Reddit is now putting their life savings in BTC

Reddit is now putting their life savings in BTC

savings.png - 1101x648, 137.08K

Never seen a bigger top signal

Mega sell signal

lol lmao


the bullrun is starting NOW

putting them in doge would make sense

He bought on the 20th though. Probably was in the green and decided to go all in. Not the worse gamble.


Life savings

How do these people fuck up their lives so hard?

coinbase hacked 5 minutes later


will check back one year from now

How does -40% sound?

Life savings



zero risk management

Sounds about right. Carry on.

He's probably 20

how do you balance risk management and desperation, anon? not everyone is chilling out here.

By managing your desperation.

Bright lad. He will double it and get a nice car that will help him lose his virginity.

But I love her and if I can just make enough money to move away to her state I can be with her forever.

Like fucking clockwork


My right hand will be with me forever

There is literally nothing wrong with this, he at least x2'd his money in a year. Why make fun of him? That's still better investment than 99.9% people on this planet make

there are no "signals" like this anymore you stupid fucks. It doesn't matter if your grandma asks you about btc. But by all means try to trade off this sort of nothingburger so I can laugh at your expense later.

I did the same once and I'm a point where everyone would agree I've made it already. Man you newfaggots who got here just in the past couple years stick out so much

Snap out of it!

b1d7dnuzthla1.gif - 356x200, 2.03M

covering the user id


normies buying is a sell signal

ask me how I know you retards own 0 Doge

He is american.
Those are huge savings for the

imagine every single person in the world trying to fomo this cycle with their life savings it will be gg

Because he's buying a year and change late. He isn't thinking, just saw a green line and got scared. These people don't deserve to make it (and he obviously won't, even if he makes some money).

That screenshot

Sucks. Selling all my Super Doge and Ape now. Ill hold on to my bit-coins for a little longer but this spells doom.

this was me.

but last feb

and i'm not a poor

oh christ here we go

Please tell me this is fake

I am a 8 figfag
What do u recommend?

It's a new paradigm, and everybody who doesn't buy, now, will be priced out forever. Anybody who does buy will be rewarded with a lifetime of riches, as their bitcoin will continue its 30% monthly price increase.

Nocoiners, and anybody born in a future generation, will not be able to afford a $10,000,000 satoshi in 15 years. They will live in tent cities, and Hondas.

This asset bubble is different than all of the others - it will never slow down, or pop. The gains are permanent.

The meme really is true. Retail only buys when "numba go up".


It would make sense if they were frequent traders following short term trends but that isn't what they are doing. They are performing investment type strategies after it went up like 400% in 1.5 years

there are no "signals" like this anymore you stupid fucks. It doesn't matter if your grandma asks you about btc

True bro. In fact human nature and psychology has changed forever due to the addition of a kike ETF. With Jews you don't lose. They fixed the number go down problem. Let's all thank the Jews for fixing our silly goyim brains.

my life savings have been in bitcoin since 12k. best decision of my life.


Buy high sell low

Beta redditor go back


Thanks, just sold everything.

I really can't wait for wholecoiner bullying of decimal holders to take off. Losers will brag about having a million satoshis.

predditor yolos life savings

totally not gonna check the price every other minute

biggest chunk bought at 62.2k

he panic sold the flash crash to 58k didn't he

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He's probably the kind of idiot who puts 10% of his paycheck (after taxes) into a savings account and calls it "life savings". So let's be generous and call it $500/month, 6k/yr, three years worth of savings. He's on reddit, so that's probably his entire career history and he probably got lucky getting a $60k/yr job straight out of college.

Sadly people still take boomer advice of a 10% savings rate. Realistically you should be min-maxing to achieve a 60% or better savings rate, and targeting gains of 300% average yearly ROI. Anything less and good fucking luck keeping up with inflation, let alone housing prices.

Zoomers don’t drive
Zoomers don’t have sex
Zoomers are “the last man” personified


I have a long winded theory about it but nobody really cares. A shorthand version that I think molymeme came up with is "everyone buys bitcoin at the price they deserve".

We haven't even had a rate cut or the halving yet. Not a top signal. ETF is also plowing in tons of money daily.

checks back every 15 minutes for the next 3 days and sells at 50k

Time to bow out.

1561794018161.jpg - 600x800, 68.68K

your life savings was 17k? holy poor. why is everyone so fucking poor LOL do people think 17k is a lot of money?

i dont even have btc and i just SOLD

We still don't have major normie hype. My family, friends, hair dresser etc. are still not talking about crypto. When that starts happening is when you should start worrying

The average American is $50k in debt so yes $17k of liquid cash is a lot


it's over


i just sold my half a bitcoin i bought in the 40k range made 11k EZ

average bizlet has 60 million, retard. that means half have less than 60 million, which means they're poor af. kys

wtf is the average Anon Babble bro gonna do with a measly 60 mil he's probably gonna blow it all and get scammed by an asian chick

a8IRWotWVK.jpg - 1280x1126, 202.53K

Holy shit I felt bad for only buying half a bitcoin during the bear market but at least I stopped buying at 40k.
What the fuck lol.

an asian chick


Never seen a bigger top signal

The Bitcoin subreddit is talking about Bitcoin

Bros... I think it's time to sell

How the fuck am I supposed to save 60%?? This is coming from someone who saves around 30%, and that leaves me with basically nothing left over usually after food and other expenses. I haven't bought anything or went anywhere in a long time.

if you can't save 60% after bare essentials and nothing else it means you need to get a job where you make more. how have you not figured this out?

Sadly I have figured this out I just hate that I'm getting nowhere trying to fix it. I think I make decent money for my area.

You're not supposed to succeed.

Future Anon Babblebuttcoin poster

I'm getting nowhere trying to fix it

then you're not trying hard enough

I think I make decent money for my area.

what is your job and general area? you can always fix your situation, it's just a matter of effort. not joking, but are you fat?

and targeting gains of 300% average yearly ROI

Lol yeah just be lucky your entire life bro

everyone starts with zero fucktards, he might be 15yo

top confirmed