Toad is going to make it's faithful holders rich!
Buy now or cry later
Bags are packed. Did pepe reach a new ATH today?
No, still has a bit to go before a new ath
Ok so where's the token?
I'm going to use some of my toad profits to see tipper some more before he stops doing shows.
Email doesn't work
Toad is not Treat
Panda gone
Pepe ATH
It truly is over.
you're using the profit from some bullshit meme token to go see some crappy dj play in a dark room damn dude you are totally going to score with all the fat chicks there good job losing all your money so you can get some sloppy fat chick action
I'm tired of this toad-fuckery, that shitcoin isn't worth it, faggot, if i want to lose my money i would get into gambling NFTs on eesee
this is bullshit op is retarded and you know it
from drug use to gambling, the cycle of all homelessness
no shitcoin is worth it, just because some assholes defend them because they make pennies doing daytrade doesn't mean they are not.
Sorry shib scammers, no more liquidity for your farm
if you want to lose money in a better way, donate it, no need to gamble for useless NFTs
What the actual fuck is that shitcoing, omfg I swear everyday the bring more shit into Anon Babble
Toad profits
you just invented that shitcoint dont you? you litter poojet
who fuck my toad?
All types of chicks except the ones you will bring home to mom go to those things, also it’s not always in a warehouse, sometimes it’s at a swamp. And that’s one of the greatest djs of all time, probably richer than everyone in this fucking board..
Ok so where's the token?
Yea where’s the token you lowlife degenerate lying piece fucking shit
If they don't pump this im hanging myself LOL
pepe broke 1b again
"toad killer" still shitting on itself
Yea, this ain't killin no toads
this ain't killin no toads
What if it does but you were so sure it wouldn’t? Will you rope?
Sitting with a 150 billy stack prebullrun and will rope if f0f0toshi doesn't pump our bags at some point
50B enough?
If you're trying to lose all your money, you're going to need more than that.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, enjoyed fudding in your tg until your butthurt admins banned me
You dont even have to fud just asking appropriate questions will get you banned
The TOAD reveal is very soon, the biggest green candle you've ever seen.
this is bearish what's the point of the other toad twitter then
Stealth launch to trick no TOADies you're not gonna make it
this is almost the end
i'm buying another 100B stack and getting hold of 550B.
moon or dust. I'm gonna forget about this and i'm gonna wake someday still being a wagecuck or a millionaire
10 months of baggotholding.. i just can't throw the towell almost at the end
Healthy chart we will 100x and complete the humiliation ritual on xrp baggies as the only /biz coin to never pump
It's treat. Screen cap this. Sell at 250-300 million mc.
Is this the first time it’s broke $50k in volume for a day? Why you spazoids keep trying ? TURBO is Toad
not to be crying in a couple of years you have to:
get up at 5am
read 3 books
use truflation to calculate your investments
eat 4 thousand proteins for breakfast
eat standing up
its not treat but probably something brewing
Why are we pumping?
Exchange listing upcoming? Some advertising campaign? Who knows something tho, le dot for when someone finds out
It was a shit ponzi nobody cares take the L, you'll die poor.
yeah feels like something big is about to happen soon, even SHIB is gigapumping
WTF is happening?