Do you think Sam Bankman-Fried will survive prison?
Do you think Sam Bankman-Fried will survive prison?
i don't give a fuck
i hate jews
Yes, I do. He's a dork. He'll be a pet of sorts, but he'll live.
He’s a Jew. Trump will pardon him and he will fly to Israel with the other pedos
Do you think Sam Bankman-Fried will survive prison?
Do you think Sam Bankman-Fried will survive prison?
It's not looking good, honestly.
He'll die of an impacted anus
God I hope not
Hope this kike gets buttfucked to death.
Who the fuck cares. It called fuck around and find out for a reason.
should've thought of that before being a scumbag, idc honestly, he deserves it
Hope the rat gets his due
even the snitches are ganging up on him
lol, lel, lmao
meanwhile everyone has forgotten about tabasco
who is cruising the high seas with american gold
he pinned the weasel, shed no tears
but he is a made man on a kingston pier
the last of bankmans privateers
of course hes gonna buy hes way out, hes part of the jews, the REAL question is, what he was doing with hes free time? gambling on eesee? jerking off to hes orc gf? watching the jews?
Transparent effort from well connected parents to get a lesser sentence for their degenerate son.
Of course the media laps it up at face value.
Maybe he shouldn't have embezzled billions of dollars via his ugly ass girlfriend.
He's a smart jew with millions tucked away. He'll be fine. Can't day the same for when he gets out of prison. I'm calling that Biden will pardon him and that's why you keep seeing these articles about him in jail to feel sorry for him.
It’s pretty incredible how his name has never come up in the media. Like he never existed. He worked with the feds or was one himself
Chris Chan survived prison. Under rape charges.
He will survive
how is there not 1 person who was scammed with the ability to delete him jew rat kike scammer is doomed
Carmine Simpson, a 29-year-old former cop who was arrested in 2021 for allegedly soliciting child pornography, urged US District Court Judge Lewis A. Kaplan to show leniency toward Bankman-Fried
A man is known by the company he keeps.
Maybe he should have read the social cue where youre not supposed to steal billions of peoples dollars
Why are Americans so fucked up? As a European who happens to be a great fan of a movie called SHOTCALLER, it baffles me the way the American prison system works. We Europeans consider those ways barbarian. It doesn't make any sense to put together kids like Sam with psychos like the WOODS or the ESSES.
There are very few cases where I would disagree with you. This is one of them. There's no point in trying to rehabilitate him. He needs to be punished. If released, he'll simply live a life of luxury and never learn anything except how he got caught.
ahh jeeez I sure hope not.
who is cruising the high seas with american gold
he pinned the weasel, shed no tears
but he is a made man on a kingston pier
the last of bankmans privateers
Also, let's go after more white-collar criminals.
Of course. He could be the goose that golden egg for someone.
He's a 31 year old man. A full grown adult.
a man of culture then lets continue
On the rabbis birthday we put to sea
How I wish I was in israel now
We are 51 days to the halving day
Pumping like madmen all the way
G-d damn them all! I was told
We'd cruise the seas for shitcoin moons
We'd pin weasels, shed no foreskins
But I'm a made man on a kingston pier
The last of Bankmans Privateers
Yup he's dead.
Who cares?
Don't care. Commie doofus scam artist fucked around and found out
Peckerwood here, if that kike landed on a cell block with me I’d rally up a few skinheads, walk over to his cell with a bone crusher and stick it to his neck and let him know he’s gonna make call to his Jew pals to wire some money to our people and then he’s gonna find a way to smuggle some weed in every week or I’ll sell his ass to the blacks for honey buns and coffee.
he didnt care when he was fucking all those people over billions so why should I care if he's getting fucked in prison?
What a dysgenic looking freak..
This dumb faggot should have run to Israel. They literally protect Jewish criminals from around the world and help them disappear including pedos, gangsters, and Jews convicted of treason in their original countries. He could be having kosher meth orgies in Tel Aviv, but instead he tried to bribe niggers in the Bahamas to protect him not realizing that the US government could just bribe them with more money.
Shot caller is such a based amazing movie. Very few people know it and I always tell them to watch that and “Hell or High Water” with Jeff Bridges and Ben Foster.
Have you see that one?
Chris Chan was in protective custody aka solitary confinement the whole time
Dude he’s not in maximum security prison with actual murderers. He’s in low security prison with other financial criminals. He’s just being a big fucking baby.
SBF was a dumbshit who wanted to be a public figure and hang out with celebrities and athletes. He might have weaseled away if he kept a low profile, but he made himself a public figure, so the government had to burn him.
Not my problem
You niggas are so slow. He is not in prison. Never has been. This is all preparing for his “death” in prison. Did you forgot he is Jewish? His name is fake as well. Read it phonetically and what do you get? Sam BANKman FREED. Get with it niggas. That twitter photo that went viral is probably ai.