My wife’s friends are wanting to buy Bitcoin
Is this a top signal?
Okay I’m selling
My wife
nice larp, faggot
Nah this shit started like 6-12 months before top last time at least. Normies in my office were talking about it all day.
Anon you know we’re all in our thirties and forties now right?
member the tupperware bitcoin parties from last cycle?
This, the attention and normie fomo only drives up the price to the actual top
If normies discuss crypto and gloat about gains then its time to sell
That's you mom nigger
Buy the Bit Coins
i don't think the normie indicator is going to work as well this cycle because of all the media attention it got last cycle. in my opinion need to wait for the unrealistic euphoria phase
fuck off normalfag and your wife has 100% been fucked by other men so your kids probably arent yours
normies aren't a top indicator anymore. my neighbor is a tennis instructor in her 60s and was talking about buying doge and making a bunch of money during the pump last cycle. we are past all of that now.
But if everyone is in then who will be left to buy?
Your wife is a whore. Her grammar is also quite poor kek! It's absolutely over for you and your retard stepchildren.
we had the richest guy on the planet shilling dog coins, nation states and global corporations publicly adding btc to their balance sheets... last cycle was the epochial shift. there is no normie indicator anymore. this cycle we will see banks created around crypto and countries with larger GDPs taking a position. its gonna get wild
blackrock meme is real anon.
No. An actual top signal will be when this chick begins feeling like a genius after she bought at 50k and when it hits 180k, she begins her own youtube channel called crazycryptogal and gives advice to (you). That's a top signal.
OP BTFO. It's over
Please remember to pick up molly from practice btw
Getting married is such a remote and unattainable goal for incels, that saying you have a wife is like saying you have 100,000 bitcoins.
Kek this convo is such a larp. You really gave it away with the ridiculous line at the end kek
kek, this is actually how wives text anon. she knows he knows to pick up molly, but she still has to remind him.
She told her friends to try and do a one up on them. They will be suing her and you for giving them financial advice when we hit the next bear, get a divorce now kek
Whats with all the idiots here doubting that someone has a wife? Are you just smelly pajeets projecting your loneliness to people who are capable of using soap and a toilet?
Everything is… LE FAKE
Bit Coins
I know the website where you can make fake screenshots like this. But to tell you the truth my asian gf has started to talk about bitcoin to me and she spent the last couple of years getting mad at me every time I mentioned it because she thought it was a massive scam going to 0.
has your wife's son bought yet?
oh honey
lmao wtf
everyone thinking I must be larping because I have a wife and daughter
They’re kind of telling on themselves, lmao
the smiley emoji is a little weird. Maybe they're asian?
Also the way she said "bit coins" was weird. I thnk it's reasonable to suggest its a fake.
Fake and gay you homo.
please remember to...
Not your keys, not your children
kek I hate this place for never knowing what's real and what's not
the imageboard brain is a curse
Your 'wife' is a tranny, and so is your 'daughter'
My lips are sealed
So? You're going to go on the plantation because of your age?
lips are sealed!!!!
she sounds pretty excited at the prospect of getting a piece of your btc my dude, ngmi
I'm married but the line at the end about not forgetting to pick up the kid from practice is cringe lame, and clearly thrown in there by someone not very good at it
because a fake text picture generator?
he needs a website to fake a texto discussion
Zoomer are really tech illiterates
like a clockwork
the way its written is so fake. "oh honey" its like some lame faggots idea of how people talk because they watched too many sitcoms
The top is near, lads. Brace for impact.
my wife
If it was your wife it would be "our crypto"
The day my mother in law asks me if she should buy BTC is the day im selling everything. She missed the top by a few days last time.
It’s funny to me that if all the crazy shit that gets pushed on this board, the thing people have the most difficulty believing is that there exists a man here who could persuade a woman to marry them.
telling your wife you have crypto
holy shit anon, you are so fucked
Doesn't seem like a genuine conversation
my lips are sealed
Woman code for "I told them everything and I dgaf"
Yup. Women tell each other every_thing. Never doubt it.
It's true
This is absolutely the top signal when your parents or normie women mention it