Portfolio Rate: Welcome to 6 Figure Hell Edition

Alright lads. Just entered the gates of 6 figure hell. What cab I expect peak bull run 2025? Also portfolio rate

I'm still have about 50k fiat that I'm being sidelined on.

about to enter 5 figs hell.

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Sick doge stack

a nice 5x from here. soooo i would take profit if i was you little by little once you hit 500k... a few thousand...

dont think you will hit 7 figures this bull run tho...

remeebr just take profit. it never feels bad...

I'm going all in on the power of memes this bullrun

These threads always show up when we’ve topped historically speaking

Checked. Selling all now

We had portfolio threads all through bear market, not many though

i think we could have at least a 5x from here

Matic is going to explode as pol when it rebrands. Currently it is crabbing dogshit.

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Congrats OP, am also 2X up on QANX and NEAR

Getting ready to centralize my portfolio on Vespr and coinbase wallet

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hell status: entered

holy shit what the hell is this

Diversified retardation



Plus $2.7k FTM in another wallet. Open to any recommendations to help me take this 5 figure poorfolio into 6 figure purgatory this bull run.

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uh oh

OUIIIIIII ! U might reach 100k

Will this get me to 6 figures? Bought the top Biden for $100.

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Not a bad one. I would advise you add Sui and some of the ecosystem project like Hydro online when the token launches.

i entered 7 figures purgatory 5 minutes ago. i'm selling as much as i can, even if i don't have enough yet. we're either at the local top or close enough

portfolio just crossed 500k

my ath in 2021 was 82k

Yep I'm thinking it's either over or I'm about to get really fucking rich

Good folio

Add some SUI to this PF and it will be the best. Hydro online token launching in Q2 is also another one to consider judging from the fact it helps builders, publishers Monetize their content.

will I make it anons? I also have 25k in a 401k, so this crypto plus that technically puts me in six figure hell.

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making it

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103 IQ genius


fuck you mang, all i have is 100k kaspa