How high will it go?
How high will it go?
to zero
Enough to establish generational wealth.
0.5t bag
From here, x1000 easy
50b eoy
fuck off retard
checked and based
10x minimum if there are no additional buys
if it picks up momentum again it can do a 10000x
$1 by July.
Doesn't this coin only have like $500 a day of trading volume?
Top will be 0.000013
Doesn’t sound like a lot, but at today’s prices any buy in will be outrageously profitable. Biz hates money (really just the jannies) so I expect few will appreciate this info enough to get a stack
I own 7B of this shit on an old wallet lol
Isn't this project dead since 2021?
Even 2022 wasn't able to kill D0B0; it's here to stay.
Can you explain?
Like honestly, i keep seing people say that BNB drags it up automatically. How?
tehres been nothing but 5 digit buys lately. even if theyre vying for a poomp and doomp they still are driving up the demand
to zero
invest in bitcoin and inscription/ordinals projects. satoshisync is a good place to get started. stop mindlessly chasing money from easy projects that bring nothing to the table
but muh doge muh le pumpan
buy doge then
Liquidity too high it won't pump
No marketing ghostbro and Amy are gone
B0nk already took all the glory the BNB version is just gonna be seen as a copycat now
Won't get listed on a CEX cause of reflections
Yeah not investing in your pajeet schizo scam have fun missing the bullrun!
Cry more. You missed the bottom at 1M market cap
you niggers said this at 1M and now it's nearly at 5M. Plus the more buys come in, the more the ratio from market cap to liquidity changes which increases volatility, you fucking idiot. As an example, it was a 1:1 at 1M market cap (1M market cap to 1M liquidity). Now it's nearly a 2:1. The morons that fud this don't even know basic 101 level shit.
Liquidity will be more fluid when the marketcap is higher, which is inevitable
Ghostbro is a scammer
Amy is a whore
BONK is a SOL SBF scam and the kike is now in jail
Can get listed just as Safemoon could get listed
Because the liquidity is in BNB. It's similar basically with every pair. For instance Eth pairs with 0 volume will still go up if eth pumps. Thing about dogbat is it's the safest memecoin because of how limited any potential down side is due to how dispersed wallets are and how closely linked market cap is to liquidity (but that safe buy zone is temporary because liquidity doesn't keep up with fomo meaning eventually the market cap will become far extended compared to the liquidity).
Why do people keep talking or holding this kind of shit? it already dumped and won't recover from it.
Gotta aim for something more solid like orange juice, gold and silver, that way you would actually be able to profit, at least that's according to truflation data analysis, guess its worth the shot.
you people should learn to think for yourselves instead of buying into every piece of advice thrown your way you utter morons
Yeah mate keep your cope culture, that's surely not going to fuck you up.
I can think hence why I have over 20k in it, lmao. You morons need to grab a book or something to educate yourselves on 101 stuff. It's sad to see how bad biz is at understanding basic concepts even when I dumb it down for 30IQs
Cause they're retarded zoomers that are unable accept they're fucked up.
market cap increases
It literally 5xed from the bottom, you dumb nigger LOL. You can cry all you want about that, but it happened and will keep growing with BNB. That's not even counting the actual revival of the bsc casino during alt season.
you are clearly a mentally defective boomer who suffers from chronic dementia because you've spent your entire life believing all the propaganda spoonfed to you by the government and the media i'll have you know that i'm highly intelligent and incredibly handsome and my iq is easily higher than yours will ever be
I love how you fags cry and moan at every fucking everything like a nun on the weekends
cuz they are retarded faggots who know jackshit about anything general, imagine coming here to get business advice.
everything is a scam everything is a conspiracy faggot here
listen bucko i can't believe you are being so closed minded not everything is a conspiracy just because we don't agree on the finer points of the moon landing doesn't mean you have to be so salty
Hmm. That one in particular is a mcdonalds bot, but ya this board is absolutely brain dead
Is 127B enough to make it
it has no community, literally 0 twitter presence and the tg was shut down for cp
the fake tg doesnt even post cheems they just use ai to generate all thier memes
the fun of dogbat in 2021 was the autistic force driving it
it is expected to surpass the historical high and go up to 80k, however I prefer to wait a little and sell at 65k to reinvest in $SUPER or TRX.
Straight into Justin's ass where it belongs. Every incarnation of this has been a complete failure which preformed even worse every time you faggots tried to one up a dead shitcoin that already had its day. The tribal autism bullshit killed any chances of remaking dogbat because the community opted to either become a turbo jeet or fling monkey shit at each other and waste an entire bear cycle where everyone ended up in the losing scenario.
Dogbat 50B EOY
Simple as
Can't wait to see fudcucks suck start a shotgun on livestream
Like srsly how dumb can you be to not see the potential after 3 years
and yet it still pumped from 1m to 7.4m after shit hit the fan and is creeping up to 5M as we speak. Imagine taking advice from idiots like you. Couldn't be me
read above for some anal
I just bought some. What am I in for? Simple as
An absurd amount of money. Simple as
Hi, Derp. Sorry you sold the bottom.
holy fuck is that a bull?
$0 eoy, get ready
Kys faggot
wait to sell BTC
thats why you'll keep being poor anon, sell me your BTC if you dont want to kepp them
I wouldn't sell BTC desu, but for sure I'll invest into $SUPER, seems very promising