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Take off



its literally take off
we just reached institutional investors with the etf
nobody is talking about crypto

Return to mean

havent even properly gotten to media attention

normalfags still hate crypto, nobody i know is talking about it other than liberals saying its bad for the environment, or its a speculative asset and worth nothing… wheres the media attention?


the first sell off is after the halving

Just the start we are not even at halving 300 000 - 500 000 it will be bull run of our lives. You become part of history if you partake.

nobody talking about crypto

trending on twitter a week in a row


media hasn't even started talking about crypto again

come on, dude

We are one year and a half from the top.

Literally zero media attention thoughbeit


Bear trap

The top is a year from now. We're at enthusiasm/greed, but we'll have a correction

the etf kept gold price down. it would have been higher without it, its lagging to inflation atm.

Return to 'normal'

first sell off

That would be short bull cycle. end of 2025 if it will repeating what happened in the past.

You’ll see what I mean very soon

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If you mean which stage of the cyclical BTC bull run (not overall, since it's just going to keep going up forever just like gold), we are at enthusiasm

but there's also lots of paper gold, bitcoin has an open global ledger to verify its supply

lol what a bunch of retards a sell off is a good thing you just have to sell first and be smart about it its so obvious only idiots have to sell low you can easily buy low sell high if you arent a complete moron

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Twitter isn't real life.

Not even at media attention yet. Nobobg is talking about it expect crypto nerts. Chads are still buying $NVDA.

New paradigm

normalfags still hate crypto

most normalfags got rekt last cycle and "will never buy crypto again"
once those people start FOMOing back in, we can call the top

this cycle is different

new paradigm

It will be greed when I get to own 400k SUPER tokens, nigger faggot, until then, it's not

i-it's new paradigm!!

hasn't even hit ATH yet

Lmfao. You bear cucks are so fucking asshurt. Fuck you.

Unironically still take off. There won't be a first sell off. At least not a big one.

first sell off iminent

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Sneed, Sneed from the Sneed memes we're chucking, mmmmm, Sneed memes...

You're a retard, gold supply has 3x since '71, it's nominal price has still 45x while money stock has 42x. "Paper gold" is hardcore shiney rock fetishist cope

The next few years will make so many people seeth and cope

this. when it breaks ath there will be another sell off that people will think crypto is done for. then it really blasts off.

Seems a little high, but maybe. I'm expecting 200k

It’s all over the papers you mongo

I was greedy at the bottom too, checkmate atheist.

This fucking chart again.
Literally a Rorschach test for idiots.

I see a bubble

I see the start of a huge bull run

I see my mother's genitalia

They are retard

Literally hear it every 30 minutes hear on the radio in my country

300 000 - 500 000

usd/eth? correct
local top? yeah around that
also potentially this

Return to mean


Think we are still early, when it breaks ATH it will be back in the news, probably after the halving and people will be buying in.

Ok, hear me out:
What if you're right
The halving happens here