Is Litecoin a lost cause? I've had a smallish bag of this for a while but was thinking about converting it to Doge or Kaspa for some real roi potential during alt season. Is there any reason to keep holding my bags forever?
Convert my LTC?
No way.
if bitcoin is gold lite coin is silver.
Big candle to number 2 maeketcap is emminent
Because institutions, and whales are hoarding LTC.
They have agreed to never pump the price, until they decide to.
kek baggie
delusional. Litecoin has been dead for years.
It used to be #3.
Hold it down to 25 then sell
Doge is just litecoin with weaker fundamentals, kaspa is a Jewish scam. If you swap it for anything, swap it for Bitcoin. The ETF is where all the money is coming in, there's no other tradfi to crypto pipeline.
The sentiment is extremely negative as is. I sold all my ltc some time ago, but at this ratio I'd consider keeping it. It might pump after BTC. If it doesn't pump during/ after the next big BTC pump I'd probably sell it for ETH or BTC.
trusting something created by a chinese person
Kaspa is probably the only new POW crypto that has fantastic fundamentals and massive potential to become a wildly adopted blue chip next cycle. Tainted by Jewish hand or not, bet on the winning horse when the time is right. As for Doge, I think is still has one bull market left for double digit % gains based on the meme factor alone, that and whatever happens with it on Twitter.
I agree that the price of LTC has always been very manipulated but I doubt it's because of backroom dealing or big players thinking it's the next big play.
It is a threat to bitniggers
Bitcoin is the winner.
just profit in the short run then invest in things outside crypto, according to truflation realstate, its a good option, buy property, rent it off.
so how is this part of the secret agenda of the nwo?
I have a lot of BTC but BTC maximalism stems from a loser mentality that kept people from being early to BTC to begin with. Real gains will go to those who recognize the potential in emergent technology while it's still new. BTC maximalists are boomers who were late to BTC because they didn't want to invest in it when it was new and less established.
ETH has more rrom to grow short term. Or invest in rwa
Sell it now. Look at everything else pumping, while LTC stagnates. If you want cheapo, low-fee transactions, get Dogecoin or even BCH. Nobody uses LTC for anything.
Possibly, but technically it's being outclassed by newer generations of payment coins every year, unless the schizo's are right in that once supply shock hits Bitcoin, Litecoin will move towards the same store of value mindset in the future.
He doesn't know LTC is the most widely used cryptocurrency for business transactions.
It's not, you just made that up. Far more use Bitcoin Cash and Dogecoin.
No it's not made up. It's the better coin for payments.
I get people are stressed because the BTC/LTC ratio is down (like every other alt) while BTC absorbs $…
I don’t get why you would wait to sell now in .001 range. At this point just ride the lightning bruv.
Nobody is using any of this shit except Litecoin and Monero. 99% of this market is speculation. Now you can speculate that other speculators will speculate on new coins being used, but Litecoin is actually being used.
It'll pump it's always late anon. Then swap it
I bought 25 LTC just cause it’s basically unpumped and always goes on a tear every bull run. Could hit $1500 this run and maybe even quite a hit higher. $5000 on the high end
My bags right now are 75% XLM and 25% LTC just cause they’re lagging and haven’t had their true breakout yet. Lot of room to grow
Not happening
They have infinite money to keep this down under $100
4k each
They benefit more from letting it go up so they can dump it at even higher prices.
If anything Litecoin has been turbo cucked like Monero using different methods of keeping it suppressed, which is odd considering XMR has to fight with all limbs tied behind its back while LTC is as common as coke in a vending machine.
On some level I think LTC fulfils some deep seated need to chase the roller coaster of feelings that accompany ultra lows that inevitably lead to ultra highs.
It’s a wild and exhilarating experience. Right now kind of rattling, but that building tension just leads to a greater emotional release when the potential is fulfilled…
It’ll probably work out… or it crashes and burns but all signs point to it working out.
WAGMI bros
In 2029 or 2030 sure, but 4k for this cycle is too optimistic imo. The other anon who said 1500 is more realistic, I think it'll top out around 1k if it's not held back by manipulation.
Huh? Litecoin isn’t turbo cucked. It’s on all the exchanges while Monero is on none of them. It just lags cause it isn’t as sexy so even though it goes last it still goes
He converted..
pump it
Let’s fuckin gooooooo
No it's definitely being suppressed. At least it feels like it is.
It’s not suppressed it’s always just been a lagger.
I just contacted the liteknight brigade if we hit $100 we are getting back together
And wallah we are back.
Thank you OP for your public bottom selling sacrifice. We kneel
All the recent fud threads make sense now for the slow.
we’re back
Still down 80% in sats on year lmao
"Cracks* sips looks like I'm gettin' new headers for the 'stang
It’s probably currently the best value buy along with XRP… after this post was made it finally broke and guessing we will break $100 shortly. I got lucky and snagged a $60 position with the last big drop in Sep and have been upset with its performance since… so just decided to turn it into a forget about it 1 year Cap gains investment and take another look at it in the fall or 2025
$15,000, retards. Try Bitcoin divided by 4.
Delusional. You'll be a bag of bones by the time it sustains that price.
It'll come sooner than you think, but look how long it took for Bitcoin to just now break even with inflation. $30,000 bagholders just got out of the red.
I'm not superstitious
Best start being superstitious. $1500 EOY.