Alt season

what alts are you currently looking at, Anon Babble? what narratives do you think will be most prevalent in this up and coming alt season? i keep hearing gamefi get thrown around alot but are there any decent gaming projects?

currently holding



interested in being exposed to AI and depin but feel like those narratives have almost run their course

what alts are you currently looking at, Anon Babble?

her panties

She looks like she could be a European prime minister

that's a cute man
i'm gay btw


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I hold chainlink. It should be closer to $50 by now, wtf

maybe it's because we are in the bitcoin dominance stage of the cycle, but I like the bitcoin L2 narrative
holding Stacks and Mintlayer
other alts I'm holding are KAS and CAU



I for one appreciate the timeline we live in that they just gave up on trying to be real countries and just started appointing hot cat grills as their leaders for my viewing pleasure



BRC20 seems like the gigaretardchad play

lol wtf is this timeline what are we even doing anymore the world has gone completely insane

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currently holding NOS
took profits and sold about half but considering dumping the whole bag for ETH/SOL

the narrative doesn't matter so much, only the results matter and that's why I have faith in Truflation, other than that I have 40% in BTC/ETH, 30% in SOL and the rest in different shitcoins with which I daytrade.

Gonna get about 20k worth of mid cap alts split between



and I haven't decided the other yet.

believe all women are whores


so, basically you don't touch any grass

BTC is a bad investment, risky environment and mediocre returns

u were ok until u say daytrade

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Or your mom

I use truflation as well, pretty good tool, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone

bump for the boys

if you are going to invest in alts, at least invest in alts that are pegged to btc/sats. that way, if your alt coin is worth 400 sats per token, when btc pumps 20% and your alt is still worth 400 sats per token, guess what, your alt also pumped 20%. wow!

why stop at brc20? invest in some tap tokens. did you know with tap a sender can airdrop thousands of tokens to thousands of addresses in 1 single inscription? the sender creates an Inscription with all data like receivers, amounts etc and sends this Inscriptions to himself (= tapping). And according to that Inscription data, the receivers get their coins without receiving the Inscription. wonder what a project would rather do a mass airdrop on, hmmmm brc20 or tap i wonder

MUMU. Unironically

Still holding grt and shib. These will moon again and I'll laugh.

That's where the money is

Let's go fil bros

Bought opsec, GPU, type ai last week. Got to admit I didn't do any research

Circle on Basechain. Its this cycles Safemoon

you can't seriously believe some shitty rug pull will take off safemoon was always a joke and circle will be too the only real thing to invest in is bitcoin if you don't get that you are dumb as hell you should delete this dogshit thread

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Got about 5k currently waiting to deploy and I'm thinking of getting FIL first. It seems really promising and i just have a good feeling about it. I think my 5k will be worth more in the future as FIL.


Basically perfect for a meme-based pump

I have 22 million

I have 329 mil SHIB. It's the #2 allocation in my portfolio behind BTC.

My vechain is up 72% and rising *100 emoji* *100 emoji*


screenshot this, you're welcome

Tok kek, me too

It's insanely underpriced for its meme potential

why does he look like such a bitch?? damn. resting bitch face much??

i only have about 500,.... but atleast i have that...????

whats alph???

Alt season will be actually swarmed by satoshisync shit, once they start imprinting their tokens and shit market will be flooded .
Time to buy the right one

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this will 100x, if you aren't holding this by the end of this week, you're ngmi

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Pic rel is you

The thread is called "alt season". Your reading comprehension is dog shit. Perhaps you should just stick with BTC as you suggested since it appears you probably can't handle any further research.

Circle is literally this cycle's Safemoon. The FUD surrounding it has been unreal already. Its only 3 weeks old and over 7% of the supply is burnt. It has the best ponzi-nomics I've ever seen.

The best part is I know I'm over the mark here because you strictly commented only on my altcoin pick and had nothing to say about the rest of the ones being shilled.

You couldn't be more obvious and lacking self awareness.

Here you go faggots enjoy making some money for once.

Circle address


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Unironically Aerodrome Finance.




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100% alephium, bought at 0.15

holding BAT until it goes to $40

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WARPED (team behind starl that went to 800 million mc). 5 million mc right now. Target at least 500 million. Incredible dev team.

RST (Raini) - one Game out, another game coming on 1 month, another EOY. Best gaming crypto on eth and beam (avax). 50 million mc right now. 1 billion target

No, not Anchor from the Lina bullshit

Blast. (BLST)
Airdrop imminent.

bridge eth for free blast.

big names in this one.

All in AVI