/smg/ - Stock Market General

LAAC edition

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Previously, on /smg/:



you know who else bakes?

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the market's been crabbing
so could this be the top?
i expect that my stocks
will do a belly flop

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Also, LUNR.
Simple as.

Bear faggots are in constant cope mode. Is AI still a bubble you fucking dumbasses? I'm going to keep asking this well into the future even after Bobos lose their jobs to AI. Fucking dumb queers.

it's over, go home

Yeah you mentally ill niggers need to take your lithium lmao.

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Five day horizontal consolidation over time period is over.
Off to new ATHs for the S&P 500.
"Experts" will tell you that this is perfectly normal and how indices have behaved always.



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currently up by $5


looks like rocker caught a ban

You're supposed to be dead Munger


Not the real poem anon, he spoke in haikus. Also he was a massive faggot who I hope never comes back and hopefully kills himself.

There's room for improvement.

p...poem anon?

22nd for tilray pomp

Also he was a massive faggot who I hope never comes back and hopefully kills himself

Reminder to the retard seething about dividends last thread that your capital appreciation doesn't fucking matter either. Only total return matters, and if you roll the dice on a stock which doesn't pay a dividend you are more likely going to get less total returns than someone who rolled the dice on a stock which pays a dividend. Don't care about your hypothetical where someone bought AT&T and you bought the next Apple while it was still just a dividend-less penny stock just because it fits your shitty non-existent argument. You want to talk about typical, we'll talk typical. Stocks are just gambling. Eat my bloody, fissure-ridden asshole.

shhhh let him rest

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Plunge protection unhinged



Pfizerbros… we pumpin

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Shits too easy niggers. What do I do now ?

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I stand by what I say, he had poems anyway suggesting he sucked dick. All fags kill themselves one way or another and go to hell, poem anon is no exception.

LUNR only good news

still crabbing

Bro those are some sad plastic bricks I tell ya huwhut.

I will only buy after the vaccine lawsuits go public.

I wish we had some actionable data to go off by instead of just hype bullshit and manipulated news articles

investing fucking sucks ass this generation, at least boomers relied on, you know, actual fucking business metrics.

Now everyone just chases hype and momentum, and so do the trading algorithms. So the only choice I have left now is to gamble with you retards, or buy a broad market ETF at the absolute highest its ever been evaluated at and hope my life savings dont vanish into thin air

hate this piece of shit fake ass market, even if I make 10% a year, it all feels so fake, and inflation made housing 200% more expensive in just a few short years so why even fucking bother

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He didn't authenticate the post.

twitter link to an article linking to the actual paper

Kys Im shorting BABA because of this. Never invest in chink companies. You can't trust them.

Should I double down on Sofi?

we won’t mention Jonathan nor King David.

Sounds like you lack patience anon.

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Slurped another 1k of GOOGL

Doxx yourself you stupid dip shit so I can come to your house and kill you for posting poems on /smg/ about sucking dick.


oooof, sorry for you loss.

i like our poem anon
always brightens my day to see him cook up his little rhymes


was it frothy?

I started this week with 3500 shares of TGTX

its up like 30% today and now I only have 1000 shares

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not like this petrobrasbros

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You guys seem butthurt. Good. Means I made the right move. How about you go buy more Apple and Nvidia.

All the video examples are in the replies.


Doesn't sell bras

I made money on puts (realized). Wish I kept them long but profit is profit.

You got the wrong man. How did I impersonate Poem Anon?

I just slurped UNH

im pretty confident that a week from now AXON will be under 300 again

Why would you impersonate Poem Anon? Let him rest in peace. It's not worth the (You)'s.

Where is the entire compilation of poems from Poem Anon?

i would share it but i made it into an NFT that you'll need to purchase

The (((retards))) at GOOG are fucking up my numbers. Are they doing the whole go-woke-go-broke thing or is this just a hiccup?

Yeah, idk must have clicked on the wrong post mb.

Surely there's no way MARA tanks with how well crypto has been doing right?

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They just killed all the AI hype. Thanks for dragging US into a depression you retards

They are woke you idiot, this isn't just a phase! IT WILL NEVER END UNTIL ALL THE FROGS ARE GAY!!!

Fuck this, I'm investing in Heineken

Bears getting greedy on BIG. New data today: 6.9 million shares short, up 8%. Time to squeeze em boys

I have 120 shares, do I buy 100 more?

used to be you only had to worry about the tap water

Everyone having fun with AI images and prompts.

Google ruins it by pozzing it all up with niggers.

Checked. Thanks, Satan.

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6 syllables per line, every line. it's him

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My retarded dog coins are giving me more return than the long stocks I purchased. FML

kino kino kino

Sir you do not understand, we needed that money to pay tuitions.

I'm actually a longtime holder of both Applel and Google but I don't like either company much right now.

Their AI was a hilarious failure. It talks like how Anon Babble depicts libtards, but its real. It unironically generated images of historical figures as racially diverse. It also supports pedophiles, says George Washington is part black, and hates Donald Trump. Its actually unreal.

did they release videwo?

The Viking of the Steppes

no they don't have video cameras onboard

Kino ai art. Hell I may go to the moon this weekend.

My favorite part was when someone asked Gemini to explain why it did that and it just came right out and said that it introduced diversity without being asked.

I mean how would you like me to authenticate? I have some ideas, but I'm open to suggestions
There's a whole collection of 60 poem NFTs


It talks like how Anon Babble depicts libtards, but its real.

assuming libtards didn't always think and talk this way

Yeah who would actually hold these asinine beliefs unless they were a libtard

He did not authenticate the post...

That's what you call insecure masculinity

AI does not even know what Nova-C looks like lol

Nice. You know, in portuguese literature there was a poet that got cucked with his brother, the dude was so broken and spent his days fucking whores until he died in jail with a bunch of STI´s, he would pay them with poems.

PPT got disbanded in 2019 and also was never real in the first place.

A specific image must be posted to authenticate.

I didn't realize /smg/ was an openly gay general

the dude was so broken and spent his days fucking whores until he died in jail with a bunch of STI´s

Living in-vida loca

AI is all anybody wants to talk about and Google just shit the bed royally. It is an obvious lesson in the AI is only as good as the people who build it. Google just told the world they have a bunch of blue-haired genderweird baby kids crafting their AI. Nobody trusts that, especially the older people who have the cash to buy into it. They just lost a lot of TRUST that is going to be difficult to build back. If I owned the stock I'd be selling it.

Google is in a good position. All they need to do is fix Gemini and the stock will rocket. Mark my words.

It’s a highly sophisticated, interlocking, brick system as well as a fun investment.

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you aren't going to gaslight me into believing numbers go up because people believe in the future of the American economy and industry

student loan software with some investing options

unironically buy the dip, student loans won't pay themselves.

desu the kids being born today need Legos and not android/ios bullshit.

I'm always half in the market half in high interest account for trash days like today.

You mean this? Anyone could save and post this Apu. I've seen it posted in Anon Babble

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Bro? Who hurt you? Get help. Get over it.

40828. Come on out. No need for an address we will all know the second an outsider is here.

That’s why someone told it fisheye lens, capeshit style, etc. etc. you telling me we can look at subatomic particles but not out a camera on our shit ?

I hope so, because the majority of their projects outside of their core stuff (search, Youtube) have been abject failures. They feel rudderless to me much the way Apple does.

They were actually quite good, hence how he made money from it

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Where have you been? Don't ever leave like that again...

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up 620% on NVDA

Do I just hold this thing forever or?

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Tell me what's in your portfolio. We spoke about this in the past and have the same position. Prove yourself poem anon.

actually what they need to do is fire all the browns and muslims and leftist women (80% of their workforce), and replace them with nerdy white and jewish men (a return to their roots)

LUNR having the most transparent press conference

mostly good news, doing tests, getting data

Seriously, why is this still at $6? Actually crazy.

I've seen it posted in Anon Babble

We out here.

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Kek, a man ahead of his times.

I'm not gay, but I'm not gonna get mad and threaten kill somebody writing a poem about sucking dick though I didn't know it was about that since I'm a nonnative and don't know what a belly flop is.

I don't know, do you hate money?

Cover your cost basis if you are unsure, that way it will be pure profit regardless if it goes up or down.

lol, okay, believe what you want, no AI image looks this good, its not CGI either

Post a train that matches your post number

by my calculations we have expanded the money supply 5x, so fairly valued companies are anything under 125 PE ratio
fire sale is now

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You lied, they came right when I called

Your cunt does not pass for honorable


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I'm going to assume BITO is a bitcoin etf

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Yeah definitely don't take profits at any point. Diamond hands bro. The hedgies want your cheap shares.

The hedgies want your cheap shares.

that ID

Sell at 1000, be the resistance they never break out of before the ai bubble pops

I just shorted PANW with max leverage

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A million times whores have reigned

Ok this is all starting to make sense

poem anon makes poems about sucking dick and people in this general love him

anons posting literal woman hating "bitches and whores" poem from some loser who died being a prison bitch from STI's

/smg/ has serious issues with being in the closet and hating women


holy based

idk really, around I guess
I used to own a lot of QLD, but I've been selling it off lately. Is that what you're thinking of? Or was it that other stock? I hope you didn't buy the other stock...

anon vs Pelosi

guess the outcome

You had a -99% bag you were holding?


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Seriously considering it. Fuck wokefags. At least MSFT is managing it somewhat. Up 100% on GOOG anyway. Its gonna poomp when I sell isn't it

smg has been out of the closet for years, newfag
(You) are correct about woman hating but that is warranted and should be encouraged even
particularly under current societal standards
buy CAT, DE, SCHD and COST

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My IBIT position hit 6 figures today. Now I'm going to the liquor store for a drinky poo. What can I get you anons?


Poem anon is real guys.

I missed you. How are you doing?


should I buy the dip?

We love women. Especially good Christian ladies.

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he spoke in haikus

not true

MARA bros... we got cocky...

That is unequivocally a biological female.

Why couldn't you just stay dead poem anon!!!

I still have this anime girl jpg too
Other than my stocks being near ATHs... I've been not great
No, please don't
Don't worry, I'll probably disappear again after this thread

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are these fractional shares?

Should I dump MELI and invest in a safe 30% annual return or other argie stocks?

I bought just before earnings, so it would be a loss and while I think it will eventually go back up, I'm missing a lot of potential gains while it does so.

for the ultimate proof.

why is it going up so much?

I've been not great

Physically, mentally or both?

Come on. Do that train thing before you leave.

inflation comes in lower tommorow
ZM will be 90 dollars a share

Don't worry, I'll probably disappear again after this thread

Don't let the door hit you on the way out, bitch

I can try...
They are now. When I first bought them, they were whole shares. TBLT did multiple reverse splits since then, so my whole shares became fractions.
Both I guess

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Both I guess

What's up brother? You found work?

I'm glad. I know you have a lot of negative issues and reactions, but you have been cared and even prayed for by some.

Bros all i hear about is how zoomers don't wanna work and how their productivity is dookie. This worries me. How are they gonna pump my bags if they aren't being good little wagies and creating profit? I am quite vexed by the prospect of such uppity and lazy wagies.

One bedroom.


slutty vegan founder

Wagies don't make profits. Half the jobs are made up administrative desk jockey jobs thatdo 2 hours of work a day. Money is made from consumers spending on cheap chinese trinkets.

Wait, are we just a bunch of mentally ill gamblers, hoping to make it big in the hopes it alleviates it all?

Two minum wage jobs can easily afford that. Younger generations just lack the character to pull themselves up by the bootstraps


So what if we are?

Just wanted to explicitly say it.

Lost $1000 on Bitfarms.

I think I'm gonna start writing puts on newell brands.

My investment portfolio has incurred unrealized losses on this trading day.

Nah, I reviewed myself and found that I am perfectly sane.

things have been getting worse each year for a long time

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Any good earnings tonight? got my eyes on MNST and HPQ, probably AI too

Why are these all on little islands. What is this weird price action ?

Yeah, getting on the subway an extra time each day isn't that bad. Suck it up.


He’s back

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Basically I'm just gonna not buy it (the highs!!)

I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH I know.... I know.....

It's just that I'm not buying in is all


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MARA. Thinking about jumping in rn.

What's up brother? You found work?

Nope, no work yet. Almost had an offer a few weeks ago, but they decided No at the last minute. I'm still getting unemployment though, for now. After that, I have basically $150k in cash (earning 5%) that I can spend down. I've also tightened up the trailing stop losses on my tech holdings, so I'm ready to get out quick if shit starts crashing.
Other than that, I'm basically going days or weeks on end without any real world human interaction, so I'm starting to talk to myself a lot lately.

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bitcorn hit 65k and there is ZERO market euphoria. meaning normies are out of market = good thing

stonk market is kinda temporarily peaking obviously

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Ahhh ehto... xP

I'm making a little money today

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Lmao I feel sorry for sane people who have to live in this clown world. Can you even imagine being sane in this day and age? Hahahahaha-I don't even

sure looks like a plateau at the top for Shit&Poop 5000. The short term upside seems very limited.

Looks more promising than the other bitcoin mining company that got slaughtered upon earnings a few days ago

he bought calls? hack eet.

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Its not easy.

yeah but the premiums are pretty huge, I looked at them on monday and I think they're ~3x now




worldwide crypto rug pull.

Nothing personal goy. We will even go so far as to give you some of these Federal Reserve receipts for your paltry wallet of 18 bitcoins.

No sir,
am a mentally ill INVOOSTER
hoping to collect ALL of the STOOKS with
of A
while watching
around the cloock patiently awaiting
BUY points
SELL points
and a BUY point on
so don't lump me in with these
TRMD has a kick ass DIVIE I just boughted some

DUOL about to leave this level forever

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For what it's worth, historically they've topped out at the same time Bitcoin did in 2021

Already fixed
Assets are safu

Is AT&T going out of business?

I'm basically going days or weeks on end without any real world human interaction, so I'm starting to talk to myself a lot lately.

Come talk to us more often. <3.

but that doesn't stop them from sucking

Anyone playing BBY earnings? I got 75p

Where would the NSA stay ?

buy LUNR

sudden flash crash

great now I'm bagholding this piece of shit

I'm thinking of doing a buy+write call, not sure how much I trust earnings but I could baghold this for a while.

last chance to sell at around ATH

If you couldn't tell that ticker is a piece of junk you deserve it.

ENLV bottom before earnings, Phase 2 trial results at end of March too.
Could be a big leg up to scalp, or could be a nothing burger earnings. But the trial results will definitely be pennies or hundreds, though.

typically if you're doing a covered call you get way more predictable results by doing the atm spread.

I feel like they do the bare minimum to get away with it

A belly flop is when you try to dive into a pool of water, but instead of diving, you land flat on your belly. It's extremely painful.

well Anon Babblenessmen, what's your opinion? Will the meme graph come true this time?

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s by doing the atm spread.

what do you mean?

You mean ever since the FBI, DHS, and CISA staged a coup against Trump.

things will be getting worse each yeae for a long time

anyway I'm now the proud owner of 100 MARA with a sold call at a strike of 37
I need to stop gambling

i thought my BITX position was giving me the agita but i think it's the psyllium

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In on MARA and RIOT calls
hold me

if only you knew how bad things are going to be

There is no one market. The markets are within us and we are each experiencing our own unique ones.

how is this a gamble if it goes up you win, if it goes down. by $1 you win.
your odds of coming ahead are 79%

I'm with you anon. Are you watching the call?

Is that what your VOODOO CHICKEN BONES reading said?

We'll find out tomorrow.

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I didn't make a single trade today

-0.42%, but it was a fukkin bumpy ride

-3.3% My portfolio got FUCKED and not in a good way

Aftermarket dump

I made my deposit after blowing the account. Not sure if buying smci puts or nvda puts.

Today was a prime example of why I don't DRIP. a real reinvesting opportunity will often come along if you wait. BTI has been getting bootyblasted on the vape tax news.

5061 now

WTF dow jones 38773

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-26%, not as bad as yesterday. This is my first week trading options and I am dying.

Hoping to recoup if SOUN dumps like I think it will after earnings.

Wendy's surge price FUD removed, the feasting will continue


YTD: +1.14%

I'm glad I trimmed most of my calls, but what the fuck is this garbage, CLSK?

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BTI has been getting bootyblasted on the vape tax news.

so what you're saying is..... the yield is increasing

dipped into MARA last minute too
let's sleep well on our hopium pillows anon

Rolled a CC that was getting beheemed and now it's no longer beheemed

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barely made it into green due to defence companies carrying


awful day. it feels like everyone is pulling out of the market and fomoing to bitcoin

nightmarish day

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decided to fuck around with options as a start for the year and definitely found out so now i'm trying to recover while scalping small caps that have big days

Some 0.92%, but I also deposited some more money so it must have been some 0.09%


yes. Assuming the currency exchange rate holds at about 74 cents per quarter divy payout the current price yields over 10% so I slurped with last quarter's payout today.

not paper trading options for a long time first

Hehehe I started worshipping demons and now I'm making way more money.

Lost $1,000 on Bitfarms rug pull.

undertaker-sama... i kneel

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Are you ready for the greatest depression, /s!g/?

I mean /smg/

MARA shitting the bed of course.

Also where's the anon who went all into SNOW calls? lmao

Yeah, that would've been the smart thing to do. Thankfully this is just a smallish "play" account, but I've learned some solid lessons the past couple days.

multiple banks - we are investigating an issue the Swift & Zelle payment systems

all checking accounts are suspended until further notice

What in the fuck, we're done for.

TA guys, is there a massive bull flag on SOUN?

Snow actual eps 0.35.

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Also where's the anon who went all into SNOW calls? lmao

wait, actually, anon bought puts. He must be a smug motherfucker right now.

Google, $GOOGL, has unveiled its Genie AI which can create video games from text and image prompts, per Business Today

Oh boy even more woke games with ugly ass women and cucked men


t. sold my FNGD this morning and missed out

i cant afford neet lifestyle like this

this seems like asking to be patent trolled

The competency crisis strikes another pillar of this country...

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-0.63% and getting worse
my entire week of gains. gone.

Ripping off TIA lmao

What the fuck is the bear case right now, other than "it's too high so it HAS to come down!"??? Why are we hypercrabbing on absolutely no interesting information? Meanwhile fucking Duolingo and a bunch of other shitty random garbage pumps 20%

Yeah, I didn't think he had a chance in hell, but here's hoping the drop holds until morning.

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That would be SNOW (aka "Wtf do they do? That's not a FANG") microsectors.com/fang/

God willing

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Oh wait, right, he can just cancel them out by buying [number of puts]*[whatever the delta is]*100 shares after hours to cancel them out.

So that's what, 350 shares?

any of the PCE index data tomorrow is going to be close and its a coinflip whether it will be good or bad data
consumer spending is usually bad for january
if the PCE data is bad alongside consumer data then it can dump but if PCE is good and consumer data is bad then who the fuck knows, not like any of us work on wall street

my other euro broker doesn't allow aftermarket trading either

anyone know a broker for europoors that actually allow aftermarket trading?

kys shill

yeah yeah yeah it's just going to be within a tenth of a percent one way or the other and a bunch of fucking reactionary faggots are going to spin it into something it isn't


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i thought they didnt cuz i am retarded and got mad for missing out on half of the COCH move but i managed to buy some and now am a little down as a lesson

Found anon's post. His SNOW puts are worth over 10k right now.

are not "shitty random garbage"
you queer.

Damn, laying off employees and trying to do everything with AI was really bullish as fuck.


Inb4 nanc slurps the snow dip and it recooovers.

Of course LAAC is up, I just trimmed my portfolio of it and bought ENB. But you know what? It's just swing trading, it goes up 12% and then it goes down 12%.

T212 recently said they even have trading during the night, but I wouldn't recommend them

shit richard lewis died. at least MARA is up on earnings

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ESTA: +14.4% after hours

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Thanks, heard good things about them before, guess I'll give it a shot, it's really laughable that the two biggest brokers in my country don't support after hours trading
How would that even work? certificate fuckery?

I wouldn't recommend them

Why though? I have my account with them I think It's fine




Because you want to make money from the STOOKS you buy RETARD.

I used them in 2020 and they had absurd spreads on CFDs. But that's just CFDs.

at least MARA is up on earnings

ya blew it

for IBKR expect everything to be done by the book, they don't fuck around and follow every law
if you want to trade X product you need to request permissions to trade it, for example options, futures, options on futures, CFDs, currency or whatever else they have
you need to request permissiosn to trade in specific regions too
for some of these they need to provide you some basic documentation, give you a basic like 10 question quiz and tell you if they think if you should use this product or not but ultimately you can just say i want to trade it and they will let you
if you want to trade on PC use their TWS desktop app not the new one
web app is kind of shit for trading but it is needed for the account management
mobile app seems fine for phone trading but i dont have much experience trading from it

I heard they use AI to atifical intelligence AI.

His shirt should be orange

How would that even work? certificate fuckery?

They say it's from "Blue Ocean". Idk what that is

Well fuck yeah, BYND puts are now itm

New to this, how do you know they're worth 10k without knowing what the premium was?

I have no idea what his *profit* is, just that they are now worth 10 since the stock was at 180, so each share you sell at 200 gives you $20, there's 100 per option contract so $2000, and anon bought 5 contracts, so $10k. He might have paid 1-2k por it, no idea.

Damn my tech is dropping hard after hours...
Is this going to be the big one?

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Seems about right, pretty used to the questionnaires at this point, but I'll check out the rest of that tomorrow, thanks again anon

Yeah but you hedged the super obvious bubble with SMCI and NVDA puts, right?


I've been buying up some SQQQ lately, but not a lot yet

Makes sense, thanks anon