Dog bat on BNB liquidity is now $2.5M again… what the hell can these ppl leave forever. Why is it going up
God I hate these baggies
Kys baggies
Dog... bat... dog... bat... dog... bat... DOG... BAT... DOG... BAT DOG BAT DOG BAT DOG BAT DOG BAT
B0nk already won get over it and sell ...your pajeet scam is the clone now liquidity too high it will never pump no ghostbro no buy
Sorry, nigger. I'm top 20 and will probably hit 7 figs from this
Yeah but the price still hasn't moved. So you've got bloated liquidity and no buyers and BSC is actually dead. How much of your life saving did you put into this?
it's going do to a x1000 in 2025, do with this information what you will.
Kek i hold both dogbat (BNB) and eth. DCA every month. Every month i’m getting richer. Feels good to have figured out crypto.
you idiots said this since 1M market cap
Because no one is gambling at shitcoin casinos right now, BTC has all the mania and hype. Alts and micro caps typically don't run until very late in the market cycles.
How will you ever tough 7 figures if you guys have zero ads, no real telegram, no major listings??? You’re fkd. Please leave
We are at the bottom, yet the price keeps slowly moving up. It’s the safest money ever, the peak of the bullrun will be in late 2025.
Again… you guys have zero marketing except for a post on Anon Babble or two. You’re fckn cooked. Don’t expect any price movement you all have no person to lead the pack. Fucking hilarious..
“Noo Buh buh it’s a community coin” bsh stfu and sit down. Yall are clowns.
Did pepe have marketing before it pumped? Let’s be honest, everyone already knows about dogbat.
Use your head and you'll figure it out. It's really not complicated
Pepe had marketing how retarded are you
you were warned
that's not how copying works retard
yes it has retard
50b eoy
fudders will rope
you are retarded nobody knows about your shitcoin it's just a shit scam coin that is not even on a reputable exchange no-one is buying your shit you will die as a loser you are all idiots and i hope you lose all your money
a 7 year old typed this
I hate to say it but.. I agree.
NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT DOG BAT BNB. It’s completely missed on Twitter and everywhere
The only fucking virgin incels who know are on biz. You’re all poor af. This isn’t going anywhere. And ur all idiots for thinking it would
If it got a listing, marketin, or something then there could be a chance
Yep no ghostbro means no marketing nobody will ever know about this coin have fun missing the bullrun with a sharpie up your ass again
And yet…. The coin keeps pumping. Curious!
Get laid, nognog
Exactly. I know the contract is renounced so technically ANYONE can step up for dog bat on bnb, but no one will
Just a bunch of fucking poor incels that say “but muh dog bat is Safemoon contract!”
STFU u annoying ass baggies. Your coin is dead w/o marketing or any internet presence. Kys
pumps anyways
Dude it’s fucking bots how retarded are you? Look at the price of BNB. Or any other shitcoin on BNB. They’re all the same exact % up. Look at the trades on dex trade… it’s not just “going up”. Bots buy when BNB pumps. You’re so retarded
You fucking moron. Yes, it's pegged to BNB. How new are you? I'm tired of spoonfeeding all the metrics. You had 2 years. I bought at 1M. You will stay perma sidelined like the tard that you are.
Bots aren't buying d0b0 newfren, our volume is like 2000 bucks.
We're just going up regardless due to one simple trick.
Argue all you want those are bot buys, and even if they weren’t … look at your volume hahahahahah 2k!?!? Hahahahaha you have ZERO marketing, ZERO exchange listing, ZERO plan, ZERO team.
You’re all so fucking cooked it’s hilarious
you had 2 years
dude hes top 20 he knows what hes doing kek
absolutely PUMPING
we shilled this at 1M market cap. Keep crying
look at your volume hahahahahah 2k!?!?
don't care, coin still went up 8% today
better than eth, link, icp, avax KEK
Dude so did hposi and every other BNB shit coin how RETARDED are you. Fgt kys
that chart
This shitcoin is dead in the water
market cap increases
hi floors
The people will find out. When you B0nk it they will cum
Someone just sold LOL
what is even the point of selling for .04
that's a year's salary in india
And that 2k volume? 10% is getting burned, added to liquidity, and distributed among holders. Delicious. Can't wait for when the volume is back at millions.
That’s called a bot you fucking idiot
Why can’t I mention floki bonk?
Because its a jeet version of d0b0
I have lots of that too. I’m praying it goes back up