Am I too late for Dogecoin? Just want a few hundred thou so I can quit work

Am I too late for Dogecoin? Just want a few hundred thou so I can quit work.

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Add some at every correction, is still early, easy x5 from here

Am I too late for Dogecoin?

No. It will hit $5+ this year.

I am literally scraping together every last penny, letting my 0% APR credit card approach maximum debt, hawking every last belonging i have and dont really use on ebay, and emptying my bank account to buy doge. Unfortunately i just spent a fuckload on solar panels so my stack is pathetically small but something is better than nothing. I am too much of a tremendous pussy to swing trade so i just wait for corrections to buy into.

i'm not selling.

it was real in my mind

at 5$ it becomes bigger than eth you retard

anon you have to ask what kind of person you are, are you a smart investor who knows a lot, or are you an average person who is likely to be exit liquidity? doge is up 30% right now but its still at about 1/7 of its ATH

I bought my bag at 8 cents and watched it crab for a year before i saw any action

Doge will be acceptable worldwide internationally.

The people's coin ftw.

$63 eod

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this coin will pump in a vacuum

is this your first crypto bullrun?
be honest

yes, but you're not late for $LRDS tho

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I don't get why people say this as if it means anything
At the end of the day we just want to pay for things with it. It is as good for paying for thing with as ETH, therefore there is no real reason for one to have a higher market cap than the other
The nice thing about doge is it has a cute yellow dog mascot :-)

at 5$ it becomes bigger than eth

ye of low faith
one day it will be bigger than BTC

its at 11billion marketcap. if will maybe do a 2x

doge coin and doginals many riches for those who know. Doginals = mass fomo of everyone that missed out on ordinals simple as


we will do 2x in a single day and you will cope massively

It’s about to dip. Buy in

doge has several things going for it:
based on stable and tried proof of work
has a meme name that everyone loves
cheap to send
due to simplicity, does not suffer from the same problems as many other shitcoins

its a sure hold

Where do you live that you can retire off a few hundred thousand?

you aren't too late for linu mate, it's going on citex tonight I heard

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i dont know how much of an impact twitter doge payment will have on this coin

What's the best wallet for Doge (on Linux) in 2024?

It's never to late to buy some MUMU. The meme power will carry it to Valhalla.



lol, lmao even

I wasted so much time reading whitepapers, auditing dev teams, and all this shit to find “good” projects. Most of them became worthless, because normies don’t give a fuck about ZK Rollups or Fully Homomorphic Encryption. DOGE easily has as much if not more name recognition than Ethereum, it’s a fun meme and it’s cheap to buy a ton of it so normies feel like they’re getting a good deal. I’m done wasting time trying to be logical with crypto, it’s magic beans and funny money and DOGE consistently outperforms BTC in bullruns. I’m unironically all in on this dead meme coin

a shitcoin beats another shitcoin? impossible!

I'm so fucking tempted to throw a few hundreds there, and see what happens. I mean what could I lose? been following news, and reading all type of shit on cryptos and inflation.

It's not that dark of a hole we are in. I mean truflation uses the big mac index, btc is going up to 70, lots of alts started rising slowly. It's not gonna be the millionaire from day to night but we can still make it guys,

I am with you nigga. I bought today after I heard Coinbase went down.
Euphoria Fomo = Doge

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all hail the doge master

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I put in a mere 50 bucks as a meme literally just yesterday
god I'm such a fucking pussy

digits. it’s habbening



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Bitcoin boomer virgins btfo, enjoy getting raped when the halving happens.

Its too late for Doge, its too early for HOKK
Don't buy till it x10s, please

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Its a 9x before years end from here, but sure go baghold your shitcoin #74896 that literally no one has ever heard of,

Based. This.
I'm getting a Lambo this year.

Next 100X, the coolest motherfucker on this board, pointed out to me in December that Doge will blow up fast. You have been warned.

hokk once had a mcap of 826 million

was massively popular in 2021

at one point was ahead of shiba inu and shiba was chasing it

70k wallets

"shitcoin #74896 no one has ever heard of"

so how long you been holding your doggy bag scraps? got in at 70 eh

Nigger just buy aero on coinbase and hold it for 9mos

Oh my bad its actually merely shitcoin#6424 that no one has every heard of. Wow. Youre actually serious too LOL


lol yeah man everyone knows its a total rugpull dog-poopoo-buttcoin if you think you're getting rich youre crazy

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Just leverage long it tehe
Don't use more than 5x

It'd literally going to a dollar in a 2-3 months. Don't buy it if you hate money

Still early bro $7 price prediction.

I've been hodling for years. We gonna make it.

Challenge accepted.

Shilling aside, what was the reason for today's pump?

Dogecoin is by far the most powerful coin out there and will rape Ethereum in this bull run.

Sup bros.

i personally think one more move to sub 7c. but im probably wrong

Hold me bro.

I hope to quit my job with this bag
Wish me luck bros

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your' literally full of crap, if it reached 25 cents it would be a miracle as that puts it at 32 bill cap

Holy shit...

Ok tranny calm down.

bitcoiners use doge to move small amounts....lot of bitcoin pump means lots of dog pump because people are moving money with it

Don't get greedy. Take profits on the way up once it gets to a new ath

It will do a nice 5x.

But 100x is for low market cap coins like LINU, that also have fan bases.

Based, you are literally going to be a multimillionaire.

kiss my grits marge

back to 9 in 2 days

Doge has the name, it has the memes, it has the hype. Fast Txs, cheap Txs. Is accepted in more places than almost any other crypto. Is going to be the crypto for X. Longest POW chain behind BTC. If you don’t have a big ass bag of doge by now than you have to 7 extra chromosomes.

Nobody cares about your future sex change operations faggot.


accepted in more places

I'd like to accept it in my online shop. Any setup/ops best practices anons can recommend?

Take advantage of every correction by adding to your holdings. It's still early days, especially with the approaching bull run. Why focus on memes initially when there are utility altcoins like QNT, RIO, DUA, MATIC, just to name a few

you just mad because cuz your dad got upset when you told him about your boob job

There's a shit ton of other memecoins you can invest in if you're THAT desperate for money anon
Take bigmike for example, that coin is all about a conspiration about how obama's wife is actually a man or some bs and well... it's doing pretty good ngl. Plus soon the elections will arrive, so any political coin will probably double or triple it's worth, so it might be a good investment

Ethereum will suddenly enter stasis and never go up again while doge goes to $5

First cycle?

Wagmi bros

What is this thing actually going to go to? Last time you guys said it was going to hit a dollar it only went to 57 cents.

Don't disrespect my HOKK LUCKY LINU stack.

You're just hyping up this shitcoin. Currently, RWA and DePIN are where the real utility lies. Don't be misled.

I think AA projects will make more millionaire considering the buzz on it. It addresses some of the limitations on EOA including the security, flexibility and improved user experience. So if your seed phrase gets lost you can easily recover
