Thank a shareholder Edition

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Boomer Investing 101:




Previously, on /smg/:


MARA bros...

Is DUOL going up I’m laying pipe in my Asian gf and can’t check my terminal

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slopped up edition

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I'm getting MARAped

Haven't had to use these in a while

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So why the hell do some stocks either completely dump or moon after hours after crabbing all day? Like SNOW

up or down call it?

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kek, QQQ baggies

Get slopped on you NIGGERS

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womyn not realizing the shareholders, not her, provide value

Solidly up 20%. Well done, Undertaker.


The SEC mandates companies provide quarterly earnings reports.

we are taking your gains mumu

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Call it

at least I sold a call just before close, so my cost basis is 29.85

what's $2985...? h-heh..

Fuck forgot file

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I bought some LUNR
How fucked am I
DCA of $5.88

1 year from now probably up

1 year from now probably flat

SOXL is yet again attempting a double-top. Witness the ugly triple top it tried to form after failing it's double top (and forming a double bottom.)

Yet here we are again. Markets are bullish. Put/Call Ratios on SOXL are still in favor of bulls.

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Does anyone primarily use Implied volatility+Expected move to trade weekly options

Good day for who?


I should include, the amount of people who are medicated when I think about thinking about stuff.

Yes. I am down 80% since monday.

oh noes!

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That's unexpected.

TA on a daily 3x leveraged ETF instead of the index it follows

enough /smg/ for today

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algos are not programmed to properly trade 2/29 cause the codemonkeys didn't program edge cases, kinda like the Y2K bug, so tomorrow will the be the most organic trading day of the year, big money to be made. i know this for a fact all the big financial companies IT depts are freaking out and working overtime they just realized they're fucked when they ran numbers for tomorrow

Go for it, bro. (x) out. I've been calling the turns every step of the way.

Yeah, I remember getting a weird auto notation of "Thursday March 1" lmao.

The underlying even look better than SOXL. But either way, as someone pointed out yesterday, even if you aren't doing TA on leveraged ETFs other people are, and that influences how it moves

The hidden tigers may show themselves tomorrow

Some more slop for yall

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2000 was the sitcom crash, 2008 was the housing crash, 2020 was the covid crash. What will they call 2024?

The market is delusional, I wonder what comes next

We need a /smg/ etf

I think for some fucked up reason, SOXL and maybe even SOXS trade more than their underlying. Even S.M.H.

Between Mara and coinbase wonder if it’s worth losing 1000 bucks tomorrow if bitcoin is definitely losing like 10 or 20k can’t figure out how seriously this truly is. If my calls drop 50% tomorrow I’m holding out for June.

if investing in indexes work why doesn't everyone do it?
is it really that hard not to panic sell?
will european economy stop sucking?


*dotcom crash

sitcom crash

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the faggy retard crash

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The WW3 crash.

Pedantic assholes will argue the war started in 2022 or even 2014 but everyone will ignore them.

Based. Scalping my shares here in a minute. ADSK on tap for tomorrow.

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You did buy DUOL calls didn't you anon?

what about office/housing crash again?

2000 was the sitcom crash


*canned laughter*

okay so am i completely retarded or why wouldn't i buy 100 NVAX stock right now for an easy 1000x

am i the only one who has noticed it's chart? like wtf even is this nonsense? it goes to $300 and then dumps back to $4 but then back up? That much? And it has done this repeatedly over the past 10+ years? Wtf is this someone talk me out of spending 400 bucks on this because elsewise what I see is minimal to no risk and a guarantee payoff at some random point in the future (which apparently is not simply triggered by pandemics since it has risen and fallen like that long before covid)

Could you *BE* any more cliche?

SOXL is a separate fund with its own underlying securities swaps. It doesn't have to be a pure 3x up or down in comparison to the SOXX. And you know this. Because Margin comes into play. Margin is part of the problem.

All you niggas who used to say chop-loss, chop-loss. You're right. It affects the price of SOXL compared to SOXX. But chop-loss doesn't affect the SOXX fund. Therefore, you have to look at SOXL separately.

And yes. Because people trade on it. People watch these lines and these numbers and those people aren't in this thread. They're on Reddit, they're on Facebook--they're everywhere.

I know some of you guys are veteran traders or you went to school for finance and this annoys the shit out of you. I get that. Still. Make money if possible. Or go fuck yourself if you try to splay me.

canned... female natural gas?


that's enough /smg/ for this year

Why the fuck would ANYONE pay for fucking Duolingo??? I've been using it for years and I would never in my fucking life pay them for that piece of shit. Blows my mind it's up over 100% in a year. Probably some corporate scammy bullshit.

a /smg/ etf

25% SOXL
25% TQQQ
25% SOXS
25% SQQQ

Overengineered gigacrab machine. As I expect for us.


Add a 10% minimum allocation to Ruger

Sitcom crash

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*theme song plays*

*portfolio drops to 0*

*credits roll*

The west has fallen crash

I got greedy and doubled down on a bad position. Now I have to spend more money rolling my positions.

it looks bullish and target 45 -46 ?

hey fags replky to this post i know someone here knows wtf this shit is dont u fuckin bs me bud

Would outperform most posters here tbqh

Unironically yes. If people just bought and held through all the ups and downs, they'd be significantly wealthier.


excellent earnings report

still crashes like an adipose rhino on a garden chair

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nightmare slop

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yeah sure, I don't have anything to add

if its tomorrow the leaping crash.

AMC reports less than terrible earnings

has an arguably positive future

stock still shits the bed

Apes on suicide watch.

NVAX? I sold around 5.8 for fun and only made few hundreds. There are better opportunities there and it need time to consolidate.

We'll be fine bro. Just bag hold until halvijg or more, report looks excellent

What will they call 2024?

The great reset

entirely dependant on government contracts. chinkshit.

after it drops 50% after you buy it and sit on it for 6 years it'll start annoying to see it every time you open your brokerage, so you'll sell it for the price you paid after a small pump just to exit the position without a loss. then you'll think about the everything else that went up, and if you had allocated the money more wisely instead of buying into something with high opportunity cost risk


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I was considering just buying 100 of them and seeing what happens and was wondering if that was mindblowingly retarded or if I am on to some schizo shit thats why i asked

First time posting on biz, my great grandma left me money, i want to invest but don't know what. I heard ETFs are a good start, any advice?

The great Western crash (and the rise of BRICS)

this was the answer I wanted thank you

not much different than buying an options straddle

or strangle rather

Joke answer: the Fag7
Real answer: DCA a broad index fund (SPY VOO VTI) until you get a better sense of what is going on. If you really can't lose money buy 3-6 month TBills.

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The Boomer Investing 101 link in the OP.

Verification not required.

The beginning of the end

Thank you

no BOIL and KOLD

panic sell?

? indeed, I boughted a breddy gud bit of STOOKS and ETFs today.

im going to sell off my entire portfolio this week, screw this POS market, im getting out with a profit this week

BOUGHTEDS that were made today

I boughted.


Stop sells set
If xecuted I end up with 10% profit over the past 9 months and the rest of the market can fuck off.

Down .03% today, so I beat the market today

I only make 9K a month how do you expect me to evenly weight my stocks when I have some that are 300+ dollars in price?!

Fuckin poorfags, I swear.

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Shill something else that will double I'm a couple of days

How about you get a job, pay taxes, procreate, and retire at 65 like society expects of you?


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I am currently in the process of quitting my happy pills. Reasons: 1.they don't make me happy. 2.im fairly sure they also make me slightly stupid(er than I am without them).

Wtf it's not even 3 PM and I'm already hungry for dinner
Any good food stocks?

You’re fat


Some good ones here

NVDA-powered AI sexbots

You really think your overlords will let you get AI blow jobs? They would rather sell you the dream and ensure you don't get that reality.

Hmm, I have been gaining some weight back recently... But I'm not fat yet

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i want to fuck that

SMG, should i go to the city and hire an escort for the night?

t. incel

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Not the whole night

just jerk it

should i go to the city


WEN. It's probably non-surge pricing for burgers now. Anything you don't eat you can resell later for a few pennies profit.

Buy a little alcohol and jack off. This IS financial advice.

Nah, just keep your wits about you, cross the street to avoid blacks, and you should be safe without an escort.

Hmm... I walked by a WEN earlier, I could go back that way for a baconator and a frosty
Also, do you think WEN will pump on the surge pricing news?

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February should have 34 days.

this, get a mace or a Stanley knife if you think that's not enough, but you don't need an escort

What the fuck

Also, do you think WEN will pump on the surge pricing news?

didnt they cancel it?

How about this one

Oh, idk, I need to keep up with the news better I guess

I'd be down.

the great taking

The winds of winter crash after GRRM dies of fatness.

They're working on a system that charges you double if the kiosk camera thinks you're wearing a tie.

CRM today

I doubt it. Initial cost to build that system will be high and maintaining the model + networking won't be free. All of this to gain a few cents per item? I am sure they will average out more per sale but it'll take some time to break even on something like that, not to mention lost customers due to backlash (unless all the other fast food places adopt the same practices). Maybe they can contract it out to UBER/DASH since they already have surge systems in place.

No they'll just get AI to do it

I keep hearing a lot of shit about muh porn being bad and Im still convinced it´s just american puritanism overflowing into other cultures and an easy way to blame something else for one´s personal failures. But if anything happens, is it bullish PLBY?

Is that Salesforce? Fuck that garbage. How about they invent a system that gets all my retard coworkers to actually use the CRM system?

Cup and handle on BIG? plus bullflag?

I have 17k shares Bitfarms, why did it shit the bed today?

having coworkers

Russian state media says that the country's parliament and Federation Council is preparing to respond positively to Transistria's earlier urgent requestion for Moscow's 'protection' from Moldova, a small eastern European country supported by Washington. Russian legislators have "put forward a request to both the Federation Council and State Duma of Russia, urging them to implement measures to safeguard Transnistria, especially in light of Moldova’s growing pressure.

What Moldovan stocks you guys got?

At least I only have to be physically present in office for like 4 hours a week.

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How we feeling about best buys earnings tomorrow?

I went there to buy something once and they didn't sell it

Are BMBL puts still a good play tomorrow?

Are you guys neoliberals?

Money piled into MARA instead, anticipating great earnings.

MARA earnings subsequently kicked off a rugpull after hours.

Now nobody has any money anywhere.

Ironnically, the first irl person i knew that held stocks was a moldovan class mate whose father was a medic and bought him a bunch of stocks. If I had taken his advice I would be rich by now.

Anon, their earnings were yesterday.

c-cute ^_^

Mighty nice! BLESSED

AI crash?

Nvidia is the biggest fucking bubble I have ever seen since the Dot Com fuckery

Goddamnit if LUNR isn't one volatile ass stock. Shit is all over the place.

It would be funny to scalp recruiters and hiring managers in minecraft I think.

Hello sirs. I have NVDA puts @ 700 and COIN calls @ 235 - both 1m expiry. Is okay?

One minute, Apollo 11, the next, Apollo 1.

exactly, but IV is no longer an issue now. I'm not sure if the slow bleed will continue tho

Damn, fatty in denial
You’re worse than the people in Walmart motor carts


Hell yeah. Now all I need is that fabled housing crash so I can use my gains for a real house.

Hurry up then

I'm not fat
But I am going to go make some chicken parm out of frozen tendies.
Since I cancelled my HELFY subscription, I've had to get creative

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No idea, but you bring up an interesting point. Here's GRND vs BMBL.

You know how people are switching to cereal for dinner to save on food costs? What if they're turning gay because it's cheaper than straight dating?

just wait two months and get it for $2

And what's your basis for that claim, baka?

Don't let that lanklet twink shame you anon. We hamchads reign at the top of the caste.

Bidenomics is horrifying

Everyone and their mother thinks nvidia is a bubble, therefore it’s not

I just ated something BASED on a recipe that an Anon here shared. I cut up some russet potatoes and soaked them in ice water for about an hour. Then rolled them around in a mixture of LIGHT olive oil (higher smoke point) with garlic powder and Italian seasoning stirred into it thickly. Then I air fried them in my AIR FRYER on 400 for about 24 minutes. Then I grounded black pepper all over them and sprinkled them with IODIZED SALT.

hype cycle stock, people get bored and lose interest. buy in a few months and dump after the next landing.

Articulate why

Any /heem/sters here who are thinking about buying puts on EDR for after April? The class action lawsuit thing is still pretty under the radar and might drum up some fear when it starts and gets more publicized

Lol no - people are buying the "MUH A WILL CHANGE THE WORLDARINO" narrative.

Anon I think that's the recipe for mustard gas

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It's good for just about anything, especially jock itch.

I'm suddenly realizing that I'm just mid. Maybe slightly above mid but not enough. I feel like you need to be top 1 percent in intelligence or top 10 percent in social skills and personality to actually make it

SOUN reports tomorrow but I’m holding ADSK. Not an earnings play really as I’ve been in it since November.

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Bobros.. it's been a long ride but I think it's now safe to say this is the top. See you at 3k mumu.

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is this frog being BOILed?

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Could be big if they don't crash into the moon on the next mission. Next mission is this year but no day listed yet.






CEG up another 10% today

What? Because they're saving so much on uranium? Fuck you. Fuck utilities. Fuck CEG.

What if they're turning gay because it's cheaper than straight dating?

A fun theory, but no woman is worth spending money on during the first date anyway.


What goes up must come down
Spinnin' wheel got to go 'round
Talkin' 'bout your BAGGIES it's a cryin' sin
Ride a painted BOBO let the spinnin' wheel spin

You got no money and you got no home
Spinnin' wheel all alone
Talkin' 'bout your BAGGIES and you never learn
Ride a painted BOBO let the spinnin' wheel turn


you're being too generous!

Indeed, good call
Here, have this version where I fixed the goggles getting cropped on the right
Thank you for the words of encouragement, but I'm not a hamchad. Nor am I a lanklet. I'm just in the middle... nothing special I guess.

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It's tough out there. And a lot of systems got torn down which were supposed to make it easier for average folks.

Nobody likes a fence sitter hello fresh anon. Pick a direction and go

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A woodpecker just rapid fire pecked at my furnace flue and it scared the crap out of me. I thought the hot water heater was about to explode.

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I'm trying to lose weight and become a lanklet, but it's hard
Especially since DPZ keeps sending me deal alerts on my phone... Too bad I've already started making this chicken parm, or else I'd get a pizza

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Sounds like you have a lot of personal decisions to make. Keep in mind if you choose the path of the lanklet, your bussy will be vulnerable to hamchads at all times. It's a hard life to lead.

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Woodpeckers around here used to peck the metal caps of power and phone line posts. There are no longer woodpeckers around here, I guess they all died repeatedly slamming their faces into steel plates instead of looking for food.

i am not ready for these facts you wield

You must wait another day for the sweet, sweet release of death.

I have an unusual early indicator on young people's fashion. I think it's possible JNCOs may be making a comeback among the youth. I work at university and at first it started with a few girls wearing overly wide legged pants. Now I saw a couple boys wearing them too. Go long on brands that sell these.

Woodpeckers around here used to peck the metal caps of power and phone line posts

Yeah they do that too. Most common woodpecker species here is the northern flicker.
I know. It's not fair. Where is the meteor to fall from the sky on to my head?

VO +.09%

VOO -.36%
VTI -.32%
VUG -1.04%
VTWO -.88%
QQQ -.69%
SPY -.29%

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Whats the short interest for LUNR looking like?

I have 130 Google share, 10 MSFT and way too much Bitfarms. What do I buy?

Holy fuck... it's over...

It's ok, take your time

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Don't fuck it up, don't try getting into some crazy position. Personally I'm bullish on AI, roll the dice on soundhound earnings are tomorrow.

Bloat lords its our time

I should have just got BITO last year jesus christ I could have been so rich. I got 46 30/35 call spread for June but I might be being too conservative, if I got 15 35c Jan 2025 if this thing does 250K a coin I can still get six figures

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some anon said he was gonna dump his entire portfolio into SNOW puts and ADSK puts last night

did the math

he bought 5 200p weeklies

he's sitting on 8k gains right now

Huh maybe he was onto something

ADSK puts?

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Parents recently gave me and my brother 5k for rrsp. They wanted me to go with a financial advisor but i decided i would rather just do it myself since i had good experience with my tfsa years ago.

I am looking at the market after being away from it for awhile, and it looks like i would just be buying the top of any investment i make.

Am i wrong for deciding to just hold the cash and wait for the market to settle and gain a bit more stability? Seems insanly risky no matter what i decide.

No there's a STD epidemic. Also women are attracted to violence if anything buy a ounce of weed and sell some, offer a girl weed for a blowjob I don't help the whores pay the bills I only give them something self destructive like drugs or going out to eat.

Realistically you don't want to do that I say get a good onahole

Always has been

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I'm switching to Bitcoin ETFs until we stop crabbing

Betting against the undertaker

I don't even think they've redemed their AI pump yet. Even without it they still effectively have a monopoly on that kind of software. Then again the market sure is WAAAACKY these days. ANYTHING could happen!


There is no person in this thread that will not lower his voice when addressing this man.

Buy stock in your water heater manufacturer

as Graham said, it is very easy to earn the average rate of return and very hard to beat it. Most people think it can't be that hard and try anyway. This advice is the most repeated and accepted, yet the least followed.

Why tho?
I was honestly looking at companies like alibaba.

Who even makes large appliances like that? I really wanted to buy some companies that made sump pumps after the mass torrents in California last year but wasn't able to do research in time.

Mr Rockerfeller I thought you will still working out and losing weight? I'm down 60 pounds in the past year. Doing my burpees every week.


Do I go all in TQQQ?

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Maybe if you bought last year.


Most people think it can't be that hard and try anyway. This advice is the most repeated and accepted, yet the least followed.

I was under the impression that passive index investing with DRIP enabled was the normies thing to do, am I wrong?

Decent odds there's a post-halving crash & crab.

I was doing really well until I took this new job. I moved up the ranks way quicker than I thought I would. So i'm in REAL deep at work. I was trained by a super bitchy group of boomers that looked down on me, to the guy that all of said boomers come to for help. I'm being groomed to take over the night supervisor position by next year. That comes with a huge pay raise and I already have A+ benefits at this job. The owner pulled me aside yesterday and for like 30 minutes he was joking around with me and telling me that I have made a huge impact on the success of the business. It feels good to be appreciated and have work superiors praise me. I have worked very hard to move up the ladder and it's proof to zoomers that if you work hard, have a good work ethic, and earn your stripes, you can get to where you want to be in any business.

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No, RETARD, you sit patiently and breathe until NATGAS AND OIL get to good points for YUGE DCA BUY INS.

DELL is cringe, ancient boomertech. I don't care what their actual business is, they don't have the meme power of a company literally named Super Micro Computer.

My water heater is made by a company called Gemco. They are private, unfortunately. Good water heater though. Heats up quickly. Or it does the job. I don't know what is good and bad for water heaters.


If you want something that's dead and bottomed out try China, lithium, precious metal miners, or office REITs. BABA, ALB, SBSW, SLG, you are not buying the top of these charts.

other way around friend.

Mr Rockerfeller we might just make it.

If DELL is cringe boomer tech than autodesk is literally fucking prehistoric. I'm pretty sure 3dsmax is older than half this thread.

You know what fuck it. I'm buying LEAPS on DELL in the morning along with 20x 80p

I am too dumb to do options, especially around earnings time. The recent trend seems to be companies adding billions in mcap in a few days so either could giga run.

So ADSK puts? How far otm?

1h56m of NoFap

I don't know about the fundamentals, I'm just saying you wouldn't have any meme power for an SMCI type run. It's respectable and matching or beating QQQ, nothing wrong with that.

oh I was talking about the picture.
but it looks like its right in the middle of its range so neither puts nor calls are good value. so I'd be writing a 1stddev strangle.

Scoopsies is with me everywhere I go in my head and there is nothing he can do, physically, legally, or metaphysically, to stop me, and he is just going to have to live with that.
Everyone in this thread is going to make it, well, except for baggot. He is someone who has already made it and will not make it long term.

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I'm sticking to my guns on this one. SMCI ran because of server rack demand. SMCI is the AMD of server racks and DELL is the NVDA.

Buying deep itm LEAPS dated for next Q. This shit is going to run to 125 minimum

baggot put your trip on

Do you remember a good while back when you said to all in on TOPS Ships? Have you taken a look since then?

Another day. Of doing "nothing". Seriously I left today at noon. What did I do during the morning? Why nothing much. Checked my e-mail, ate some breakfast at my desk, drank a coke, and spaced out a bit. Then shut it down and left. (I get paid for the full day to)

Shipping containers was a good /smg/ time period meme. I drove by a country house the other day and they had a ZIM container in their yard.

how this thread will greet me in a year after telling you I bought LAAC

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I still love them, I boughted TRMD today, it has a YUGE DIVIE. I have ASC, FRO, and NAT too, plus the SEAS ETF which has about a 7% DIVIE after expense ratio.

I've gone all in on DRIP for my stocks. I'm buying stocks now with the intention of never selling them. Ever.

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inflation will be lower than predicted, get ready for a face-melting pump tomorrow


I bought first this morning after seeing it shilled yesterday. How high is it going?

OK, FOOK IT, you've just convinced me to buy ONE SHARE to start with.


Don't you mean BOAT?

Or I guess that one has a 13% divvy yield.

Somehow, despite your numbers, I think you might be wrong. Or not. I have no good feel on this market here.

I was going to insult your laziness and being a tax dollar parasite but whatever. It's 2024 America. Who cares?

Yep, I am building a portion of mine with that same intent, DCAing into certain things like the tankers, OILK, UMI, XOM and others. I'm just adding to them slowly on bargain days until I see one get really good and cheap then I will pile the fuck in.

Government wants you to stop using C and C++ programming languages.
Since the government is always wrong... I think we should double down into C and C++...

I didn't know of that one but I did mean just SEA without the S on end.

buy when there is blood in the streets

Yep. Shill the stocks that are affected.

I'm comparing those now and looks like I will probably sell SEA and buy BOAT.

(Ooh-ooh-ooh) This flamboyantly tragic (Tragic)
(Ooh-ooh-ooh) This is love, isn't it? (Oh, yeah)
(Ooh-ooh-ooh) Scenery to be forever, yeah
Let's be honest, we enjoyed it (It's coming down)

Bros what's better, buying a plot of land and building a house on it for $300,000. Or investing that $300,000 for $1,000/mo in perpetuity, and renting out a huge manor with a pool in the Philippines for like $850/mo, even though you're only renting and not owning?

Buy Bitfarms calls for the earnings?

Alright boys here's what I'm thinking for tomorrow

I pulled out some play money from my index funds and here's the plan

20 DELL 80-90p weeklies

5 DELL LEAPS of various time frames ranging from ITM to 125

couple ADSK puts for fun to pump undertakers bags

SPY 495p 3/8

NVDA LEAPS if PCE comes in hot for cheap premiums

this is actually valid opinion and a good thing

The previous place I worked at used Rust for some of the govt contract work because the previous team was too incompetant to use C properly. I would not recommend it, but you should still be familiar with it so you can have an edge on rewriting the poorly written code into a proper language.

tfw you bought YINN calls

Where do you live that alcoholic tier workmanship is highly praised?
Asking for a friend...

the absolute state

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Being a parasite is based. I have several friends who have autism and apparently the government gives them disability pay which they live on. I don't understand how it makes them unable to work, they can do other things and hold a conversation fine, grocery baggers can be so retarded as to barely be able to speak. But in the end, they escaped being a cog in this soulless system that treats human life as capital and wants to convert your flesh and youth into value for billionaire child touchers and jews and that is the epitome of based. I would (and likely will) have to kill myself or others to achieve the same thing since I'm not autistic.

How are the spreads on those? I thought about buying some leaps at some point but figured the spread would be too poor to be profitable.

DRIP made since when you had to pay a commission. Now it’s just like carpet bombing your portfolio. I prefer to take all the money a use precision strikes on a single stock depending on how it’s doing or how i think it’s going to do. I’ve done a lot better since I started this and you’re also not holding a bunch of fractional shares as much which kind of annoy me.

do you want to goon and have extra money? or live indawoods with uncovered monthly expenses.

What could go wrong?

aaaaa.png - 1721x481, 69.49K

TFW the no fun allowed police took away pop up lights

you should insult me. I gamble my disability check every month on puts.

I think you're based fuck jews be a tick on society's balls damn I hate that I can't do what you do

This is my method too, I used to DRIP but now only deal in whole shares and pick what seems to be in a good place for new shares or buy something new altogether. I don't even have my money market funds set to autoreinvest.

fuck jews

The markets as you know them only exist because of them

I would not recommend it

what are disadvantages of Rust?

If you really have $300k invest that shit in something that will pay dividends and rent you a villa in PI

it's a bad thing because it means they're hiring a bunch of retards and pajeets that don't know what they're doing

For C maybe, but replacing cpp with rust is just swapping one problem for another. Both languages have different ways of getting UB, and all the "unsafe" memory stuff in cpp can be turned on in rust.

what website? forex is pretty hard imo. not really investing but trading. cant just sit tight in a winning position.

will gold miners get a break sometime this year? or are they the poster child of 2 more weeks

NVDA LEAPS if PCE comes in hot for cheap premiums

You think NVDA will pump *more* with fewer Fed cuts?

I want to moneymaxx above all else.

FXI looks waaay more liquid. And you can use further OTM calls to get the same effect as YINN.

The latter. Hype's drained to superior digital gold and its miners.

The team takes forever to get anything done. I left the company and finally saw that 6 years later they finally implemented a basic feature I wanted. There's also been catastrophic compiler bugs that affected EVERY SINGLE VERSION! I got fucked real bad by that bug when I had to submit some report we almost lost our biggest contract. The library support isn't great and their build tool cargo is pretty bulky. Now that modern C++ versions have flags for borrow checking/thread safety/memory safety I see no reason Rust should even exist.

I live in rural michigan. You can be a literal mouth breathing retard here and get a job that pays $20 an hour with full bennies. People are fleeing this state almost as fast as california for some reason.

We're at the top? But it was a red day. You don't make sense, you silly bear.