Seriously, how do you handle volatility? What's your mindset?
Seriously, how do you handle volatility? What's your mindset?
just dont look at it
that's how I ended up bagholding through the entire bear market last cycle...
Understand that volatility is temporary
volatility mean money. I also ride bitcoin for 4 x times now. I would rather be worried if bitcoin stabilize after the bull run it could mean that the times of crazy gains are gone and we would be happy with if btc x2 after.
I don't care simple as.
It's all fake and gay you can make 30k in a day from $5 and lose it just as fast
Remember to sell when you can
Make trade, go on ketamine binge, unable to move to computer to stupidly sell.
It's that easy
That seems like a kind of self-deception. But if it works...
You only lose money when you sell.
I'm trying to keep this in mind and force myself to only sell green
I'm having fun, the past 2 years have been so fucking boring, this reminds me of old crypto times
opening your portfolio every 30 secs will obviously not put you in a positive, rational frame of mind
just be patient. when the time comes you'll know when to sell.
sell only a little instead of selling everything
Also only trade when drunk and drinking heavily so when you buy you are prob going to be blacked out within 10 mins so you won't be constantly buying and selling
This is the right answer, stop being nervous and realise we're in a massive casino, fortunes are made and lost everyday and everyone is high on the prospect of making it big.
It's my only concern that when I make it these cycles just won't feel the same.
It's not at the price target I want for selling yet, so I don't care.
daily reminder that you can baghold for 13 years to break even
Everything is literally just chemicals in your brain bro
Seriously, how do you handle volatility? What's your mindset?
Mindset is very simple, it's like this:
bought 1 btc in 2012
wrote recovery keys on a piece of paper
never installed wallet again, never interacted with exchanges after initial withdrawal, never looked at the charts or touched crypto for the next 10 years
very comfy.
Risk management.
picture the stock market as a woman and imagine it's findom
I don't put everything into highly volatile assets. The volatile part of my portfolio is volatile, that's no cause for concern, that's by my design.
that means you're ready to make big gains this time
simple, don't invest money into unstable assets that you are unwilling to lose.
just be a full schizo maxi, the dips then are just opportunities to get cheaper sats
lmao @ poor people
I don’t care about the number until it’s seven figures. Then sell, put it in boomer shit and start again.
I had weeks where I lost 6 figs in gains while earning 1600€ a month net working my fucking ass off. I am completely numb to these fairy numbers, they are not real until they are 7 figs.
t. In six figure hell for years, hopefully for the last cycle
You've never been to the bottom, none of you have. Not 1 person here can say they've had scabies, or slept with bedbugs. It's all gain when you've had nothing before.
Another day and dollar (either earned or spent)
Just close your eyes nigga hahaha how tf is cyber volatility even real
Woah, easy there big spender.
But yes, right mindset.
You will learn, young grasshopper.
I can handle volatility if it's an index fund, because I know it will eventually go back up. If anything it encourages me to dump more money into it because I will get it for cheaper.
I don't do individual stocks. I have a few shitcoins that I fully expect to lose everything on, but if one 5x I will make up all of the losses.
Pumps = I'm richer
Dumps = I can buy more cheaper
Literally don't even think about selling till October 2025. Then market sell everything.
You're welcome.
Not being a fucking normie pussy
Start LP'ing and volatility becomes your friend.
I've already seen the number before it happened from modeling different outcomes.
how do you handle volatility
Experience. And diversification. All in 1 thing would make me nervous too, no matter how much I am certain of things.
1. Get in low, so when it pumps you have much further to fall and more time to get out. I bought in at 20k when everyone was foretelling the end of bitcoin. It wasn't the end then, the last 4 times it dumped, and it won't be the end the next time it dumps either.
2. Never put in more than you can afford to lose. I had a spare 3k I could afford to lose, and felt like gambling. Now i'm up a solid chunk of money.
3. It's just money, and so long as you're not in your mid 70s, and can still work a job, there will be more of it, and losses aren't the biggest deal in the world.
4. Line goes up, line goes down, line goes up, line goes down, line goes up! etc etc etc
5. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen. Some people can't deal with crypto OR stocks. My brother and I bought bank stocks with some of our grandmas inheritance 20 years ago. During a bad market cycle he ragesold, and got out with a little over a hundred dollars just above his initial investment. I've held and never sold the stock, and made back 10 times my initial investment in dividends. The market always comes back, and if it doesn't then it's the end for us all and nothing matters anyway.
Bitcoin is going to 1 million by 2030. Whatever happens between now and then is noise.
You most likely wouldn't have been able to time the market. I sold a lot of my ETH near a local top and felt really good about it in the following months. But now it's trading at 4x what I sold for. Would have preferred bagholding throughout all the cycles. Now I just slowly DCA out of my remaining position (it's still very large for me).
1: Make sure you're not over-invested and genunely can afford to lose a large % of your investment
2: Don't pay too much attention to short term fluctuations
Just stop caring. It is just that simple.
I log into my brokerage once to buy something, then I never log back in to check. Simple as that.
Hold shit you understand and believe in.
hold untill it's high again you fucking pussy.
I've seen normies buy low, sit through a big gain, then let it pass and sell at a loss afterward because they got scared.
these same idiots said btc is going to 0.
i held.
I will achieve all my goals without cashing out anything. Getting crypto rich will just be a bonus.
Holding a diversified portfolio of BTC, alts and some stablecoins guarantees whatever happens you're making gains on one side or the other.
Obviously you're not making "gains" with stablecoins but as price of other stuff heads lower at least you have some dry powder on the side.
I zoom out and cope