/XMR/ - Monero General

Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized P2P privacy cryptocurrency!

Monero is secure, low-fee, and fungible, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- In other words, the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a user willingly providing a view key.

Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptocurrencies. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of transactions increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier to entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward gradually approached 0.6 XMR in June 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.

XMR Redpill: yewtu.be/watch?v=wq6w03E2DS4

XMR Stats: moneroj.net

USE Monero: cryptwerk.com/pay-with/xmr/

OFFICIAL WEBSITE - getmonero.org




Non KYC:

Crypto ATMs
see: kycnot.me





Official Gui/Cli


IOS: Cakewallet
Android: Monerujo

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They still have a cert, there's only the one pre-production sample that doesn't have one. Only 101 monerochan fumos in this world and 100 with a cert.

Can somebody break down in non schizo terms what this crypto "market" is going to be end of decade? Bitcoin is unsustainable if that one posters numbers are real but institutes are throwing everything at it. Defi is a big black box of nothing. We have over 1 million coins according to coinmarketcap. Are the shitcoin factory coins like eth going to be shut down and the fed releases XRPee (token not needed though) backed CBDC while the btc ETFs crab up then dump slowly like sears stock after the internet went public? Then your options of finance left are either frequently hacked AI driven FEDbux or monero miner gangs?

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Bitcoin is unsustainable

that turned out to be a retarded shitcoiner lie.

I'm Satoshi

take your meds schizo!

Shut up Craig! You'll never be a real Satoshi!

I do not have the words to describe the absolute seething hatred I feel when I hear people wishing each other wagmi. That anger increases tenfold when I'm the recipient of a wagmi and have to reply back to not seem rude. I just wanna punch the person in the face. I can't be the only one who feels this way.

i simply can't care about your feelings unless you are a hot female with a respectable rack.

good morning GME Baggies!

oh wait this is XMR

Same thing

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reminder that
monero coin.

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monerochan is kill


If you have not shipped the fumos yet might as well just wait for tomorrow.

It's probably just a coincidence.

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how many years has tether been getting away with this

Fumo enjoying a fully legal home grown blue cheese cannabis cigarette. No breaking the law under my watch!

I already ruined many CPUs because of her.
Why does she have to be so GODDAMN FUCKING CUTE???
I want to stop mining XMR but... I can't, she's just too fucking cute

Fugg, forgot it's not April yet and I can't delete the post.

Turns out I still have XMR locked on Binance. Should I try to withdraw it or just wait until they inevitably give me USDT for it and withdraw to cash?

what is happening here?

the tether scam.

tether prints

btc pumps

Basically it's a big pump and dump.

or just wait until they inevitably give me USDT for it

if withdrawals open before they force convert xmr, why would you wait?

Binance ever gave a proof of reserve for xmr?

it's ok when FIAT and stocks do this

I'm shorting both fiat and stocks.

I can't pump

not your keys not your coins

History stickers didn't make it to me today, hopefully tomorrow :/

Current stock minus the 5 pending should be 6 remaining

Replied wrong bcs phone

how many years has tether been getting away with this

Since at least 2016. They were fined $41 million in 2021 for flat-out lying about USDT being 1:1 backed, turns out issuing unbacked Tethers was/is the norm. They were also caught lying about their ownership of Bitfinex.

And they STILL stubbornly refuse to submit to a *full and thorough* 3rd party audit despite promising to do so for years, we have to take these admitted liars at their word that "Tether is totally backed now, bro, trust me!"

The entire operation is shady as fuck: Tether is about to hit $100 billion USDT issued yet it has only 5 employees managing everything....it also relies on a very convoluted issuance scheme that seems specifically designed to frustrate litigation efforts.

Nowhere in Tether’s Terms is it mentioned at all whether, as far as a USDT user is concerned, the USDT issuance comes from Tether Limited, or Tether International Limited.

Everything appears to depend on where the user is domiciled which creates an impossible infinite loop to determine the appropriate forum to bring any litigation.

For example, let’s say you’re a US-person, Tether’s lawyers could argue the USDT you hold was issued by Tether Limited (the BVI entity), and given you don’t have a direct relationship with Tether (it was purchased in secondary markets), that makes your use of Tether in violation of Tether’s Terms.

Tether’s lawyers could then defend a claim by pleading forum non conveniens — meaning the court where that lawsuit has been brought is not the proper forum to exercise jurisdiction over the case.


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XMR to USDC, thoughts?

Is Tether controlled by the glowies? Anything popular enough that threatens their power gets shut down immediately, see Tornado Cash.

They supposedly back tether using US bonds so they are intricately linked. Might as well consider them an arm of the government.

hi, im a huge retard when it comes to crypto. I was last interested in it in 2018 but was too young and had no money to invest then and just now i started to make some basic income. my question is how do i even begin? where do i learn about this stuff, mind you im not the type of a retard that would instantly buy the top to start panic selling when it drops or whatever. So if any Anon BabbleCHADS would drop some stuff to read or help even in the slightest it would be greatly appreciated.

noooo! it can be printed indefinitely??!!

so it IS the same as the USD

what is happening here?

1. Tether prints billions of USDT out of thin air
2. Tether uses that USDT to buy BTC
3. BTC pumps
4. Laser-eyed morons FOMO in thinking the pump is indicative of organic demand and higher future price
5. Profit-takers dump their BTC bags onto laser-eyed morons and cash out
6. Laser-eyed morons cope by convincing themselves that "it's still so early! WAGMI eventually!"

Just hang out here to make it. OP has a few links. Monero is all about the circular economy so start buying and selling goods and services for monero.

Is Tether controlled by the glowies?

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including. btw the special ones are otherwise very nice, the other ones might need some slight work with scissors to make the edges of the dress clean as ive obviously shipped all the perfect ones first

Very comfy.

Alright, thanks.
I already feel greedy so if I can reach my goal and still leave some for others that makes me feel better lol.

Probably "holding" on an exchange too.

this guy is not ready to sell the top

liquidity entering exchanges to purchase (mostly) bitcoin

How come Monero (the best coin) is not going up?

Is learning Hebrew a good investment?

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Because miners don't get enough fiat supply to manipulate the market.

How come Monero (the best coin) is not going up?

Because it doesn't have a dog.

Zoom out.

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No, Latin is far superior and far more profitable.

I knew it, Hebrew is the way to go.

I sold my small bag of XRP to buy cheap servers to mine Monero with.

Which chain? Ethereum gas fees are miserable these days. I'd say maybe Algorand if you can get enough liquidity on the USDCalgo side.

I can get ai porn for free so why i should use xmr i am not even interested in those shady darknet markets

Where can I buy anime pictures for XMR?

I just did some math and with a total hash rate of 2GH/s, a 16 core Ryzen with 25KH/s gives you 1/758496th of the total hash rate


Which means with a 0.6XMR reward per block, 6 blocks per hour and 24 hours per day you can on average expect


0.0001 XMR a day, currently worth a cent or two.

This seems awfully low and doesn't even pay for the energy cost. Am I retarded with my math?
You can try moneromarket.io, if what you want isn't available you can request it.

6 blocks per hour

I don't understand this number. Monero block time is 2 mins.

Oops, but that's still just 0.00057XMR a day, which is about 10 cents.

Oh yeah? Me too.

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israel is months from being leveled to the ground, fuck no man, terrible decision, learn some gook shit or russian

Let me introduce you to "Kaifeng Jews". They speak Hebrew.

We all are Satoshi, brother.

there are like 4 of them

Still learning Hebrew just to piss you off.

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Learning Japanese is the obly real investment today, anon. All the other cultures are being globalized but many good Japanese picture books still aren't being translated.

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also the the Jews rewrote the Bible, so even learning Koine Greek is a better investment. Today's Hebrew is based on Rabbinic lies.

Jap niggers, like most chinks, banned the shit out of Monero. Fuck them

is op still justifying not buying bitcoin?

The Japanese government is just a satellite state of the US, anon. It's only natural. But its art hasn't underwent globalization (yet) to the level most other cultures have.

Already went through the learning Japanese phase. I got stuck about halfway.
That doesn't satisfy my morbid fascination with Jewry.

Already went through the learning Japanese phase. I got stuck about halfway.

Same here, but I started again recently and all my grammar knowledge is still intact. My vocabulary tanked though and now I have to look up most words. You just have to read a lot.

morbid fascination with Jewry

Then learn Yiddish and learn to larp as one of them to obtain secret information.

Fuck jews

I already know this one

A goy blaabt a goy.

Maybe it's a good idea if you want to study the Bible as a scholar (or Abrahamic religions in general) or interested in medieval Jewish culture. Otherwise I cannot understand.

But its art hasn't underwent globalization (yet) to the level most other cultures have.

It’s another different form of opiate for their dwindling masses. When they finish erasing themselves, their out of date art will be gone with them. Just as they deserve for their failures.

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I just want to make Jews seethe, man. It's not that complicated.
Seems like learning Hebrew does the trick.

Guys I used to buy Monero on kucoin. Want to get some more now. I live in US; which of the OP links do y’all recommend?