company or anything related to sepsis (((research))).

the best investment and company that i have found is AFL. i keep buying and right now there is no other stock that i want to buy.

Wow looks strong, i'll add it to my watchlist, nice!
I hold IBB, QSR, INTC, and a small amount of XFN and I'm sitting on decent cash to gamble with cause I'm a total degenerate.

Welcome back bro

Only a matrilineal religion could end up with men acting like this

the b*tcoin pump just makes me wanna (finally) break into the market and slurp ~$10k worth of safe options in my cunt (raw materials and uranium in australia). is this normal?

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Policymakers meeting in Frankfurt last week agreed that the ECB would stick to a "floor" system, where the central bank effectively sets the lowest rate at which banks would lend to each other, the sources said on condition of anonymity because the deliberations are confidential.

But there is an important twist: The ECB will not single-handedly decide how much liquidity it provides to the banking system once it has finished draining excess reserves some years from now, the sources added.

Instead, policymakers agreed commercial banks would help determine that by borrowing the reserves they need from the ECB, in a similar vein to what the Bank of England is doing.

For now, no change is planned for banks' minimum reserve requirements, which will remain at 1% of customer deposits. But the sources said that some individual policymakers are keen for such a move and may propose it.


Money actually isn't even real.

The ECB still owns some 4.7 trillion euros ($5.1 trillion) worth of bonds, meaning the banking sector as a whole will have more reserves than it needs until 2029, according to the ECB's own estimates.

A staff paper found the ECB could halve its stock of bonds by mid-2026 but would then have to resume purchases to underpin banks' lending to the economy.

It's all about childhood trauma, their mothers destroying their brain since birth, and the perversion and frustration that comes from having their baby penises mutilated

Kek, it's with the shitty nutrition-table you can see on the bottom left.


green to red

Peanuts are D or E.
Cashews are B or A
Almonds are A.
Fatty fash, depending on salt is B (mackarel) or D (hering).
But almonds are A, lol.

bubble gonna explode soon?

plebbit discussing cohencidences

oy vey

Chinese futures sure are a roller coaster tonight. I kinda hope it dumps more just so the meme lines are wrong, even though I loaded more YINN today.

Actually interesting reddit thread.
Since I'm nonnative it's harder for me to understand, but it unironically seems similar to my "critique" here about the 1% minimum reserve requirements. Lowering the margin also just means needing less actual money.

Honda will introduce a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle that can also be recharged, becoming the first Japanese automaker to bring the technology to market, per Bloomberg

So is this good or bad for car markets? EVs about to get thrown into the trash? What are the environmental consequences besides a shitload of water vapor in deserts near highways??

Wtf. Expected mom +0,5%, actual -0,4%
But yoy it is -1,4% and expected was -1,5%. How is the mom almost a percentage worse but the yoy better than expected. How can one move into positive from the estimate while the other is going negative.

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jd.com and alibaba look like a great buy atm.

How is the mom almost a percentage worse but the yoy better than expected. How can one move into positive from the estimate while the other is going negative.

Cool it with the antisemitism.

Didn't Toyota already bring a HV to market? And didn't the infrastructure recently get scrapped?

Just run the wheel on dividend stocks bros. It’s so easy

Possible Double Top Forming on S&P 500 at a Major Trendline of Resistance

EVs are globohomo's wet dream, but the technology is so trash that I doubt they'll become mainstream.
Though people DID line up for the mark of the beast, so anything is possible.

-Not enough mineral resources for mass production.
-Big Brother gigacontrolling your car, can turn it off, can ban destinations, logs all your routes, films and records audio at all times, etc.
-You are basically entering a gigantic microwave and getting cooked while riding them.
-Many people seem to be about done with globohomo's bullshit since they keep pushing their luck, and this will create resistance.

The technology for free electricity and non-contaminating fuel for cars has existed for many decades, and it has been supressed. This is common knowledge by now.
The only question is how much they want to force EVs down people's throats, or they will let go of that idea

Honestly cars with hydrogen fuel cells have way more potential as an alternative "environmentally friendly" vehicles than electric vehicles it's not even funny. There has to be some sort of global scheming going on to be promoting these shitty ass electric vehicles for all the pork barrel spending that comes for this scam

Nivea (by Beiersdorf) growing 16,2%

Who the fuck buys this shit?

Ingredients of Nvea Cream

Aqua, Paraffinum Liquidum, Cera Microcristallina, Glycerin, Lanolin Alcohol, Paraffin, Panthenol, Magnesium Sulfate, Decyl Oleate, Octyldodecanol, Aluminum Stearates, Citric Acid, Magnesium Stearate, Limonene, Geraniol, Hydroxycitronellal, Linalool, Citronellol, Benzyl Benzoate, Cinnamyl Alcohol, Parfum
The fuckin use ALIMINUM in their skincream.

Liqiudum Paraffinum

Cera Microcristallina

And you are essentially plastering your face with oil.

I still don't understand FED's reverse repo crap. They are loaning out securities and then buy them back at a higher price... meaning they lose money? Also, according to the official graph, the amount of this trickery is slowing down so they are providing less of a stimulant to the markets relative to before?

Also, we probably finna pump today EUbros. Worse GDP numbers is certainly bullish. That just means we will pump ever harder when the economy bounces back in the future.

Also, what the hell is driving inflation now? y/y inflationary data should be bloody good now considering the easing of electricity prices and oil/gasoline prices. Producer prices and wholesale prices down, yet consumer prices keep increasing. Nice price gouging


Thinking about switching from Robinhood to a different brokerage, what do y'all use? Ideally should have options and fractional shares and

I still don't understand FED's reverse repo crap. They are loaning out securities and then buy them back at a higher price... meaning they lose money? Also, according to the official graph, the amount of this trickery is slowing down so they are providing less of a stimulant to the markets relative to before?

If my understanding about all of this is correct I think so. It's fucking insane how bad that is though. It's like watching a monetary policy running an engine on fumes.

Nobody knows what they are doing, but all they do is hold up the shitshow.

In regards to EU I think we will dump on shitty US inflation, and either repump tomorrow like >But last data was also shit (CPI) (orders too) and it pumped, because high inflation + fed not hiking further + march cut off the table already priced in =higher S&P, so we could pump tomorrow again. Or we do the usual scam dump into pump as mid january on CPI, or FOMC january or CPI february (literally 3 times) on bad data (no cut) or no cut (fomc).

Also, gasoline is going up? Look at it. It is at almost last year feb-march levels. December and january were low, and DESPITE that dump on gasoline and diesel/fuel oil the CPI was higher than anticipated.

I have been dedicating the past few months to learn about female young influencers, particularly from the US and Japan / Korea.
Skincare is a BOOMING industry, and girls nowadays get more and more treatments, also from a younger age.
The technology in make-up, skincare, haircare, etc. has developed a lot in recent years. As computer hardware has been stagnating, looksmaxxing has been exploding.

environmentally friendly pressurised tanks of extremely flammable gas

Is gasoline not highly flammable in the first place?

Ironically my mother who is almost 70 gets compliments for her skin. People think she's a lot younger, around 50. She never really used skincream and no makeup. Whenever she uses makeup she looks worse (eyeliner) as she doesn't really know how to do it. She has large eyes and somehow makes them smaller with the eyeliner, lol, the exact opposite of why women use it.

Also what technology, they use OIL.

... female natural gas?

Oh you are severely underestimating how bloody important skin care is (and other "types" of care). They can hike prices as much as they want and people will buy the products. Most of the stuff is pretty "cheap" so if they hike from 5 to 7 bucks, normies don't really see it but that was a 20% hike.
Skin care is legit one of the best and easiest ways to profit off of people. You throw in some tea tree oil or some "new" ingredient, hike by 20%, and keep selling. Unbelievably good business.
Relative to 2023, gasoline is cheaper now. Actually much cheaper. Electricity prices have also gotten TECHNICALLY cheaper but here's the real kicker... they hiked the taxes so despite electricity getting cheaper to produce, they actually earn more on it because they get to tax even more. At least here. Complete clown show and I'm getting sick of it.
I am going all in on stocks because this will continue forever. People love taking it up the arse and companies can just keep price gouging.
Tech, steel, industry, military. I am all in on these

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That's how the repo market works. This is just the fed stepping in and improving liquidity indirectly (I think). Considering most money market funds are parking that cash in the RRP fundresearch.fidelity.com/mutual-funds/composition/31617H201 it's no surprise that the amount is drying up at an accelerated rate.

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The BTC pump kind of suspiciously follows right after the AI stock pump. Never seen it move this fast since 2017. The ETF and MSTR inflows account for not even a fraction of the volume. Almost like it's kind of a completely manipulated market.

it's not really comparable. your gasoline car doesn't turn into a bomb if something bumps the fuel tank


-26,6% building permits in 2023 vs 2022

as low as 2012

rates + material costs

meanwhile Heidelberg Materials (construction materials) and Holcim making records

Yeah, politics and politicians literally failed.

goal of 400000 appartments

265000 likely

It is important in the sense of people buying it, but it is actually overwhelmingly bad. Especially the regular stuff like Nivea.

Almost like it's kind of a completely manipulated market.

It is but not because things pump one after the other, that would happen in a real market too. The trick I guess is to figure out what people will rotate into after crypto.

for me, its the veins bulging in his biceps

Indiana has pushed forward a bill to ban China, other ‘foreign adversaries’ from buying farmland, per NYP

Bullish for farm stocks?

There are so many systems in place in traditional markets that suveil manipulation. None of that exists on an asset like crypto. When you have exchanges offering up to 100x leverage and people that worked there openly admitting they traded against clients. It's pretty obvious what's going on.

Older generations inherently had better health, and looked better naturally. That's because they had access to healthier food, less polluted air, water, copper pipes, no EMFs, etc. etc.

The technology has improved, as far as professional treatments go; skincare products for use at home (which were previously only available at drs.) I heard that there is a new type of nail polish that lasts a whole month before fading away now.
Nails and eyelashes products have improved too.

Don't care about it if you don't want. Or go actually look into it if you are interested, up to you.

They don't even need to prove the efficacy of whatever new ingridients they throw in. So the sky is the limit as far as how many more stuff they can put on shelves. Girls will buy them as long as the package is nice and fancy, only a very small fraction will actually take into account research on the properties of the ingridients used.
There is a lipstick with micro gold and diamonds going for usd$62k, and many more ridiculous shit out there.

Assuming no new BTFP scheme pops up once this one ends, I expect bear season again with more regional banks collapsing and being absorbed by JPM.

things looked good because of natgas

ended up opening like 8 trades because desperate for gains

did HKD and NOK pairs

end up with 3 trades all net long USD

took weak USDJPY short to hedge

This doesnt feel great. Expecting to wake up down $50

wtf so there is no risk in investing into that crap? Just park your money into RRR? The FED is voluntarily losing money to provide stimulus to the markets?
Goddamn I still have so much to learn about this hack economy. Then again, it's circulatory so the money comes back to the FED. Still crazy to think about.
It's not like others are better than Nivea. Skin care products on the whole contain a lot of weird ingredients. I've seen products that contain frickin PDMS which is a flexible silicon polymer I've used before in research. Why use it on your skin? No idea

Also, you make a valid point regarding Heidelberg Materials (construction materials) and Holcim making giga profits. It's the same here. Construction is at ultra low levels yet stocks make record profits. Public/infrastructure building is still at good levels + my guess is that they are price gouging on their inventories that they got for cheap. Maybe they've reduced personnel costs which have gotten ridiculously high.

Yeah but are you seriously telling me we can't engineer it to be safe?

Warehouses like the ones Amazon operates already use hydrogen fuel cell powered forklifts.
EVs are a fucking meme, unless we have a massive breakthrough in battery technology people will look back 50 years from now in their hydrogen and LNG powered cars and laugh about how stupid we were.

France February preliminary CPI +2.9% vs +2.7% y/y expected

Good job, Macron. Send troops to Ukraine.

what is this trading pattern called?

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Think about it. If money leaves one asset, it enters another. You choose the risks you expose yourself to, whether systemic, inflationary, or jurisdiction. Some market conditions demand being risk on or risk off.
Also consider that the Fed's job is to manage cashflows on accounts and adding or removing liquidity (and altering the price) to combat inflation
Inflation itself is a buzzword. It is ALWAYS caused by printing money, and invisible tax. Transient inflation is what they are managing, caused by temporary supply chain and input issues etc

the toyota mirai cannot be charged at home.
a lot of the issues with hydrogen is that you have storage issues and production issues: hydrogen molecules are so small that they can actually leak through certain tanks; with production is that the most popular green (electrolysis) method of production is inefficient. you can get it out of natural gas but that produces co2, which kinda puts the whole reason for switching to hydrogen useless.

there are these studies though:

hydrogen from algal biomass


using filters instead of electrolysis


not 100% related, but keratin can be used in fuel cells will make them cheaper


electric cars are good for cities and suburbs, outside of that not so much.

Rain drops faster than snow from clouds

You could think of the RRP as an emergency liquidity sink meant to trap excess covid stimulus. It can be filled and drained at will, in order to manage inflationary/deflationary pressure without having to tap external federal branches or lawmakers.

True. Posted this yesterday. The kilometre distance decreases with highway use (Autobahn). I for one know that driving on the autobahn is more efficient with combustion and in the city it burns a lot more with all the stop and go bullshit.

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French PPI m/m -1.3%

French CPI m/m +0.8%

Heh, nothing personnel normies. How nobody is picking up on this is beyond me. Essentially 4 months of inflation in a single month. Producer prices and wholesale prices keep dropping while inflation keeps increasing. Truly impressive
Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks.

It's called "Unsolicited Opinions About Israel"

and the CAC pumps

Yeah Lagarde already threw a warning at companies doing too much price gouging, but of course it has done jackshit.
Companies will continue doing price gouging until something break.

Zalando up

Vonovia up

Sartorius up

That's a memepump, especially considering today's retail numbers.

Yeah she did that but let's be real here... she benefits as much as if not more than these companies.

Sweden yet again in recession with a negative GDP (worse than expected)

Is in the blue

Bobo's balls must be bluer than the bluest ocean.

She gets 421k a year before tax and that is old data of 2022

Stocks have a bullish trend. When things get shitty, forex vix rises and gets better. Way comfier to trade currencies than shorting equities

This dogshit grindup in EU and retardpump after NVDA earnings. What the fuck is this market actually? France pumping on NVDA? Or Sweden, what does it have to do with AI?

NVDA earnings was like, last week


Yes and look what it did to the DAX/CAC/OMX, like, last week

this is why you're poor

Shit baker didn't link

but I'm not?

Never trade nok its a bad curency
Instead try yen (JPY) it is really nice very predictable easy trade with marked figure

based and brap pilled