I turned 30 and have 10k, was too stressed to invest in january from waging, and now missed a 10x i knew

i turned 30 and have 10k, was too stressed to invest in january from waging, and now missed a 10x i knew

is it over for me?
feel like i missed out to participate in everything.
i often ask myself why some people have it so good and are rich and always get even more and then there are people who just suffer all the time like me
im asking myself if some people are just born to be poor and suffer

Were you born on a Wednesday? Welcome to our club fren.

uhm is wednesday bad or what
no idea the day i was born what is this for a weird question

I was born on a Thursday if that helps :)

Scared money doesn't make money
I'm 20 and decided to quit your faggy mindset a year ago, reaping my rewards now.

its never too late to make something of yourself. get a job and build from there

you had an entire year to invest low, stop with the excuses wagenigger

i often ask myself why some people have it so good and are rich and always get even more and then there are people who just suffer all the time like me

where is your career? I don't understand, what were you doing your whole life? how did you expect to support yourself?
I was MAX 15 before I realized I had to make money, so I got a career, and now I make your entire net worth monthly
it's so retarded to think investing is going to be how you make it - even a 10x of 10k is chump change, and you won't get a 10x

i had no money to invest at 20

some peoples lives dont experience life on easy mode where everything only goes well and they always get everything, i know for someones whos had it easy its not understandable

you sound like a boomer, i have a stem degree and i still am poor, waging wont realistically ever make me much

I'm actually in the same boat, I have 11k, sidelined, let's make a gameplan. I've never bought ETH, but If BTC doesn't get a pullback of 20% before ATH or after hitting ATH, I think it's better if I buy ETH, it still has the ETF narative going for it and it's safe. I'd never put my money in other alts. What do you think people in our situation do ?

dude if u only have 10k like me eth or bitcoin wont get u anywhere

listen fren, you can always gamble it at the casinos i bought all in on eath 5 years ago. sitting around 100 now. but what the other anon said scared money wont make money. so yolo something you are young enough where you lose ur cash you can still recover it.

You can do it bud, get a positive mindset and don't be afraid to make money
Wagmi bro
fomo is real and killing the vibe, never look back, if i tought about the money i missed in the past i can easily rope

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I was lmfaoooo

What’s your mbti?

Buy LINK stop fucking crying
Literally just buy LINK
This is all I will tell you.

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dude link is shilled on this board for how many years and literally sergey betray threads on here wtf? how can anyone have faith in this might aswell go all in schizo xrp at least they ackknowledge they are schizos
or do you have any legit info

mbti what is that kek

You can still make it if you buy QANX

the difference is that you're too pussy to take risks.

kek there's always hope, as much hope as there will be shitcoins on satoshisync to pick from, it's just starting for brc20 garbage

Google it and take the test and post results

how is this shit important, i dont believe that you can fit me into a box

yes its over. big fat pussy

too stressed to invest 10k

le missed 10x

you would have sold before it doubled, shut the fuck up

I'm 19 and have 40x more than you

its best to take these types of things of lessons. Wallowing in self pity and regret won't get you anywhere. But taking this opportunity to not make this mistake again will help in the future. Even if you invest in the future and that firm/coin doesn't work out, there's never a way to be certain. Living in fear of losing money, much less fear in general won't get you anywhere. That doesn't mean I'm saying you should gamble all your money away, but taking risks and adventuring out will help you more than stagnating and wallowing.

Listen, one thing you need to forget when you do business, trade, or invest is that people are not rational. If you want success, you need to work against the little fuck in your head that keeps you from the market. It can be scary, especially if it is your only money. BTC can go 20% in any direction in a week. Accept it, and it will become your best investment in your life as long as you are not in a hurry to get money in the next month. In the worst-case scenario, at the end of the bull run, you will have x2 of your money, which is better than nothing, but you could also end up with 30–50k or maybe more. Who knows, maybe it will be a crazy cycle. And if you invest the money again, well, you are half there to be retired in your 40s, maybe not in the USA, but you could chill in Vietnam or Thailand.

Monday's child is fair of face,
Tuesday's child is full of grace.
Wednesday's child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go.
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturday's child works hard for a living.
But the child that is born on Sabbath day,
Is bonny and blithe, good and gay.

it's your mindset. You won't change it by me telling you that, but that's literally all it is. In 10 years when you feel the exact same way, your mindset will be the same. I know your future.


where did i say i had fear? cant you people read?

just looked it up for the keks, im monday, and i indeed dont look like a chudface

November 15, 2000

it was a fucking Wednesday


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its not my mindset you nigger, i was tired from waging i had zero time
i now have time and just when i have time it pumped already, its difficult to find actual good pumps, its only very rarely posted here most people just shill garbage

Hahahah ngmi

you just buy and hold. that's it. never sell

tfw born on a Saturday

dude lmao why the fuck do you think your women personality test is important grow a pair

ye right but it was a shitcoin obviously so it wasnt as easy to buy and i wouldve to look into it. but ye shouldve done it ur right, thing is i dont know a good shitcoin anymore so i cant invest now either, look at chart from sns1

so do you work hard for a living? lol kek

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intp or intj I get either half the time

I benefit from my hard work though.

cherry picking one nice thing about this simulation that's enjoyable.

you're missing out bc you are too scared to act. stop being comfortable. the bull is ahead, buy in in two weeks

Damn I'm in a VERY similar situation except my mentality is different


it's Wednesday

Was it really over from the start?