Reddit talking about exit strategies

Reddit talking about exit strategies

Bitcoin has done +160,19% in a year (with a 1 trillion+ market cap

Anon Babble saying we are not in a bull market yet

we are in the delusion phase arent we

Anon Babble is where retards come to invest. That's why everyone is so bitter.
Reddit is better.

Go ahead, @ me

Anon Babble saying we are not in a bull market yet

No one is saying that besides people shitposting as bears who have been long for a year now or more likely never sold

hey its me phoneposting now, im trans btw if that matters

R*dditors had and forever will have paper-tier hands.

we are in new paradigm phase

Anon Babble is where retards come to invest

Pure projection. I'm sorry about your condition

Agreed, thats why idiots like you don't understand volume trends. You think because the number is close to the number it was before, that it means we are at the top. When in reality, we are only in phase 1 of the bullrun.

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In crypto, delusion is king
Anyone that looks at 300% gains and thinks they need to secure it isn't going to make it far in crypto.

t. 2017 veteran

stop being so emotional, faggot

of course we fucking are, why do u need confirmation from these faggots?


this, im still delusional with $SUPER making me 10X in the next 2 months

We should talk about alternate strategies, everyone is focusing only in btc where there is another whole market to exploit. NFT market it's still there even with rwa being a thing, platforms like eesee make it easier to profit from this. btc goes up and you bitches go crazy.

there are like a lot of alts starting to grow bit by bit, this is the moment guys, stake everything, reap all!

newfag doesn't know about IDs

It's tru

Reddit talking about exit strategies

Thisshould have been your cue that the bullrun hasn't begun yet

I don't invest in anything with short term exponential growth. Simple as. I'll see you at 10k

basado, I will "take profits" when I will never have to work again

everything else is NPC shit

If you didn't buy at 16k you aren't gonna buy at 10k either

Just wait until 5 million per coin and the volatility will be gone for your boi pucci.

What the fuck does take profits mean? Like sell bitcoin for fiat dollars in a hyperinflationary environment? Lol

yes, you fucking retards. fiat dollars that can actually be used to BUY things

oh wait, you think people are going to actually pay for shit with BTC? hhahahahahahahahhahaahahahhahahahahahah

boomers parents are getting into buying btc. Yeah im totally confident its gonna 10x or 50x from here. It's literally the shoeshine boys part 2 lol

Yeah my business sells products for bitcoin. Thats how i got a fat No KYC stack at an anonymous wallet.

Stay poor fucking retard.

He explained the switch of ID in his post. Naturally, we are to infer that he has switched from a connection routed via his home internet service provider to a connection routed by his mobile cellular provider. This of course would result in a change of network address which, as we all know, is how the website 4channel delineates between users and assigns user IDs. OP also informs us that he is undergoing gender transition and asks if it matters. It doesn’t in the context of this thread, but of course will have drastic consequences in the context of his lifespan when considering his massively increased risk of suicide. The risk may even be worth the effort, if it were indeed possible for him to become what he thinks he would be happier as. Alas, he will never be a woman, and furthermore becoming a woman never would have healed his true problem: a deeply ingrained sexual deviation which results in horrendously shameful acts. I would instead recommend to OP an attempt at forming a personal, authentic relationship with Jesus Christ - shed his autogynophilic fixation and instead seek comfort in simply being. A tall order for a homosexual of this caliber

BTC is the King

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A recovery is possible. Thats my psychology at the moment.

More like bull trap. We're approaching ATH and the halvening is still over a month away.

I'm predicting a 50% drop in the next two months and then recovery by June and blowing through ATHs September-January. Blow-off top next Feb/March.

We are in disbelief

my """business""" is committing tax-fraud by accepting unreported payments in BTC

kek ok nigger. if you're not LARP'ing (or instead taking XMR), enjoy dying in a shootout with the IRS

whats the deal trump coin MAGA?
no posts about it


I predict the bullrun gets frontran this cycle. so many people are sidelined waiting for entry which is why they will never get a chance for a good entry. We'll probably have normie/retail frenzy in April or May and blowoff top in May or June and then bull cycle over. Nobody expects it

I've never seen anyone rich on reddit. I routinely see people post their yachts, sports cars, and fancy properties on here

Which group would it be obvious to listen to? You tell me beaver boy

Yeah I got fucked last cycle so I've definitely got sell orders ready to go when we hit certain price points. We'll likely bottom out at like 50k anyway so even selling now would put me in profit to buy back in after the crash.

The problem is hyperbitcoinization can't work on the bitcoin protocol. It just can't handle a global volume of transactions, even with lightning network shenanigans. And if it was forced, you'd be giving everyone in the world, including governments, perfect transparency on capital flows down to the satoshi (which would be worth like a thousand dollars or 200 big macs each).

Eventually this weakness WILL kill bitcoin, and something better will take its place.

Yeah we can also watch government capital flows too. But governments will fall and lighting or something better will build on top. Its like you fagtrons cant think.

we'll bull but we won't permabull to a new paradigm were bitcoin is an asset class bigger then Gold and will stay forever high never to go below 6 figs again. we'll be subject to bears and bulls with each cycle getting tamer and tamer. Hyperbitcoinization will happen slowly and gradually

It appears you are the newfag

Exactly, just wait out for the cycle that will go high enough for truly life changing gains and it probably won't be this one.

There's no way the next bottom is as high as 50k, only if the top is 120k+ maybe.

Nah, that happens every cycle. People that bought high last cycle are now selling way too early. They are just not made for crypto.

I'm expecting a top around $250k-400k actually.

Based play by play breakdown. Now I truely understand.

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Nope thats not how network effects work. Gradually then suddenly.

That's not impressive, my bank with fixed-term investment gives me a return of 130% per year, that's why I'm buying tokens associated with BTC (BRC20), i don't want shitty return, i want to get at least 3x in 4 months

You are all retards who doesn't know shit about finance and praise BTC for no reason

Have fun staying poor and watching real bitcoin leave you behind.

an x3 in 4 months is modest but functional

anon but I need to eat this week, not in 4 months.

praise BTC for no reason

nigga tf u talking about, we got more reasons to praise that mf virtual coin more that the usd dollars

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is this the new poojet trap nowdays?

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And not only that, i keep getting pajeets telling me to use scam sites with astronomically huge exchange fees, as if the official ones or the ones like DEXT when i'm dealing with decentralized coins
Anon Babble is alright, but there's as much shit as there is undiscovered gold

It's not like there's much to do with BCR20 either, the only bridge I currently know is SatoshiSync