Hodling DOGE is a bet that Elon Musk will, between visiting Auschwitz and the next holocaust museum, implement it as a form of payment on whatever his vision for Twitter (formerly X) is.
0.11 eod
for some people sure
for a bored faggot like me with money to burn i threw $20 into it a few years ago for the lulz, and i've gotten more than that in entertainment value watching the memecoin go up and down as random anons shid and fard themselves over it
doginals is the play. it's like doge coin on max leverage
Please God, let it go to $1 so I can finally retire.
I correct my self 0.12 eod
what the fuck anon
I won’t be able to retire at 1$ but I’ll be taking a nice 10,500$ profit and I could really use the money right now I just moved in with my girl
Idk if anything significantly higher than 1$ is a realistic goal at least for the short term (without hyper inflation) but it would be nice if it hit 5$
Im hoping all that doginals shit is removing doge from the exchanges
creating scarcity/supply shock
thus moving the price of doge up
but for some reason its really hard to find data of the supply of doge on exchanges
He said explicitly that Doge or any other coin will be used for X payment.
Musk revealed his plans to turn the platform into a financial platform by 2024, though there has been no mention of adding Dogecoin as a payment method for this plan.
Why you lying?
will be
will NOT be
It's not explicit, yet. But it would be strange if it wasn't an option. The confirmation will send dogecoin to the moon though, which is why this is such a comfy hold because I know for sure it's just a matter of time
right now doginals is hardly moving any doge off but it will soon, doge coin will go up but doginals will go up alot more
How much do u have in doge
I only bought £1k worth at about 7.8 cents, my gf has £1k in too. Used to have a lot of money in doge in the previous bullrun (I bought about £1k of it before it took off, at the end of the cycle after a few swing trades etc I was left with £20k)
I was in doge the cycle before that as well
I know doge like the back of my hand
Doge is usually getting stuck at meme numbers so IF this isn't crashing hard today or tomorrow it might stick to 0.1111. That's the closest.
0.0999 is also likely
This guy fucks!
More like 0.09 eod.
$10 before the end of the year
make it 20 dogebro
I see you anon from the previous doge threads, couldn't acoomolate enough as well
hope for 20 quids
nodoggers BTFO
Same, lul. DOGE is my favorite coin. I can buy things with a currency that has a retarded dog on it.
it's so hard to find people with that 'for the lulz' mentality anymore. too many fell for the 'the internet is srs bsns' meme
Yep. People are too serious these days. You want to know the really silly part of all of this for me is? I like animals. Especially dogs. I kept trying to invest in extra little feel-good things like PET and in WOOF on the stock market, thinking it was tied in a way to something I love. That it would be nice to just sit there in my portfolio. Those stocks are always wallowing up and down in the $2 range or so. Even ROVER just got yanked away by Blackstone. Anyway, these "feel good" stocks never did anything for me. I've sold them all off. But sometime ago I go on a LARK and buy about $200 worth of fucking DOGE and I'm watching this thoroughly retarded fun decision I made make these massive gains on Coinbase. Which makes it all an even bigger lul for me.
beoble told me doge was a retarded investment decision
biz told me doge was a retarded investment decision
x told me doge was a retarded investment decision
i still bought. 0.5 next?
I will never forget my first crypto experience, and I regret it so much.
Back in around 2018 I bought $40 worth of DOGE. At the time is was worthless, I had bought millions of them.
Come a few months later, I sell all of them so I can buy some new work shoes.
Years later, I see that my $40 of DOGE would now be worth $350,000 at its peak.
That was my one chance of making it, and I sold out to get wagie shoes.
Based luller
I have a soft spot for silly stocks like greggs and aquabounty
Oh fuck I didn't realise twitch had started accepting dogecoin
Breakout imminent
Buy or stay poor
I bought b/c someone just mentioned it in a bitcoin thread as possibly getting an ETF...
right before the pump already up 15%
thanks to whatever anon that was
they're deploying (((cellular outages))) now
Not going to pretend I knew it was imminently due to pump, but you're welcome
lmao i bought millions when it was retardedly cheap and then lost the wallet. rekt
Too many people will sell at 0.9 in anticipation of a $1 dump.
and they will all miss the ride to $10 and $20
posted this just yesterday
hold one, dogebros, we're going places
Doge is the biggest indicator that you're all still very much so early to crypto
27$ would be noice.
this piece of shit goes sideways for over a fucking year while everything else moons
new memecoins like pepe up 5x in a month and doge can only go up 20%
Yeah if this doesn't hit like $0.20 immediately doge is officially a dead coin, I buyed 100k
We're going to 0.420X, then 0.69, and then $1 before we moon at the cycle top.
I mean, it's nice to dream a bit but come on now
Doge is such a meme that almost all of it is lost forever. There isn't much floating around and people aren't going to start taking it seriously until it has a God run. Limited supply + meme status = crazy gains. Watch it happen.
Doge @ $1 puts it at 143B cap, which is already pretty ridiculous. $10 is 1.4T, which is close to some of the biggest tech companies like Meta, google, amazon are at .
Do you think a meme coin get to such a value realistically?
Just wait until Shib hits $0.1 (mcap $100T)
I don't know if you guys know but there is a coin called dogelon?
Literally DOGE ELON!
doge has a timeless face to it. It's something you can picture on a floating cyberpunk bilboard, just staring down at you with its smug face
doge will be forever