In this episode of LUNA INU our little brave puppy enters his first centralized exchange!
Citex enters the building
In this episode of LUNA INU our little brave puppy enters his first centralized exchange!
Citex enters the building
Holy fuck big if true
PM'd the admin from citex tg and found out it was true
i'm so happy for you homies, seriously. I'm so happy out of all the dogs, you are the ones that made it. I hope hokkers make it too.
Why do jannies keep deleting LINU thread homies?
kek baggies
i think its mainly automated and not actual people so reports do it probably
What the fuck is Citrex isn't that what it guys use to click on exes for you
i think its mainly automated and not actual people so reports do it probably
LOL biz jannies taking a page out of Activision Blizzard
it's a asian exchange that has 5B+ in daily volume, look em up on CMC and then click the TG link. You'll see the LINU shit is real, the admins even welcome linu to their community. Maybe they'll tweet about it.
So uh, Dextools is updated. People are finding LINU.
List you coin
6b shib
200b toad
6m avi
250b dog with bat
550b linu
Will I make it
Yes similar portfolio to me
LINU niggers not much longer till 100x
lol bro you are a degenerate gambler there is no way in hell you're making it if you just buy bitcoin like a normal person instead of throwing your money away on shitcoins you would be rich
Nice .5x faggot we already had a 20x and soon we'll be back
you need to get 500B-1T linu to make it but you will get some good gains on it for sure
your avi stack is nice
toss the toad and dog with bat for linu imo and probably shib too
Will Raj challenge the jeet stereotypes? Stay tuned in for the next TeLINUvela.
it's pretty funny though lol but he's a cool chink like i said
lmao typical Anon Babble user just calling everyone that doesn't agree with them an idiot this is really going to be funny to see him lose everything
You mean 500 to 1T from where he is or just 500-1T to make it period?
1T is a make it stack IMO i don't know the official stack.
1T will be $10M if we reach 6B market cap
But if we reach even 1B...that's still over 1M usd.
Don't forget Lucky inu. <3
very nice... add a tiny stack of Hokk and PepeMMO (just in case it comes back) and hope for the best. you'll probably make a fortune
Best of luck to my dog homies too but those coins need some hard pipe hitting niggers working on them soon or they won't be enjoying big pumps.
Lucky will be back in a week or two. Hokk is still very active.
Retarded, its so fucking early and yes, every shitcoin says this but here its unironically true.
Luv my TELINUVELA, simple as.
Our time has come lhomies
Let’s do it homies. I’m all in.
GREAT decision
great decision
yeah like he didnt throw all his money in a literal casino how stupid can you be just go to a real one at least you will have a chance of getting some money its hilarious how stupid people can be
alright you got me bought a small 800b sui stack of this fucking dogcoin
Enjoy getting rugged :
What does this even mean? Zero context for anything
Try harder faggot
getting rugged for 2k dollarinos
oh no how will i ever recover
some guy said something
Ok. Still not selling hahahahaha
Ah kek its this post again. 2 weeks old screenshot, faggot. Why are you seething about LINU? Just become a homie
WAGMI homies. Simple as.
you are just exit liquidity bro you are just a pawn to be used by real investors
Selling my 20 trillion stack
Buying my 200 trillion stack