Under 1 BTC club

You must post in this thread if you do not own at least 1 BTC.

0.73 BTC


am i gonna make it?

I have 3 dollars worth of bitcoin


I would be happy with 0.1

I don't even own 0.2 BTC
I'm a thirdie so even my 0.169 BTC is decent for me

I own 0.2 ETH :)

Our grandchildren will be happy that we became Sat millionaires.

if you have .1 BTC you have already made it. relax.

So we're all stuck at ~.7 BTC? Why is that last fourth so hard to get through?

because i thought 30k would last longer and now it's twice as hard to acoom

0.45 ...

I-I live in a poor as fuck country ok ... :(

I own 0 now. I owned .4 back when it was around 300 or so per coin. Traded it for dogecoin and sent it on a dice gambling site kek. Having 24 grand sure would be nice right now.

.93 but my crypto value is above the whole coin price by a few thousand so idc

I have .15. Will that be enough to prevent me from eating the bugs and living in a pod?

if you have 1 BTC you NEED to play the next few weeks very smart.
buy scottiebeameth for your early bullrun boost.

0.21 BTC poorfag here

tfw missed out on teenage love and early crypto

.43 BTC in my IRA with iTrust capital. $15,000 well spent.


Around 0.25

Counting my alts its 0.6

0.25 here.

Just around .75 BTC.

I'm good with it. Get BTC to $100k and I have a cool $75k to cash out and make improvements to my life with.


am I going to make it?

1000030682.jpg - 600x656, 59.17K

0.3 here,
I'm not looking for attention, so don't bother, ladies.

0.54 bought at 25k here. I coulda bought 4x as much tho, and I still got that money stabled....


download.jpg - 274x184, 6.34K


You might get an Economy Max Plus pod for that much.

132 here

2.75 out of my way, fags

0.15 btc and 0.05 in other random shit
could have accumulated a lot more at the 25-35k range but I fell for the precious metals meme and now im stuck here with a bunch of stupid rocks

Check out Bitcoin Netting on tg if you want to earn off your BTC. It's legit if you look into the process

0.3 here


.7 as well surprising how common it is

It will. That's what made it means today. Good job, hang onto .1

1000 LINK

how do 81 million sound marine

How do you short/long as an American?

0.35 btc here

0.68 btc

1 eth

130 avax

1,000 link

9-h08g9.jpg - 1024x1024, 291.91K

I just started and I'm in the 0.004 margin. Do I wait to pump more? I'm not gonna make it

It's a new paradigm, and everybody who doesn't buy, now, will be priced out forever. Anybody who does buy will be rewarded with a lifetime of riches, as their bitcoin will continue its 30% monthly price increase.

Nocoiners, and anybody born in a future generation, will not be able to afford a $10,000,000 satoshi in 15 years. They will live in tent cities, and Hondas.

This asset bubble is different than all of the others - it will never slow down, or pop. The gains are permanent.

hello sir, will i feed village using this yes?

Missing hard this cycle, fucking blackrock...