WAGMI Car thread !

cmon winners whats your first car going to be?

FIRST care you buy with your gains ( not LAST )

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Why do you dumbshits always focus on high power sports cars, or gaudy luxury cars, when you've never owned so much as a Civic?

McLaren 720s :)

Because I like cars that give my eyes and ears orgasms, I would buy a civic too if I was poor

It's going to be a Huracan STO.

2002 Land Cruiser I buy from an old asian for $14k and a late 90s 12v Cummins

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This is assuming I TRULY make it

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what percentage of your portfolio will the car be when you buy it?

like 10%?

Because i have always wanted a flashy sports car and when the moment finally arrives where i have enough money to buy one why not go for it, i will get a more comfortable and cheap daily driven car afterwards i won't drive the sports car everywhere i go

I would only buy this if I had several million dollars so something like 3%
If I was to make it with say a million dollars I would probably buy a 30-40k car instead

a 2008 toyota avalon

Nice looking car. Eventually this will cost just 1 bitcoin.

I'm not a nigger, so less than 3%.

Same i truly want to own the car like i don't want to care about the cost of fuel or if i crash the car somehow i don't even have to worry about the cost of repairing it

this car is LITERALLY 20k second hand, ( the livery costs an extra 4k) .

I LITERALLY have a million, and am thinking of getting the posrche .

Ist his a good idea? I would never spend more than 20k on a car because I dont like the risk of losing it ). im too cheap.

1980 toyota whatever

he's not buying the chinese Tesla

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NGL thats the loveliets god damn donkey ive EVER SEEN

yeah that toyota would be perfect for you sounds like you're broke as hell you don't have a million and if you did you wouldn't be here asking on Anon Babble about what kind of car you should get with it i mean who the hell would even consider buying such an ugly ass car you're so dumb for even thinking this is a good idea

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considering a modern economy sedan is at least 20k it couldnt hurt to splurge on the porsche
repair costs might be a bitch though but youve got 7 figures I dont see why not

No you can't fuck my donkey you fucking nigger...

FUCK i cant choose between this and the Landrover defender for 20k


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commute daily with a bicycle

for longer trips or hauls I rent (Bolt Drive at my fingertips because European capital)

for automotive pleasure I actually go on trackdays with track rentals, also sometimes participating in beater car 24h races or semi-pro karting events.

Using a 2 tonne SUV or 50k+ sports car as an accessory just to sit in a traffic jam or your garage is a waste of resource and burdain to the society.
And just really stupid financially.

I’ll buy a couple Mk7 and Camdex reloading machines, so I can have a fully automated ammunition assembly line. Buy components in 55gal drums, primers by the pallet, and powder in canister drums.
And a shitton of transferrable machineguns.

Fuck cars. I want enough firepower to wage a multi-week firefight with a a national guard installation.

brown bugatti chiron t.
Soon 8 figfag

average school shooter
Verification not required.

esp a 911, i like the car because of the motor design but to many faggots with no taste have been posting about them so wont buy one now

i cant imagine being mid 7 figures

like I just cant imagine the feeling no one in your family ever has to work ever again

I swear i bet money loses meaning after 5 million

but getting towards 5 million must be like entering heaven

no its torture. Im constantly thinking if im a one hit wonder. Also you have to work very hard not to spend it all and not to fuck it up

Best feeling bro. What is your NW? U are a one hit nigger. When did you enter crypto?

Im at one million and IM just thinking, fuckit I have my house... its enough. and may just cash out. I dont think I have the patience to hodl for another 10 years ( where it def will be worth 10m)

at my peak 2.8 mill.
Right now 800k, i round tripped last cycle.
nice anon. Yah im getting out this cycle. Im tired of waiting for the fat man. Im going to buy a couple buisnsess for a constant check. I did the whole ramen thing for two cycles now. Lost a gf, got sick etc etc. i would trade all of my money to go back in time two years

i lost the girl i loved too, she misscariage and I realised she was too old to have kids

soul destroying

mine dumped me. She told me i didnt have much prospects(i didnt tell her about my crypto at the time because i was trying to see the type of person she was) Was my first love. that shit happend two years ago now. Thinking on it now what a huge mistake that was not telling her. Of course women want some type of stability. Wtf did i expect

1975 corolla

its ok I always hide my power level

but yes you could also just SHOW your power level fuck ALL the bitches and then just DEAL with the consequences

depends on your approach

I have no answers

Lnfao you're going to lose it all and end up back on square one.

2004 defender

nah hell be fine

im balls deep in BTC what about you man?

I doubt BTC will hit 150k which basically means only a 100% again = ( but hey its something

this is enough
no need to waste money

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Wow that’s nice. This will be my first cycle and I got in pretty much at the start of the bear market, but only recently broke into low 6 figures. I probably would’ve been closer to the $400k range if I hadn’t went through all the typical newfag mistakes. Regarding the mustang, I’d need some ‘fuck you’ money to get one in that condition, but other than that, I live a simple life and dgaf about most of the flashy shit out there. Here’s to hoping

how did you get enough cash to buy enough bitcoin at 20k a coin, to get into 6 figures with only a 2x? like 60k? wtf you get 60k in cash from ?

whats ur dream guys?

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