Fucking dies

rest in (icy) piss

that was so fucking funny

pumps the least during the run-up

dumps almost 20% at the first sign of trouble

everything had a insta crash for some reason

I lost 30k and only have 10k left because I longed the only fucking coin that dumped enough to liquidate my 4x long. Just fucking end it.

and it's a good thing

lmao yes dude its so great that your favorite little coin is down 80% from top you really did get rekt i'm sure you bought right at top and held till the bottom the smart money has been taking profits while dipshits like you keep holding it i hope you are happy throwing away your money

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I got liquidated here nice bull market

That wick is going to get filled fuck this shitcoin

It's not gonna die you nigger faggot, it's doing fairly ok, what's truly fucking bleeding me to death is LINK holy fucking shit dude, I don't get it, I just need this, link and super to go ballistic so I make it


Are you fucking stupid? Link is holding like a champ

Icp has been bleeding since ico even now its dumping worse than the rest. Good luck not making any fucking money this bullring. I'm don't trying to tell you idiots off. You will lose money if you hold this and I'm probably not the first to tell you this. ITS A VC SCAM

Kek I can't believe how retarded ICP fuddies are. You are going to rope when its in the thousands.

Based anons!! Join the ICP brigade!!

Fuck only 4 away from I almost got double dubs!

kek wills ICP will be $2226 by end of year and gigachad (phonk) ICP holders will all make it!

this is a lie right?

has random flash crash

Regains most of it immediately

price is largely the same as earlier in week

Anon Babble has multiple threads declaring it dead/dying/over

Reminds me why I stopped coming here so much.

Don't abandon the battlefront and let the fudders take over! Glory and riches await! Join the ICP brigade today!!

What kind of reverse fud are you trying to make? FUD is bullish!

Their biggest mistake was starting at three digits. What the fuck were they thinking? Start at sub $1 to give idiots the illusion it can easily moon.

It started at 2500 actually, and VC's bought at 3 cents so do the math

well it started at 4 digits, and that was the point i think, via sam.

the true biggest mistake was letting in so many VCs at such a low price, especially the VCs who do not care to see the project succeed.

Kek I always thought it was 3 digits, wow. Isn't there some way to split like they do in stocks?

Of fucking course is going to die retard, what do you expect? at least take a look at some other projects like BRC20 while you burn your money

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Now that the January announcement is proven to be a LARP I think it'll die. No one uses it and their biggest projects (DSCVR and Dmail) left for other chains.

holding anything besides BTC

Sorry retard, i only trust EVMs

no one is going to tell me how I'm supposed to spend my money, not even a Anon Babble anon.

Of fucking course is going to die retard

we are in front of a psychic, be careful gentlemen.

Fuck this POS coin I hope that faggot dom gets shot in the head fucking cocksucker

listen here you cum guzzling whore that coin is the best thing since sliced bread if you don't want to be part of this awesome opportunity just leave nobody wants you here you are pathetic and worthless i hope you get run over by a bus and die

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Shut the fuck up you little faggot your mom is a cum guzzling whore