This is how early we are.
This is how early we are
This is the only indicator I give 2 shits about.
Bro see
We are still pre halving, retail will clearly get fucked by institutions this cycle
Exactly I won't sell until my boomer dad asks about it again and I see traffic go up
What's the TA to be applied here?
near previous ath
low volume on Anon Babble posts
bros.. its the golden bull run
Its dead.
Reputation once tarnished is never going to be regained.
Btw, shitter is the Anon Babble of this cycle. A pit of shit with no value
this cycle is spooky
are we early, or is there just not going to be any retail interest this cycle
Crapto tarnished its entire reputation last cycle. Lost its entire innovation base and is now left with the scum of the scum that are unable to catch new retards.
Congrats your pyramid scheme is dead, you lost the base, and base wont return, with no outlook at growth from other sources.
Still very early believe it or not. Retail normies are generally still sleeping on crypto after being traumatized by 2022. Wait til bitcoin passes ATH or hits 100k and it enters mainstream consciousness fully again
how do we even know this is the most accurate version of this chart? t.
16 years
same multi level marketing non sense
no use case
no demand
I checked volume recently, nearly shit myself laughing
Biz is a Boomer board now
All the Zoomies are on tiktok
BTC is nearly at ATH again
i-it's dead!
Shut the fuck up retard bear
When was the new captcha implemented? I remember that back in 2021, at least 70% of OP posts were shitcoin spam.
Get raped by institution niggers. It's so over.
real gambling has also exploded which I think actually takes away retail money, 65B dollars were spent on mobile app sports and other gambling shit, which probably would have gone into crypto in the past
Nah, peak biz is never coming back. Jannies, jeets and jews ruined this board.
It is dead. No use case, no demand, no innovation needed. Still the same useless inferior experiment at a distributed database with not a single fundamental problem solved - worthless tech, a fucking cloud based database has more use.
Doubt. Crapto has a bad reputation and the actors still in the crapto scam biz are doing everything in their power to make crapto even more unappealing. On top no user friendliness and even if there was, what the fuck are you supposed to do with "tokens" of a shitty databases not needed
Look in the right place bubba
fudding your own bags
Did I travel back to 2017?
They all gamble WITH crypto to avoid regulations.
Don't care. Price is still gonna go up. Gonna hit new ATHs. Cope sneed dilate, nocoiner.
Bags? Nigger, something like crapto doesn't get anywhere close to my portfolio ever again. And a company that dabbles in crapto as well. Experiment failed - good riddance. There are other growth markets
unbelievably bullish.
How unfortunate. I guess we can't all be deeply in profit every single cycle :^)
Itt: retards thinking Anon Babble biz is secret crypto club eventhoughj shit is mainstream
Anon, you're holding yourself back.
You wouldn't invest in Berkshire Hathaway or Tesla? They hold bitcoin
What about your stupid fiat bank thats currently scooping up all the btc for etfs?
Buys the top of an S curve
of literally nothing with literally no use case
as expected. No thanks. It was shit, it was empirically shown that non of the fundamental technical problems is solvable, it wont ever amount to anything.
Appeal to authority
Any way to crawl for similar information about crypto reddits and twitter?
yes. All the numbers scream dead
interaction to impression all across the board are dead. No humans just automated marketing crap that couldnt sell water in a desert
*price still going up*
Earth to crapto retard, since October you could have thrown capital into whatever and "price" in dollar gone up
with that tiny market cap. If you werent so hyper focused on a, at this point literal pure pyramid scheme you would know that there have been boomer stocks easily outshining your crapto, with real demand and production backing the growth
looks pretty freakin late to me bro
nah, we are not THAT early, biz has just died over the years, the crypto twitter is more alive than ever, I don't know about reddit cause I refuse to go there and have anything to do with those retards
no use case
Extreme cope.
Best performing asset of the decade
nobody uses biz anymore its a piece of shithole
I'm going to be financially rich
Anon Babble is dead.
You won't be able to sue it as a signal now thanks to the jannies destroying the community and attacking it very aggressively.
Parasites should never kill the host they depend on.
paying to make an entrance into a shit database?
yes. and it failed, total market saturation
A x2 of something down 90% from ath is nothing this board should know that better than any other
We are early as hell. Look at BTC ETF inflows versus coins produced. For Blackrock ETF, inflows have forced them to purchase an average of nearly 4000 BTC per day, on the contrary, only 900 BTC is mined each day. There is a massive supply squeeze coming as soon as the liquid BTC is purchased. Once
That happens,Blackrock will be forced to bid against other institutions to purchase BTC directly from miners at insane prices, this will cause BTC to skyrocket.
Both beoble and biz sold me on 100k post-halve. We are extremely early, in fact.